Ethics Commission Opinion from the Ethics Hearing on 6/3/09 2:21 PM. Who's the winner of the tickets? Jonathan, you're a scumbag, dirtbag, waste of good you know what. Oh, that goes for you too Barrie Tilghman, Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys and ther rest of you. I hope this finding finalizes everything we've been saying about each and every one of you. You'll stoop to the lowest levels to defame and abuse anyone in your path because you're all sore losers. That includes you too Mike Dunn!
Breaking News:
Jonathan needs some "comfort food" -- 10 Big macs and a gallon of beer.
You lost, again, Lynn!
Now, Barrie and team, go the hell home and leave the government of Salisbury to those we elected.
How many of you have told the Maryland Municipal League the real truth about their nominee for VP -- Bubba Comegys?
WTG... You are being to nice to these people. The old saying what goes around comes around.
can't you report the news without being a complete a$$, just once give it a try, maybe you can't help yourself
This foolishness cost the city how much?
Why nothing about this on the blob's blog???
2:59 here it comes, 3,2,1,
3PM ---- see this post:
This is great news! The bars will be busy tonight unless they are too ashamed to show up in public.
2:56 I have!
There's an old adage in government:
Ethics is the last refuge of scoundrels.
How True!
I always know Terie and Debie would win. Congragulations.
Once again Terry Cohen beats Paul Wilber at his own game...LAW. You would think he learned his lesson going up against the Mall Four when Terry was involved, he lost that decision too.
GO TERRY AND DEBBIE! We're proud of you and your ETHICS.
Last time I checked respected news providers left out the derogatory personal comments. Oh, that's right, this is just an inaccurate opinion site.
Still nada on the blob's blog, so he must be busy cashing his welfare ("disability") check.
Big Alberta always be sayin, if'n you can't beat em, slam sum mo Jack and get over it.
He's over at Chief Webster's Office trumping up the next charges against me.
What would that be,"Associating with a known Lunatic".
How about a contest to see who can come closest to guessing what Wilber's bill will be. Winner gets to go 3 rounds wilh Fernando G.
o who won the tickets
Comegys, who attempted to trap Cohen in a vote for these benefits that had no other substance except to put her in an untenable position, once again steps on his own crank. This is one of those things that's going to be put on the long list of Comegys' crimes and screwups, waiting for the next election.
Normally, Salisbury has a pretty short memory, but the last ten years will remain indelible. We wish we could forget Comegys, but he just keeps reminding us that he is:
-a terrible legislator
-a lazy, lazy man
-a non-approachable representative
-a tool of Tilghman and SAPOA
-a spendthrift
-a liar
-a cheat
-a self-aggrandizing fool
Just as every child abuse complaint should be followed up, should every ethics complaint be investigated. However, that Wilber didn't stop this before it went to a full hearing is inexcusable. There was NO WAY he, even as an inept attorney, shouldn't have known the rules of play, and advised his "client" accordingly.
Wasted effort and wasted money, as well as unnecessary hassle for the staff AND the respondents....not to mention attorney fees for Debbie, who's going to pay for that?
The reason why Jonathan has not posted on this: he is now working full time for Bubba Comegy's campaign to become the VP (and eventually president) of the "Maryland Municipal League."
Is that women Lynn Cathwhat a female ?
Just curious , she looks a little strange to me.
Don't these people work or better things to do.
I've never lived in a place where
people get off on the lies they distibute !! In some countries they would be beheaded , sounds like a good idea!
I understand the nasty comments -- what was done to Debbie and Terry is utterly reprehensible.
But I think when you respond like Mike Dunn, you sort of become him. I just hope the responses here won't be attributed to Debbie and Terry because they are classier than that. But you know they will be, so none of you getting nasty has helped them one bit.
To Debbie and Terry, congratulations on your total vindication. I never doubted your integrity. You ladies give government a little positive shine. If there were more like you, "we the people" could have trust in our government again.
P.S. to Terry: Your mother would have been proud, girl. Your father, too. I knew them both and they were honorable people. You have honored their memories.
County Fan
It aint over til the Fat Man Sings.
Well, Joe, at least you kept up your promise not to call him the fat man again!
Congradulations Terry and Debbie, now you have seen how they play. Mayor please clean up this mess we have at the city. Starting with Mr. Wilber, John Pick and lets not forget some of the other who need to go, Webster, Pam Oland must I go on. And when the time comes the rest of you will be voted out.
