A friend of mine wrote me and said he spent close to $250.00 for a bushel and a half of crabs last weekend for a Party and this is what he got.
Now I for one would have never paid anywhere near that kind of money for crabs, but it is what it is, right? However, this is the Eastern Shore and your input is valuable to others, so let it rip.
Most people just want crabs. They dont care about size and these are not number 1 crabs. Best they are #2,s and maybe not even legal. Wheres the DNR?
quit your bitchin if you don't like it go crabbing yourself.
I find it a little outrageous that they also accept food stamps! What's up with that?! Taxpayers' money at work there!!
he just bought them from the wrong person/place.
the crabs this year are the fattest and some of the best size I've seen in a long time.
BTW: #1 jimmy's straight from the boat are 7"+ and the bushels are packed for $100-140 depending on the market, those in the pics barely make #3's
Buy females people, they are sooo much cheaper.
He was ripped off!
Also, I don't feel that females should be caught. Isn't it bad for reproduction when we are killing the females?
Crabs are always the most expensive the week of July the forth, supply and demand.
A full moon also makes for poor crabs as that is when most shed from a small shell to a bigger shell, however with the same amount of meat as they had in the smaller shell.
Full moon is a good time to buy soft crabs.
Egg baring females are a no no. Maryland has had that law for a long time while just recently Virginia went the same route.
In the past Virginia harvested egg baring "Sooks" by the millions for years and years. They were used in picking houses, the eggs are the orange stuff you see when you buy already picked crabmeat.
And the date on the pictures is?
This guy should have NEVER paid for these crabs! I have eaten crabs several times this summer and they have been big and heavy.
Never eat a steamed crab that has it mouth open. That crab was dead before it was steamed.
Sometimes a #2 crab will have more meat. I've seen plenty of 7 inch crabs that felt like an empty box. Crabbers call them "trash crabs" and usually throw them into the culling box with #2's.
Maybe they ought to sell steamed crabs by the pound. You'd know what you were getting. I've seen crabs a big as a one pound lobster.
In the fall when those Jumbo's are feeding for the winter is the best time to buy crabs. No more shedding so they are just getting fatter. Many people are burned out on them by then.
I had the same problem at fat boys crabs too . AND god forbid you even try to talk to them .I will never go there again i just read there google review wow . NOT good for a new buisness huh
yeah what's up with the food stamp thing? food stamps should be for necessities only... and seafood is NOT a necessity!
well, you NEED the jimmy's to make an egg bearing sook so I don't see any difference in which is caught.
I do believe an egg bearing sook should not be kept.
the eggs are on the outside of the sook and look like an orange sponge.
what does hurt the crab population is crab scraping that they allow in VA
10:26 I was at Chesapeake treasures when a lady purchased $130.00 worth
seafood with an independence card it felt really good to see my hard earned tax dollars helping a person to buy such necessities!if Obama gets his way this kind of spending will increase he's all about entitlements "spread the wealth my man"
I've never heard the thing about the open mouth being an indicator of a dead crab. Has anyone else? I've heard that if you pick it up and the legs dangle (after steaming) it was dead before being steamed.
A bad experience - southerngirl36 - Jul 21, 2009
I went there and stated that I had a bad experience with skip jack seafood and they were all over me and said they were going to make it right. So I ... More »
I went there and stated that I had a bad experience with skip jack seafood and they were all over me and said they were going to make it right. So I said ok i will give you a chance, He let me taste a crab and it was ok it wasnet the best but it was okay. So I bought a bushel of crabs for me my daughter and my boyfriend, Ok so I got it home and poured it on the table and 7 bunches of newspaper came out on the table and the crabs were really small and alot of them were empty and watery. So I will please warn everyone that sees this please do not go here. You would do better going out on the pier and crabing yourself. I will say this if a business needs to screw people over like this they will not be able to make it as a business. And yeah I did try to get a refund and he blew me off he would not return my phone calls. I just kept getting the message from the woman he is on vacation. So yes please stay away from this place, They are dirty doers. Thank you hope this helps you on your search for a good crab place
The north carolina crabs seem to be sweeter and heavier.
