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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Have I Missed Something?

Since I don't subscribe to the Daily Times and sometimes go for days not reading their on line version, did the Daily Times actually announce publicly that there will be no fireworks at the Shorebirds Stadium this year?

I ask because I haven't noticed it, for one. Again, I could have easily missed it. However, today they ran an article about Firework Companies being off by only 10% this year and featured a specific article on a Town in Ohio not being able to afford it. Ultimately a Radio Show was able to help the Town raise enough funds to pull it off this year, so why not Salisbury?

Considering their a local Newspaper, one would think they could have told that same story right here in Salisbury and not have to head into the Mid West and use an AP article. Why isn't the Daily Times rallying along with the rest of the MSM to help save Salisbury Fireworks like Salisbury News did last year getting Rick Pollitt and Wicomico County involved. I know it's too late to get a Fireworks Company to pull off a show this late in the game but everyone seems to be a day late and a dollar short.

I personally have run at least two articles on Fireworks and you know what, at least I found there weren't that many people this year complaining that the event wasn't going to happen. Last year there was a major outcry but this year very few people seemed to be upset. Considering other municipalities and groups like the Wicomico East Side Chamber of Commerce have worked tirelessly to pull of their 2nd annual event in Willards this year and Hebron will be jammed packed this year with an overflow from Salisbury. Both events are FREE.

The Daily Times did not offer a schedule in their article showing where Fireworks can be seen here in the Eastern Shore, which also seemed odd to me. I guess it's just easier to take an AP article and run with it and not have to put ANY work into it for the readers that are paying for their newspaper.

If you missed it the article is titled, Firework shows get the axe.


Anonymous said...

Guess what? Fourth of July isn't here yet.

Anonymous said...

I think patriotism has hit an all time low. Unfortunately nobody cares about fireworks and what they mean to us, as a nation, any more...its a shame! People have fought and died for our freedom and we are forgeting that one completely

Anonymous said...

Independent from what? Jobless, homeless and fear of everything, celebrate that,fools.

Anonymous said...

At least there will be fireworks in Willards.

Anonymous said...

I can show my patriotism by flying my flag in my yard, praying for the safety of our soldiers and being thankful that at least today I live in a free country.
Neither costs me or anyone else a dime. I'm not polluting the air or endangering anyone's safety.
You don't have to have fireworks to show your patriotism and to make such a statement is utterly ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Hang her upside down buddy.

Anonymous said...

If people are really that bent out of shape about seeing a fireworks spectacular drive 2-3 hours to any of the major metropolitan areas in our region (e.g., Philly, Baltimore, DC, or Norfolk) and quit complaining. If people want something local all of the local options have already been put on this blog in the past two weeks (e.g., OC, Hebron).

Anonymous said...

Another problem is they dont really have a space big enough in Salisbury to have fireworks.

Anonymous said...

Whaddya mean "considering (they're) a local newspaper?" Joe, it is NOT the job of a local newspaper to "rally" for anything. It's their job to report the news and chronicle the events of our community as they happen. Also: comics.

Anonymous said...

No ballgame that night so no fireworks. Simple as that.

George Chevallier said...

Fireworks at the Shorebirds Stadium on Thursday and Friday. They can be observed from Hobbs Rd. without paying the parking and admission to the game. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

No fireworks on the 4th of July is all some with they were without this year.

Im attending two funerals this weekend for friends who have lost the fight to cancer.

Enjoy what you have, spend time with friends and family, fly an American Flag, thank a soldier and God Bless America.

Salisbury MD

Anonymous said...

It, a shame that there will be no fire works this year. You can probably count on seeing fewer shows from here on out as I'm sure Obama will figure some way to TAX the sound, light, smoke and pure enjoyment that comes along with them.