In April of 2008, Mayor Ellen O. Moyer appointed a new Police Chief to bring the rising crime problem in Annapolis back under control. At the same time, with the support of the Governor’s office and top political officials, the Capital City Safe Streets Coalition (CCSS) was formed. This innovative approach brought together federal, state, and local public safety agencies to collaborate and strategize on crime reduction in Annapolis. Through a combination of improved police tactics and practices, modern and enhanced technology, and the integration of our expanded partnerships, Annapolis benefited from a remarkable reduction in serious crime since the inception of CCSS. The chart below reflects a 417% decrease in total crime, and almost a 3663% reduction in violent crime over the past 12 months compared to the same prior period.
Offense May 1-Apr 30 2007-2008
Apr-Mar 2007-2008 May 1-Apr 30 2008-2009
Apr-Mar 2008-2009
HomicideHomicide 1011 44 -60.00%-175.00%
Forcible Rape Forcible Rape 78 87 14.29%-14.29%
RobberyRobbery 177183 102106 -42.37%-72.64%
Assault, Aggravated 204218 141140 -30.88%-55.71%
Burglary 435449 116232 -73.33%-93.53%
TheftTheft 757707 517569 -31.70%-24.25%
Theft from Auto Theft from Auto 584574 394423 -32.53%-35.70%
Stolen Auto Motor Vehicle 191193 111114 -41.88%-69.30%
Part One Violent Part One Violent 398420 255257 -35.93%-63.42%
Part One Property Part One Property 19671923 11381338 -42.15%-43.72%
Total 23652342 13931594 -41.10%-46.93%
In conjunction with Capital City Safe Streets, the Annapolis Police Department has improved its capacity to reduce crime. Working closely with the Division of Parole and Probation (P&P), repeat, violent offenders are being removed from the community. Arrest notification is immediately initiated to P&P; probation violation warrants are requested, issued, and served without unnecessary delay. The Community Prosecutor – funded in part by the CCSS grant – has on numerous occasions successfully prosecuted repeat and violent offenders leading to their incarceration. To date, more than 25 Violent Prevention Initiative offenders (VPI) have been violated and incarcerated. A similar procedure is in place with the Department of Juvenile Justice for violent juvenile offenders
Other accomplishments include coordinated warrant service successful warrant initiatives with the AA County Sheriffs Office. Annapolis Police served 22% more warrants in this time period compared to the prior year. and undercover narcotics investigations with AA County Police Department. Comparing the same 12 month period, Annapolis Police served 15% more warrants. Illustrating outstanding cooperation with the AA County Police, detectives from both agencies joined forces for three months this year investigating illegal narcotic operations in the City of Annapolis. cooperated in a drug investigation resulting in Detectives made 75 undercover “drug buys” of illegal narcotics from Annapolis Drug dealers. This resulting ed so far in 48 felony drug charges and indictments. 41 felony drug charges, mostly by way of indictment. Earlier in the year, joint initiatives with the Maryland State Police Gang and Narcotic Units joined Annapolis Police and, together, made resulted in over fifty arrests. Anything about DGS???
Selected serious felony cases are now being forwarded to the US Attrorney’s Office for review. Working with our federal partners, the criminals of Annapolis are subject to longer mandatory sentences far away from home. To date, there has been one successful plea deal and other cases are pending trial. In addition to case prosecution, federal law enforcement remains committed to maintaining open lines of communication with state and local agencies, including the State's Attorney's Office, to support the Annapolis community's fight against crime and violence.
Our community outreach has dramatically accelerated. One effective approach is the recent implementation of our Community Safe Zones, a holistic approach to fighting crime and providing comfort to the community through greater police visibility. The APD has also improved the website including “” Citizens now have greater police outreach and more information about crimes affecting their neighborhoods.can search crime in their neighborhoods within a six month time frame. CrimeReports updates on a regular basis so the information is timely and accurate.Say something about Mapping, real-time crime data,,,,,
We share open lines of communication with the US Attorney’s Office, something else, and something else ??? ????. (If you can think of something… I’m tired now)
Future plans include yet more joint-agency initiatives, Safe Zones, CCTV in and around low income housing communities, updated technology including rugged laptops, field for officers, -based reporting, E Citations, Mobile Fingerprinting,, and a publicn interactive crime- mapping- website. The Annapolis Police Department The administration with the is capitalizing on new technology, resources and resources and partnerships along with effective enforcement strategies of Capital City Safe Streets is working towards in modernizing the Annapolis Police Department with state of the art technology and proven enforcement strategies. (say something about other things we’re getting… not audio visual)..