As far as the food stamps, they do sell produce too you know.
I got a bushel for July 4th but preordered and they were cheapest place in town at the time. Mine were large and heavy. I also have had steamed shrimp and produce and they have been very good as well. I guess as in alot of cases it is hit and miss.
I live near Fat Boys and go there often. They're very nice people and eager to please. This photo is dated o4 people! Everything i've gotten there was great! Let's give new busness's a chance!!!!!!!!!!!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the legal size limit is a minimum of 5.25 inches point to point. That being the case, these crabs are illegal, not larges.
Fat Boys wasnt even open in 2004! WTF?
What is wrong with you?
Why would you post a picture making these statements that is dated 04?
You brag and brag about Sam's yet crush a small biz owner!
Do you know how much buying power Sam's has compared to a small local biz?
It is simply not right!
Hard Crabs must be 5"
See: http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/crab/2004oceancrabregs.html
All the crabs I have gotten from Fat Boys were the best I've had this season...by FAR!!! Looks like just bad luck..maybe the bought that bushel from the wrong crabber. I have gotten them from there a few times and they have been nothing shy of excellent!!!!
I steamed many a crab at a famous local seaford restaurant, and to my knowledge there is no way to physically tell if the crab was dead after the cooking process. Many times the meat is very mealy usually indicating the crab was dead prior to steaming. Therefore you must trust in your supplier that they paid close attention to the crabs and culled out the dead ones !
Each and every one of you know most people dop not set the date on their digital cameras, so the date is pre set to the month it was made.
As for the complete IDIOT who claimed it was just BAD LUCK, the company that sold them the crabs as LARGE knew what they were providing and they obviously, (according to these photos) lied, cheated, whatever you want to call it.
You want to screw your Costomers, You've Been Blogged!
Always buy your crabs live and cook them at home.
I just picked up some crabs, shrimp and corn from there on Saturday. The place was mobbed with people. It was $55 dollars for a 1/2 bushel. They were actually very good and they even steamed the corn for me. They were very helpful. I know prices are high for the July 4th weekend and we didn't get any that weekend so I can't say how much they were.
As far as the food stamps go. Every seafood place I have ever been into has a sign that they take food stamps. I think its a rip off myself. They should NOT be allowed to get such things.
I also bought larges from them. The ones in the top of the bag were up to size, but just a layer or two down they were about the size of the ones in the picture. Before I ordered I asked for jumbos but they said that they were out. It seems like they were out of larges that day too. I will never go back.
Hey i took the pics sorry the camera autoset it self on the date .Din not mean to upset ppl. the end run was the pack filler news paper in the bottom . You write i should not of paid but i had too . Becuz it was a party and pre orderedand i prepaid, I got screwd tryed to talk to the owner he told me to go f off , THat is no way to treat a customer period .So i called joe a person not afraid to post the truth about a new buisness screwing ppl ,Joe is better than 11 news investagates . To bobby the 'owner' since you need that money that bad keep it . remeber you got blogged and you might not care now but in 3 months yoou will
first of all the owner did not tell you to go f off, joe if this keeps going someone will be hauled in for slander this guy is now lying to everyone but i guess you think this is cute so just let it go on which i know you don't care about slander you've already been there
for one if the crabs are so bad y didnt you take the hole bushel back not just 8 crabs like you did! let me guess you ate them must have been good!! and for the food stamps all seafood takes them ask skip jacks he does
They take food stamps at Bayside in Laurel and Harbor House in Seaford, too. It's awful to see them order all that steamed shrimp and crabs and see babies and toddlers in tow....knowing they aren't eating them!!
I didn't think they were allowed to get any prepared food. From what I understood they are allowed to get raw seafood but they can't not use their card if its prepared for them. Most places will just put it on the card and then charge them the extra fee for cooking in cash. I still think its a crock.
when you becaome a crabber than complain, but until then atleast lern the rules a #1 male crab also known as Jimmy crab in the state of Maryland only needs to be 5" and thats from point to point. Dont like the size of them dont buy them and then bitch about it. Learn the rules of crab sizes idiots.
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