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Wednesday, June 03, 2009



Anonymous said...

Crazy town.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this video.

Anonymous said...

Joe you should check out the video of the planes hitting the towers and Satan's face smiling in the smoke. Weird stuff.

Anonymous said...

Did W start a war with his own country to give him the excuse to go after the guy who tried to take out his Dad? Makes that grandstanding speech at Ground Zero in front of the NYFD very creepy.

Alex Jones said...

WTC 7 was suppose to be hit by a plane as well, and that plane was United 93. WHAT!?!? If you look at United 93's last flight course those bastards were turning towards NYC. But our military shot the plane down, come on why would someone who wanted to commit suicide by plowing into a building, put a plane in an open field. At the same time United 93 is hijacked the North and South Towers Fall, giving United 93 a clear line of sight to hit WTC 7. But with United 93 shot down and WTC 7 full of explosives, the cowards behind 9/11 decided to implode the building, hell why not it was cleared of everyone starting at 0910. Plus everyone starting with the jet fuel burns hot, well yes it does if it's pure, but commercial jet fuel is 3/5 Kerosene.

Anonymous said...

why were all those people thru the buildings weeks before and I watched those buildings go down and you could see the explosions floor by floor as the buildings went down. Why did they hurry up and carry off the cut steel beams before other investigators were able to look at them. Things that make you go mmmmmmm........

Anonymous said...

This is tinfoil hat stuff. You should know better.

Anonymous said...

If you believe this one I've got some beach front property in Wyoming I'd like to sell you. Geez..this stuff is stupid.

Anonymous said...

It was actually aliens from space that fired phasers and photon torpedos that took those buildings down.
Those planes were empty and being controlled with a tractor beam.
Obama is the alien leader from another planet, that's why nobody can find his birth certificate.
They can read you thoughts unless you cover your head with metal

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of morons. The government can't do anything right and information leaks happen all the time. Yet I'm to believe that the government sponsored this elaborate conspiracy and no govt official has leaked any information. Thanks for helping out the terrorists, jackholes.

Anonymous said...

amen to all the people who posted, thinking this is a crock of s... Especially, anon 6:00 you hit it right on the head, this would be the mother of all conspiracies if they could keep that a secret. there are gullible people out there- who want to believe anything that makes the gov't look bad. how sad.

Anonymous said...

Liberals riding the crazy train .

Anonymous said...

Liberals? Are you nuts true patriots beleive our money controlled government is truly capable of carrying out such a can do wonderous things...go ahead and stick your heads back in the sand and go to sleep you sheep. Believe what you hear from the money controlled media. The army has been carrying out ELF wave tetsing for years.Mc veigh and the dc sniper are just a few we know about..did you know that the Chief moose of the dc sniper, the dc sniper and tim mc veigh were all part of the same army unit....

Anonymous said...

yea I bet you were in tht unit too. locking my doors now.

Eduardito Dinero said...

Pretty convenient for those behind the manufactured event that Marvin Bush, George Jr.'s brother, was one of the directors and significant shareholders of Securacom, now Stratasec, who were providing security for the World Trade Centre, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

4:58 - Tommyknockers?

Chimera said...

There is probably still alot we will never know about those attacks but a conspiracy of that proportion would be too big to conceal for long.The best thing we can do is make sure it does not happen again.

Anonymous said...

Where's the explosion ? you need demolition to cause this what a farce.

Anonymous said...

It is very difficult to believe the event was a controlled demolition - until you look at the evidence. The 911 Truth Movement has fully investigated the event. Just spend a little energy doing some research. You will see the official story is much more difficult to believe!
Some say our government couldn't pull off a conspiracy so big? Well if they can't do it, how can 19 goof balls do it? Come on, use your head folks. This is real.

Anonymous said...

I arrived at ground Zero on 9/14/01. About a week later rumors really flew, some, made common sense. I know personally from direct visual and contact with many emergency and government officials this Incident was no Accident. IMO.

Anonymous said...

"I know personally from direct visual and contact with many emergency and government officials this Incident was no Accident. IMO."?
I know personally that, in my opinion, it is a are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

8:07 for you info JA I was in the NAVY...sorry..this was all a ruse starting with Oklahoma..which resulted in the terrorist act, patriot act..when it comes to erdoing our freedoms they sure pass them bills think the fine print on the stimulus package was overlooked..wait until another attack happens you'll see how the fine print on the patriot act will surely make you think you are in IRan or russia..keep thinking nothing is going more lost then i thought..

Anonymous said...

Please everyone....turn off the Glenn Beck...step away from the television.

Anonymous said...

How about flight 77 being hijacked in Ohio, turned off the transponder, turned the plane around, flew 400 miles without radar, did a 270 degree circle descending just in time to strike the Pentagon on the first floor at 400 miles per hour - without hitting the ground! Our military could not defend the Pentagon from a hijacked airplane which ocurred 1 hour after 2 other planes got hijacked? There is no video of the Pentagon? WTF? They don't have security cameras at the friggin' Pentagon? No jets available to defend the Nation's Capitol? Come on folks - this event stinks to the high heavens.

Anonymous said...

Okay... let me get this straight:

The Bush Administration staged an event that would have required HUNDREDS of conspirators, and none have talked about it. Because of this event, they could justify an invasion of Iraq on the grounds that they were a threat to us with WMDs...

...but they couldn't plant WMDs in Iraq?

Really guys?