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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index Falls Below Zero For First Time

Well Folks,

It apparently only took six months to the day after the "Historic" inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama for this to occur... In Rasmussen Reports: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Mr. Obama's approval index has hit -2! This moves in concert with the falling poll numbers for his policies.

Health care is an example, Pew Research Center has some data on support for ObamaCare which shows the support is softening fast. (see here: Obama's Ratings Remain High Despite Some Policy Concerns)

With all the veiled Socialism that Obama is implementing with breakneck speed and vehemently denies yet has historical precedent for its implementation, is it any wonder that his numbers have reached this level? People are catching on...

The doorway to Socialism, is paved with the lives and freedoms that fall victim to the deception of National Healthcare. Of course, those that want to see this sort of thing here, DO NOT CARE for the opinions of the people, but they will sell you on it through notions of compassion for those that "have not" forgetting to mention that this compassion already exists, and many do not go without.

Ronald Reagan addressed this in as far back as 1961 and in this speech cited historical precedent as to the motives and agenda of Socialists like the Democrat Party and Mr. Obama.


Anonymous said...

Pure bunk. He's actually rallying against Medicare...ya know the senior health care plans your parents and grandparents currently depend on. What do you call Medicare? Certainly not socialized's social responsibility. This country should be ashamed that the most powerful and wealthy country in the world has nearly 50mm citizens without healthcare. Time to fix it for good. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:33 You are an idiot. This was a warning against socialism in 1961. What Reagan said was right on.
Us true Americans still want freedom not socialism. Obama wants to make you believe that things a so bad the only answer is more Government. Obviously you have fallen for it. It is a known fact that the economy runs in cycles. No
matter who won the election the economy would have turned around on its own without the Government control. And where do you think the money will come from to pay for socialised health care. Yes it will come from us hard working middle class people in the form of taxes. The money has to come from somewhere. You don
t think the millionaire Obama will foot the bill do you. Don't be so stupid and believe everything Obama tells you because he is a good speaker. He dances around almost every direct question you ask him.And he has not upheld one campaign promise on not raising taxes on the middle class. He has taken control of the banking and finance. He has taken control of the car industry. And now you want him to take control of health care. You might as well just sign your paycheck and hand it over to him. Wake up and see what is happening here.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who needs medical care in this country can get and can get it free if they're not working, not to mention the best care in the world Socialized medicine won't work as good as the current system not to say it's perfect but I'd would rather go see the Doctor of my choosing then sit in line at D.M.V. style waiting room only to be denied care if someone feels another should get it first. nuff said

Anonymous said...

11:27, get real, put down the kool-aid, turn off the Faux Propoganda Channel. Ronald Reagan was nothing more than a shill for whomever wrote the biggest check. A B grade actor and C grade President. He couldn't hold a candle to Clinton or Obama in terms of being a President for the people and true Patriot. Get over yourself. Read a book, history preferably

Anonymous said...

12:40 I cant believe you are calling
Obama a Patriot you must on mind
altering drugs.

duck around said...

Actually, 11;:27, the first poster is right - this WAS a diatribve against the bill that created Medicare.

And tell me, how is socialized fire service and socialized police protection and socialized national defense working out for you? Because we have all three. And socialized postal delivery....

Anonymous said...

Your all against don't use your medicare.

Anonymous said...

Bush, in eight years, left us with the biggest deficit in the history of the US. Bush, in eight years, left us with a bankrupt economy because of a war that we didnt need to be in.Bush in eight years, left us with a bankrupt auto industry, and veto'd every bill on healthcare (even for children!). In 5 months Obama hasclosed down Guantanamo, he's bringing back the Freedom of Information Act, he's communicating with the Muslim world in a friendly way, he's shutting down other CIA prisons, he's banning certain types of torture and he retook his oath when it got majorly flubbed --all in his first week of office! He has proposed to tackle healthcare, has given incentives for people to buy homes and cars, and has redirected the war effort where it belongs...Bush had 8 years and daddy's "boy" wonder messed up this country.

ArcLight said...

Reagan was a C grade President? Why don't you ask the citizens of the USSR and the GDR what they think? You can't - those countries don't exist anymore, thanks to Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

"Communicating with muslim nations in a friendly way" - i.e. waving the white surrender flag and apologizing for things we didn't do (e.g. "colonizing" muslim countries).

Anonymous said...

The corporations involved in medicine (hospitals, pharmaceuticals, equipment development, etc) have us over a barrel. We can let them continue to price us out of the technology. Or, we can let them take over directly through legal mandate. Either way, they have us dead to rights "so to speak".
Here is the point of the topic: Other industrialized countries pay less income taxes than we pay, but they have state sponsored (tax paid) medical care. We are not talking about state sponsored medical INSURANCE, we are talking about medical care. In other words, the taxes are sufficient to pay for the entire medical system. The doctors, nurses, etc work for the government. This is well documented in the movie Sycko, by Michael Moore.
Many Americans are tired of paying exhorbant income taxes and getting American Empire in exchange. We buy bombs and bullets instead of medical care for our children. We are so heavily taxed, that we can't afford to pay the corporations for our medical care. We need to realize the comparison is not about health insurance, but about health care - paid by our taxes!
Again, Americans are denied the ability to compare with other countries' governments by a controlled corporate media. The media is owned by the same people who own the medical establishment in our country.
We live in complete and total corruption. We are enabling corporate criminals to enslave the OTHER COUNTRIES.