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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Chairman Obama Is Running A "Gangster" Government


Sam said...

Didn't you mean "gangsta"?

Anonymous said...

Michele Bachmann? Are you kidding Joe? This woman is a total Wacko. She only plays to the lunatic that you?

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Obama's 4th Reich.Hey 1:57 the only wackos are the majority of your democrat leaders in congress being lead being by the biggest Owacko!!

Anonymous said...

We already know Obama is a sophisticated gangster,he brought all his mob friends from Chicago and
gave them administration positions.

Anonymous said...

The government is out of control.
Saturday at 9am-12noon. Show your
support for a good cause. My God
this is a bad situation. Are we
headed for a revolution? I think so!

Anonymous said...

No thank you.

Anonymous said...

Keep your powder dry 2:14, the only revolution is in your twisted head.

Anonymous said...

2:14 You are right "The Revolution"
is just matter of time,may God be with us

Anonymous said...

Hey 2:55pm the only one here with a twisted head is you. The good people of this country are being over run with this b.s. and they had better wake up fast before its too late to do something about it.

Anonymous said...

3:17 - I agree. We need change alright. Just not the socialist kind. That hasn't worked anywhere, why do they think it will work here. Let them go to Cuba or Nicaragua if they want it so badly.

Anonymous said...

How many of you have ever had blood on your hands? Didnt think so, revolution, revolution, shit most of you would puke at the sight of pure violence.

Anonymous said...

If it comes down, I can't wait to put on a Union uniform and raise my rifle at one of you teabag secessionist asshats. The fewer of you halfwits we have around the better.

Anonymous said...

Wacko is what you say when you do not have a constructive comment.

Government of the people, by the people, and for the people is a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

It always was.

Anonymous said...

WACKOS! This post is full of em. Revolution, succession, violence? That is treason. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

Treason is what they are doing to the middle class, eye of the beholder.

Anonymous said...

340 ...So who is the whack job? You are saying that you can't wait to kill me. Do you even know what the Constitution says? Do you know what states rights are? Do you know why the civil war was fought?

chuck said...

This was debunked a while ago.

But, Michelle Bachman... the gift that keeps on giving.

Keep her and Palin on TV every night between now and 2012. Dems will sweep the midterms and the next Presidential election.

Anonymous said...

THEY....yet another straw man for the right to blame. Give me a break, stop whining. Bunch of sore losers. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

3:40, How are you going to raise your rifle if your socialist government takes them from you?

ArcLight said...

Chuck - At least opposing viewpoints are allowed here. Unlike your favorite blog.

As to "gangsta" government - check out the story in today's Washington Post about the bank that didn't qualify for bailout money. Until Sen. Daniel Inouye's staff made phone calls and the bailout money came rolling in. Turns out Sen. Danny owns shares in the bank.

Bet you won't find that story on the other blog that rhymes with "dense."

Anonymous said...


How could you possibly draw something so ludactis from my comment? Quite sad, really. Everyone today is looking for a fight. You won't find one here.

Anonymous said...

19 comments, and almost all of them in the dark. Why does it matter WHO says this message on the floor of the U.S. Congress? Why can't the commenters make logical, intelligent, opinionated comments about the SUBJECT of her speech? I will tell you why. Because the American people have been mind controlled to a condition in which we cannot THINK any longer. We fail to see outrageous behavior from our government officials, because we have been conditioned to ignore it. Pretend it is not real, or it is simply a mistake. Pretend that the person who is trying to wake you up; is a nut-case, conspiracy, wacko. Many of you used the word wacko to describe this Congresswoman. She is speaking the truth! She is trying desperately to communicate with us. You have been conditioned to decipher everything through the prism of democrat vs republican. Therefore you do not see at all. This type of government behavior has been put into place through incrementalism. We never noticed the changes in the government because they occur gradually (until recently - now it is all speed up because we are nearing the tipping point). The republicans and the democrats do these crimes. They all do them. If we elect an honest person, the monied interests in Washington will corrupt them within months (or get rid of them). But no, there will be no revolution. We are far too gone for that. We don't have the motivation to even DISCUSS these matters with some resemblance of intelligence. We are pathetic. All of us.
America is a rotten bully in the world and we have intentionally destroyed our dollar (the world's reserve currency). Anyone who complains gets bombed. We all know it. And yes, it is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Wait til you start fighting with yourself if you wanta see bizare.

Chimera said...

Maybe I am daft,but I have never heard of this woman.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen nor heard of her before either, but she deserves a pat on the back for speaking out about the thugs in her neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, can't this blog dig a bit deeper and come up with someone little more credible, a ittle more believealbe and a less crazy than Michele Bachnann? Her own party is chastising her. You know it's bad when the repubs track down one of there own. Feeding these morons here the blue pill so they can just vomit hate is tiring.

Anonymous said...

Fact is, both Bush and Obama decided to prevent the well deserved failure of the U.S. auto industry. Can anyone not see that we all would be better off to let them fail( they will anyway) and get this behind us? Consumers did not want GM cars in a GOOD economy! They ain't gonna want 'em next year when there are Accords and Tundras available.

Anonymous said...

Hey all of you out there, including anon 157, you VOTED for OBAMA, whom is YOUR President of this country that is falling apart, I didnt vote for him, YOU did, and all I have to say is you can keep YOUR change and shove it up your a$$!

Anonymous said...

You idiot Obamamites she speaks the truth. How can you be so blinded to the truth. Are you that stupid or brainwashed by Obama and his thugs. I know real violence I see it everyday when I go to work. I work in a prison where there are gangs, murderers, rapists, drug dealers and child molesters. They stab each other up on a daily basis
and yes I am there to stop the violence. But you ain't seen nothing yet. Just you wait till us home grown conservatives have had enough of the gangster BS Obama is throwing at us. There is going to be hell to pay and it probably will come sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

5:48 FINALLY, somebody said it all. Could not have said it better myself! Apathy will be our demise. How sad that so many Americans don't see what is happening all around us. Obama and his thugs are "changing" this country into a place that we read about in history books.....books about socialism, marxism, etc. We are not the strong believers our forefathers were. Nobody wants to stand up for America. It just isn't cool. God Help Our Nation....please?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You Redumblicans keep hitching your wagons to lunatics like Bachmann. I love it. See alot less of you in the midterms and beyond. Endangered species I say.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Bauchmann is an intelligent ethical elected politician who has the guts to speak out agoanst the Obama regime. For that she is being denigrated by the morons that voted for Obama. Bash her, Bash Palin, Bash all of us who know that Obama is an elitist fraud who only cares about a few global billionaires and could give a rats butt about most of us Americans--it won't stop the truly patriotic Americans from continuing to speak out. Even the Iranians have had enough of a dictator. Why is Obama silent about this revolution to oust a dictator? HOnduras is taking steps to prevent a dictatorship, and Obama CRITICISES them. Do you not get which side Obama is on here?

chuck said...

Wow. Well, good luck with all of that hate, guys. It will serve us well in the next election. I mean, I hate to see you guys get ulcers, but, if it means a win for us... keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Chuck it might serve some democrat
but not Obama he is well on his way to self destruction some of you are actually coming out of your coma

chuck said...

Okay, little buddy. Whatever you say!