The buzz among city employees today is, Mayor Jim Ireton heard of a recent mishap involving a city employee. The city employee received a phone call from the Mayor, for no reason, other than to inquire about his health and to wish him a speedy recovery.
While this may not seem like much to many, to the employees, especially those in public works, this random act of kindness and true concern speaks volumes. Keep up the good work, Mayor Ireton. These small acts will not be forgotten.
thats our jim!
Our new mayor rules.
Bet they would rather have a RAISE.
Everyone would like to have a raise, no matter where they work. When is the last time you heard of a mayor in Salisbury calling one of the worker bees to wish them well?
Mike Lewis is exactly the the same
and inquires about a lot of peoples health. Now we have two leaders who care!
Jim Dandy to the rescue, Go Jim Dandy Go...
I have to say that the guys who pick up the trash,recycling and bulk pick up are a truly hardworking and great bunch! Thanks from a city taxpayer who appreciates your hard effort!
Go Jim
I smell the Fat Man.
I wish whoever is ill a speedy recovery too...and say thank you as a taxpayer of the city for their effort and committment.
He got his legs stuck in a trash truck, 911 was called.
The man we elected is Good.
I don't live in the city, but this man is a class act. I truly believe he is in it for no other reason than to make the city of Salisbury a better place.
Isn't it sad that when a manager does what a good person should do that it is newsworthy. It really points out how bad things were before we had decient people in office, at least on the local level. MR. Ireton will do as good job as possible, or at least as good as he is permitted to do. He doesn't need attaboys every step of the way.
Our new Mayor has character and a true desire to help our City--we are most appreciative as we have not experienced that in the prior decade.
This shows Jim is a person on top of things. If I want to give Jim an "attaboy" I can tell him to his face or even call him on the phone for that matter.
So many people whine about being more positive, when you are more positive someone else whines agenda. You just can't please all of the people, all of the time.
Thanks for sincerely caring Jim.
Only the EX mayor and her cronies would see this post as an attaboy.
I would like to know just one thing...how does he always were white dress shirts doing all of these activities like picking up trash, planting trees, and cleaning up public areas, but NEVER gets a stain on his shirt?! I can't even eat lunch with a red polo and not get a ketchup stain on it! lol It's good to see that he can do the white collar and blue collar jobs without a problem-keep up the good work Jim!
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