Ms. Cohen recognized clearly Wilber's faulty logic in the Mall Mess just as she did in this ethics matter. She is one intelligent leader, and we're fortunate to have her on the Council. Comegys, Shields and Louise can never even hope to have Cohen's abilities!!
It is time for Wilber to go--Cohen should not have to continue to show him what he is doing wrong.
It's time for Ireton to put in a new City Attorney.
What the hell is an "inaccurate opinion"? That's one of the most stupid things I've ever seen in print.
That's Cohen 2 - Wilber 0
What a shabby piece of crap we citizens pay for a city attorney.
OK you idiots now you see why we back Campbell and Cohen? They have more than two braincells that occasionally make contact.
Come on Jimmy, you have to at least cut the cord on the Wilber fetus. Drop him like a bag of dirt.
Further, I wouldn't pay him sh!t, let him get over it and quit. If he tries to sue we just appoint Terry as temporary council for the city! Or advisor for council, she'll rip Wilbur a forth anus. Scumbag POS
Jr is so nice for chimming in,Im afraid there's no help for his big problems comming up Haaa Johnny boy.
We should organize a protest in the neighborhood of the former mayor and ask that she either move or have her and the "Nightmare Team" charged with ethic violations for interfering with public investigations. Attempted entrapment amoung other low life charges.
Harbouring and promoting corruption in local government.
Get your pitchforks and other implements of destruction, it's time to take the gloves off and kick some arse. Eat sh!t Lynn!
Jt's gonna be ticked off at Johnny boy,He try's to play both sides of the fence!
I congratulated Debbie and Terry and said we love them on the Fat POS Blog and he refuses to post my comment. Tell me he isn't biased.
What I would like to know is.... How come Porky Pig was absent from the hearing? Was he embarrased to show his beady little eyes? For all the talk he does and his false bravado it figures, just a fat pig slob with a computer. Listen up to an old probverb Piggy, you reap what you sow. Now go eat some Ho-Ho's
Congrats, Debbie and Terry. I'm sorry that you and the city had to be put through this needless fiasco due to a combination of Taylor's sour grapes, self-aggrandizing, publicity seeking attempts to drag you through the mud, Mr. Wilber's sad failure to stop the circus before it arrived at the Ethics Board hearing and of course, the former Mayor starting the whole thing by doing what she did before leaving office.
As 7:54 said above, we love you Debbie and Terry. We also appreciate the tireless dedication and countless hours of time and energy you've given to the betterment our city. You've weathered so many needless storms (like the one just concluded) and far too often been the targets of vile treatment from the likes of Tilghman, Dunn, Cathcart, Taylor, Comegys and many others. Yet through it all you've weathered the firestorms and kept pushing forward on behalf of your city and your constituents. For that you'll always have my appreciation and support.
To you, Mr. Wilber, I will just say that you should do the honorable thing by publicly acknowledging your - ahem! - "mistake" in this ethics matter (and others preceding it), resign your position and further show you're a man of honor by reimbursing Debbie her attorney's fees and Terry the hourly wages she is MORALLY due for all the time she spent preparing what she presented before the Ehtics Board. That's a LOT of hours of work that should never have needed to be done.
And to you, Mayor Ireton, I would respectfully suggest that, if Mr. Wilber won't do the above, that you relieve him of his position. Salisbury clearly needs someone in that office who. . .well, Mayor, let's just say who does things a bit differently than Mr. Wilber. QUITE a bit differently.
It's not too late for the sun to rise on the new day so many of us saw on the horizon at the end of this last election day. For that to happen, though, we're going to have to keep using that new broom to sweep our city clean of its detrimental elements.
Again, Debbie and Terry, congratulations!
Victory is once again sweet for the Dirty Dozen thousands.
Wibur has cost the taxpayers of Salisbury a ton of money for his poor representation of the citizens of Salisbury.
Judge Davis even said that the legislation that Wilbur wrote was NOT in favor of the citizens, rather in favor of landlords.
We actually pay this slug to represent the city? It's time the city council voted for better legal representation. They owe it to the taxpayers!
Wilber's allowing this ethics sham to go forward is just like him allowing the hearing to go forward where Terry was accused of living in the County. Neither one should have gotten that far. We already knew the answer to both questions. But then, he wouldn't have been able to pad his legal bills if there wasn't a sham hearing.
11:49 PM
Your comment says it all. Thank you.
As to the John Robinson post, the spelling errors looked more like Johnaten.
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