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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Obama Chooses 'Gay' Activist To Steer 'Safe' And Drug Free Schools

GO HERE to listen to the interview.


Anonymous said...

So? Why does it matter if the person is gay?

Anonymous said...

How come I've never seen you post an article mentioning all the straight people Obama has appointed to different positions?

Anonymous said...

So I guess you idiots didn't hear the part about a drug and alcohol
abuser. Just another Obama thug as part of his gangster government gang.

Anonymous said...

He will do the job as well as he can, has nothing to do with being gay. It is like he has blue eyes or brown hair, just part of who he is.

Of course it has to do with rewarding certain groups who backed him. Just like Bush loaded up the administration with religious nuts. It is how the game is played.

Anonymous said...

Its about time some of us destroy the GAME. I dont consider the things that affect my children or grand childrens future a GAME.

Anonymous said...

He wants to push a pro-gay agenda on toddlers I have a problem with that. When you have your own children you can then choose how you want them raised. Just another case of gays trying to get close to children.

Anonymous said...

At least it's a case of picking the right person for the job - considering 75% of "gayths, lethbians, and twanthgendered" are "chemically dependent."

Anonymous said...

It matters that they are gay because they are inherently immoral and corrupt individuals. Stop pussy-footing around with this disgusting gay-ness acceptance.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:38 - I take offense at your line: "Just another case of gays trying to get close to children." As the gay mother of my two biological children and former daycare provider, I never molested my children and I did not care for other people's children "to get close to" them. That's repugnant. I had children and raised them with love and respect and treated other people's children the same way. Do you want to know the gay people's agenda? To live a normal, quiet, average life in their community, work at jobs they love, pay their taxes and have cookouts with their neighbors, but that sounds too boring, so it couldn't possibly be true.

Also, to Anon 3:39, I am not chemically dependent, neither is my gay sister, nor any of my gay friends. My gay brother is chemically dependent but that's due to an automobile accident that crushed his vertebrae. Please check your information.

Anonymous said...

3:47 Is that what you think about your gay family members? Don't say you don't have any because you do, everyone does.

Unknown said...

I can't believe that I am reading all these stupid remarks about gay people in a blog centered on the Eastern Shore. I mean, I realize that Joe isn't from the shore, but the rest of you have to know that the shore has more than its share of gay people, like there is something in the water. And no, I don't mean the ones who move to Rehoboth from SC and Philadelphia, I mean homegrown homosexuals.

You can't swing a dead cat in Salisbury without hitting a gay person, even though a lot of them have moved away as soon as they could. One could hardly blame them.

Look around you people, you are buying into your own BS and that is the definition of stupidity.

chuck said...

Yay bigotry!