A marked decrease in jor impact on overall and violent crime was seen following the reorganization of the Police Department which touched every police divisions, sections and units. This enabled us to renew , and the Police Department’s renewed our focus on crime prevention and core law , enforcement duties, and quality of life in neighborhoods. Simply, tThe Department’s resources were harnessed harnessed and shifted to communities disproportionately affected by drug activity and other crime. The Police Chief Michael Pristoop reinitiatedcreated proactive enforcement squads staffed by comprised of officers willing and able to make a difference in the community. The Police Department improved its partnership with the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA) resulting in greater command and control of officers patrolling HACA property and conducting enforcement. ing the law. This presence helped deter crime awhile HACA officials pursued evictions and banning of notices for those arrested on onHACA property and around the property. The below chart depictsisplays the a dramatic decrease in total Pserious art 1 crime (Part 1) in on HACA communities: property (Can you get a better graph or just something with numbers??) Does this work?
HACA Property May 1-Apr 30 2007-2008Apr-Mar 2007-2008 May 1-Apr 30 2008-2009Apr-Mar 2008-2009 Total Annapolis GGardens/ Bowman Ct. 2931 2122 -27.59%-40.91% Bloomsbury Square 88 12 -87.50%-300.00% College Creek Terr. & Obery Court 1619 66 -62.50%-216.67% Eastport Terr. 88 75 -12.50%-60.00% Glenwood 1110 67 -45.45%-42.86% Harbor House 4946 1926 -61.22%-76.92% Newtowne 20 1011 1010 0.00%-10.00% Robinwood 2830 1413 -50.00%-130.77% Total 159163 8491 -47.17%-79.12%
The below chart demonstrates enforcement over the past 12 months: We are not doing this right?
(Can you add an enforcement chart… showing arrests, trespassing, etc)
The efforts of the Annapolis Police Department, new police administration, along with with the help of the CCSS initiative and outstanding community support,, have made the City of Annapolis a safer place to live, work, and visit. This, however, is only the beginning. To date in 2009, Part 1 crime is down 54%. This, however, is only the beginning. We will continue to provide the commitment and energy needed to sustain and improve our progress. , and further seek improvements in technology. We expect the cooperation and communication embodying between and among our the CCSS partnership will to continue and grow. Most important, reover, the dedicated men and women of the Annapolis Police Department stand ready for all challenges with the tools and leadership needed to succeed.
This area always has been behind the curve. By the time anything gets done about crime, most of the good people will have left the scene of the crimes. That's my plan, move to Virginia where I can carry a gun.
That's funny, I don't see the Sheriff in that picture. I guess he was off teaching again. Or maybe getting reading for the clam bake.
The sheriff has been very active with the task force. Anon 8:46 is spreading lies. I can't wait until the ideas of the task force are implemented.
SPD chief draft? We will trade you chiefs and toss in a few (shady) officers for your chief.
Bring some of that action to Princess Anne. While the cops here are busy chasing down drivers with no seat belt on Somersett ave. (speed limit 25 mph), my neighbor is getting her apartment door kicked in. My old nieghborhood had prostitutes on the block and plenty of folks likely selling drugs.
What do these numbers mean. It looks like they are having an increase in 2009. The post needs to be reformatted.
"In April of 2008, Mayor Ellen O. Moyer appointed a new Police Chief to bring the rising crime problem in Annapolis back under control."
Hint, Hint. Jimmy Boy don't you see the message here. Please grow a set and do what we elected you to do.
New Mayor's to do list:
1) Replace the City Administrator
2) Replace the Police Chief
3) Replace the Fire Chief(acting)
4) Replace the Volunteer Deputy Fire Chief
5) Replace the Assistant City Administrator
We are tired of waiting. You took office in April and you promised again to work full time on June 10th when school ended. How long is it going to take Mr. Ireton?
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