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Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama Says Regrets Remark In Racially Charged Case

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on Friday he should have chosen his words more carefully when he said police "acted stupidly" in arresting a prominent black Harvard scholar, touching off a debate over race.

Obama made his comments after talking on the telephone to Sgt. James Crowley, the Cambridge, Massachusetts, police officer who made the arrest, and discussing inviting Crowley and Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates to the White House for a beer.

"Because this has been ratcheting up and I obviously helped to contribute ratcheting it up, I wanted to make clear in my choice of words I think I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sgt. Crowley specifically," Obama said. "And I could have calibrated those words differently."

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

I want my vote back -- he's a racist and a liar, too.

Anonymous said...

WTF -- "And I could have calibrated those words differently."

Anonymous said...

Bullcrap. Obama only regrets that it became an issue. The sooner the next 3 and 1/2 years go by the better. This has to be the worst mistake America has made since Jimmy the peanut farmer Carter.

Anonymous said...

It's comming soon near you!
BE prepared!

Anonymous said...

Now due to this "mishap", Obama will find a job in his cabinet for Gates. The slimier his friends, the better job they get.

Anonymous said...

The media keep reporting that the word "stupidly" was the issue. Obama shouldn't have used it, but isn't the issue really that Obama chose to lump this with racial profiling arrests and the unproportional amounts of hispanic and black arrests, which was not the case in Cambridge. In Cambridge, the professor was in a house reported by a neighbor to be possibly breaking and entering because they were trying to pry the door open-where is the race, because she described the men? black with backpacks, when does that really make it racial profiling? If she's given an accurate description of the people prying the door and not guessing as to what they looked like.

Anonymous said...

Well America, you want him you got him. He's racist, just take one look at his wife and you see the hate in her. That topic should have never been an issue on prime time during his so-call Healthcare speech. We have a long 3 1/2 years to go. I hope the republicans can come up with a better canidate by then.

duck around said...

Yeah, because President Bush apologized for mistakes whenever he made them. Oh, that's right, he still believes he never made a single mistake in the White House except for saying "Bring 'em on." Yeah, like that's the ONLY he messed up.

ranger3325 said...

4:56 even if bush did admit a mistake does that make obama any more wrong or right

Anonymous said...

nothing short of an apology will cut Mr. President !

Anonymous said...

Well, like Joe always says, it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong...especially if he's someone who's in that important a position.

Anonymous said...

Good grief people how many times have any of you said something before you had all the facts? Give it a break.

Anonymous said...

Can any of you Obama defenders ever defend him without invoking Bush or Cheney?

Considering YOU think Bush was the worst president ever, why would you use his actions to defend Obama's?
"The worst president ever did stupid stuff, so when our guy does something waaaayyyyy dumber, we'll defend him by saying 'Bush did it too!'"

Thanks for leaving that Obama sticker on your car! Now we know who to blame for making bad wayyy worse!

Anonymous said...

The next time I need to apologize to my wife, I am going to tell her that I want to calibrate my earlier statement.
Thanks Obama

When my wife has a headache, she no longer has to perform sex for me.
Thanks Clinton

Anonymous said...

you can put lipstick on a pig..but it is still a pig..or in this case..a monkey

Anonymous said...

Hey Duck around go smoke some more crack and get your words figured out before posting bullsh-t like that. Fact of the matter is your President stuck his nose where it did not belong. He should made the phone call before making a stupid statement then he might not have proven himself the fool he is.

Anonymous said...

My friend who voted for Obama, all but told me he regreted that decision last night and went OFF on this issue among others (healthcare, bailouts, and taxes) People are understanding they voted for a FRAUD and a racist!

Anonymous said...

obama is an idiot the quicker the liberals realize this an the quicker the republicans do something the better.this man targets groups of people who question him or do the right thing and of coarse his supporters agree with him,his bad decisions and poor leadership.they dont care that he has never really provided any solid proof of being a born united states citizen.

Concerned Retiree said...

Don't know why Duck Around is still supporting Obama? OOPS !!!!! Teachers Union. Explain how this Presidents comment, critizing Police Officers following proper procedure and instigating racial tension, compares to any mistake that President Busch appoligized for. Obama's comment instigates another Rodney King riot situation.

Anonymous said...

Teleprompter Teleprompter teleprompter. Where is my Teleprompter? I commented again without my Teleprompter. Help Help Help. Tell me what to say quick.

Anonymous said...

our..i mean your president is a DUMB ASS!!! Do you hear me Barry, yes i mean you, freakin tard...

Anonymous said...

The Obamas didn't sit in the racist Reverend Wright's church for 20 years for nothing.

Tundra Tom said...

I voted for and support Obama but he was wrong on this. He should have said nothing. He said he didn't have all the facts, but chose to make a highly charged comment anyway. Big mistake. I also disagree with his rush to try and change health care. But he is young, a new president, and I am confident he will learn from his mistakes. That's something Bush II never mastered.

Anonymous said...


Why do Dem's like you always resort to Bush when your idol is revealed as an idiot (and in this case racist, too)?

Anonymous said...

mama said "their would be days like this" I didn't know it would happen in my lifetime. Oh well ,
dig in and reload , it will be very interesting.Paladin

Anonymous said...

Obama is more the man than Bush ever was. He is much more intelligent than Bush.

Unknown said...

So from now on, when a black dude who has a little bit of education should call the NAACP just bc he was arrested. That dude should be charged with something like attempting to start a riot (in that area). This is complete BS and for the President to be called just bc a BLACK guy gets arrested is way out of control. The NAACP needs to step off the high horse. Obama, your going to start alot of this and set off a race war buddy!

Anonymous said...

If he is intellignt he would have apologized.... He didn't. But he has his political wienie in the fire so he offers the cop and Gates a visit to the White House. Big deal....impress the cop, soothe his friend but no apology.

Anonymous said...

I dont think you are right about what you just said 942PM.

Chimera said...

I was no fan of Bush and he is not the brightest bulb but I will go with the idiot we know over the Prez we know very little about.

cass said...

O'Bama has been hanging out with "Loose Lips" Joe Biden for too long!

Anonymous said...


Yhe bigger question is can our country survive his on the job ytaining, and I suspect the answer is no.

Anonymous said...


How do we know Obama is more intelligent than Bush? Is it because he says so. We cant know because he will not release any of his college transcripts, not to mention his birth cert.