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Friday, July 24, 2009

ObamaCare Exposed at Salisbury Forum

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.George Santayana

Whether it is rationing of care, cost, or who will bear that cost in the form of taxes, history has much to teach us about the proposed Democrat takeover of our health care system. This was but one important theme discussed in Thursday evening’s health care forum sponsored by Patients First, the Maryland chapter of Americans for Prosperity and its Lower Shore chapter. Speakers at the forum included Dr. Michael Gloth of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Marc Kilmer of the Maryland Public Policy Institute, Richard Carey of Carey Distributors in Fruitland, Amy Menefee of Americans for Prosperity, Dr. John Bartkovich and Dr. Vladimir Ioffe.

While there were many items discussed at the forum, one theme that was part of Dr. Gloth’s and Mr. Kilmer’s presentations was the truly unknown cost ObamaCare. As Gloth noted, the true cost of our health care began to be hidden from the majority of Americans with the implementation of the Stabilization Act in 1942. Since then we have seen the true costs of health care obscured through private health insurance paid for by employers, Medicare and Medicaid.

As Kilmer noted, the true costs of federal health care programs NEVER cost less than what the government claims they will. In fact, they cost MUCH, MUCH MORE. As an example, we were told that Medicare would cost $9 billion in 1990. The actual cost was $67 billion; 644% MORE than originally projected. The Massachusetts plan – endorsed by people like Barack Obama and our own representative Frank Kratovil – was projected to cost $750 million this year. The true cost is over $1 billion; over 33% MORE than the taxpayers were promised. Yet, the likes of Obama, Nancy Pelosi and our own Frank Kratovil promise us a “deficit neutral” plan. How can that be when they always underestimate the costs of such programs?

Since the government cannot get a true handle on costs, and cannot run multi-trillion dollar deficits forever, how will they provide “UNIVERSAL health care”? They can’t; that is why we will see care rationed under any Democrat proposal. In the abstract this doesn’t sound too horrible. In fact, it sounds quite rational. The problem comes when you take it out of the realm of the the abstract and start to put faces and names to these government statistics.

When it is YOUR grandfather, YOUR mother, or YOU who are denied access to care because of some government bureaucrat, is ObamaCare fair? Is it rational? What about YOUR child?

The desperation coming from the left is becoming quite shrill. I have even begun to receive messages from statist acquaintances arguing that entitlements such as government run health care are equivalent to national defense. Unfortunately, these well meaning folk fail to understand that one of the purposes of our federal government is to defend us. They have always done so quite well. Sadly, with the enactment of ObamaCare we will see the greatest health care system in the world reduced to rubble while our nation’s ability to defend itself diminished as the cost of left wing entitlements continues to bankrupt our great nation.

For coverage of the complete forum, I would suggest that you visit MonoBlogue. Michael Swartz was good enough to Live Blog the complete event.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

So, if not the Obama plan then what? Everything is so good with the insurance companies that we should just leave it alone?

Anonymous said...

See these related posts earlier today:

Dear Mr. President, What Does ‘Health Reform’ Mean...


Anonymous said...

So everything with healthcare is just fine the way it is? If not this new plan, then what?

Anonymous said...

government needs to get out of healthcare and private business so we can go back to free entrprise. giving big government more and more control over our lives does nothing but hurt us in the long run. Who wants government deciding who lives and dies in this country and the millions who come here from other countries to use our healthcare system.

Anonymous said...

I do not trust our government to do anything right!

Anonymous said...

2:21 Remember to send your social security check back.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people speaking at this forum could be looking at their own self interest.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:41, I SHOULD HOPE SO!!!!!

God Forbid an American Citizen paying monster taxes and insurance should STAND UP FOR THEMSELVES to protect their industry!!!!!

You lefties are absolute CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

2:31pm-why would you assume that person is receiving Social Security?? It's possible that like me they will never ever see a dime from Social Security-I'm 38 yrs old. I don't trust the gov't to run anything except the military and their own self interest.

Anonymous said...

2:53 You are correct,besides social security would be great shape today if the thieving politicians could have kept their slimy hands out of the pot
years ago there was excess money in the s.s. system, but the slime bags could not resist taking that money for other entitlements. 2:21 doesn't
know what the hell he is saying forgive him he's just another confused liberal

Anonymous said...


If everyone was able to look out for their own self-interest and that of their families, this country would be much better off.

Anonymous said...

Send back what social saecurity check? The one I'll never get, when I retire in 25 years, because the system is bankrupt? You mean all that money that I PAID in for OTHER people? That check? Is this what you're referring to because I seriously need to know.

Anonymous said...

Are these they same people who thought it was a good idea to privatize social security and put the money in the stock market. That would have worked out real well, huh?

Anonymous said...

Were there any african Americans in the audience?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure these aren't the same people that thought medicade and medicare was an awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because rationing doesn't happen in our system. Neither does answering to a bureaucrat. How many of you have been denied coverage, and went into bankruptcy just so you didn't have to die? Not a single one in the picture above, I can guarantee you that.

Anonymous said...

This was an awesome well planned out event. Kudos. I learned a lot!