While Tom and I have been going back and forth with e-mail messages for many months now, Tom finally has his new Website up and running and we can finally announce his candidacy for President of the United States in 2012.
Oh, some of you might challenge him one way or the other but what makes me so proud of Tom is the FACT that he has registered and he truly plans on giving this a go. Unlike many of you who sit on the Fire Escape watching the world go by.
GO HERE to visit Tom's new Site and we truly wish his Grass Roots Run the most success Americans can offer.
Keep in touch Tom, we'll give you as much Press as needed.
Where's his birth certificate?????
C'mon, someone has to make that joke. Figured I'd get it out of the way early.
And BTW, Joe, when some people right-click on a link, they're not trying to steal copyrighted material. They're trying to open the link in a new tab.
Sorry Duck, I'm not the tech guy. Send me an e-mail and I'll tell you how to work it out. In the mean time, To would be more than happy to provide a REAL Birth Cirtificate. I did see the humor in it but this time we'll get a REAL American in Office, one who truly cares about evern you. ;-)
Is this a joke???
joe -
thanks for the information... i will definitely check out his website and keep him in mind for the 2012 election!
Did you go to his Website, or not. Of course it's not a joke! Tom is smart, he's coming out of the gate early and he's supported by the #1 Blogger in Maryland, locking up the State, (as well as Delaware) in one clean sweep. Get used to it Folks. Salisbury News isn't just a tiny Blog any more. We are growing leaps and bounds each and every day and have friends in very high places.
Hes going to need them and a dump truck load of cash.
It's cool that he is running on his own, good luck to him. We need more people like this to step up in this country. And less govt is always better. I just wish he didn't hae the look of a man on To Catch A Predator.
Keep up the great work this is the type op people we need running our country!!!!
What exactly is a "real American"?
Too bad he registered as Republican.
4:20 - U smelly lefty!
Who/what is he?
anonymous 5:16, is it too much to ask you to click on the link provided in the article where you can do YOUR OWN HOMEWORK and get ALL of the answers on your own?
Real American: a person from America, who is old enough to remember what it used to be. A person who longs for the Country many of us grew up with and learned to love before we went to sleep and awoke to find the Country was gone. A person who cares about her/his neighbors and other Americans. A person who does not wish to destroy the Country.
Wish he would give more details about himself. I kind of like to know where a person comes from. I dont mean what country they come from but a little more background on him would be nice. What I saw looked pretty good. Just not enough information yet to make a choice
A 40+ year old minority might have a different memory of this country than you.
As a southerner, I'd say we all have a strong sense of caring for our neighbors but I can't say i have seen the same sentiment since coming up north.
Get off your high horse; folks can have different ideas about how to run the country. That doesn't mean they have sinister plots to "destroy the country".
5:40, My dad and several of my uncles fought for this country in Vietnam, putting there lives at risks to secure the freedom of those people at a time when they're rights were still being violated at home. Same goes for my grandfather in WWII. They had/have political views that probably would align more with President Obama; would you still consider them to not be "Real Americans"
I'll support anyone but Obama!
A little about Tom. My dad was a WWII Marine,mom created a small catering business after raising 6 kids.Family vacations in the Vista Cruiser to 4 corners and Yellowstone.I was raised and now practice,time with family vs. away on corporate ladder.
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