I put up a couple of articles showing dead animals at the Salisbury Zoo and wouldn't you know it, the Daily Times follows up with an article typical of their political agenda, allow me to explain how and why.
In today's article, the Daily Times brings up certain words that clearly spell out the Zoo is a special gem to our community. The word is, accreditation.
They go on and on about how the Salisbury Zoo is one of 12 Zoo's in the United States that's still free. Well guess what, I've been hearing that number for all too many years and now I want to know which ones are the 12 Zoo's. I'll call Joel today and ask him for the names of these 12 Zoo's and then I want to know how many of these 12 Zoo's are in fact accredited.
Being accredited by the AZA is a cost to the City each and every year. While the title of the article discusses Zoo's across America rising in attendance by some 200,000 people from 2007 to 2008, he goes on to say, "It doesn't correlate directly to the number of people we have visiting the zoo," Hamilton said. "But regardless, the number is still going up."
Well, I guess if we had a FREE Movie Theater, attendance would be up there too. It's Monday, things are desperately slow at the Daily Times and they'll print just about anything to make it look like you're getting something for your money.
The Salisbury Zoo is a cool place but it needs to start charging at least $1.00 at the door to get in. FREE to anyone with a City of Salisbury Driver's License but $1.00 to anyone else. What's your thoughts on that Folks.
They need to charge around $10 a person and keep the real "animals" out from the public schools!
IMHO, I think you are wrong
8:21, the only problem with your comment is that the people you're referring to are probably going to hold someone up at gunpoint to get the $10!!
I haven't been to the zoo in Salisbury for years, but it seems to me that it is too tiny and doesn't have anything interesting nenough to makit worth any kind of admission price.
Not a bad point Granny. However, when the Taxpayers are forking up well over a million dollars a year just to feed the animals and some minor upkeep, the Zoo needs to become self sufficient, PROVING it is a viable place of interest.
Ron Alessi is scared to death that while they have a hand full of people that write into the Grapevine every time something bad goes wrong down there, they make it seem as if there's a ton of supporters.
I can assure you that if you polled the taxpayers of Salisbury by FIRST telling them the TRUTH about what it costs per year to keep the Zoo open and then the TRUTH about just how many people walk through the doors each year, the Zoo would overwhelmingly get shut down.
The Daily Times will do anything to keep people from being in that mind set, so they promote them with all this fluff all the time. The Zoo is a wonderfulplace, don't get me wrong. However, charge an admission and FORCE the Employees there to keep it so nice people will want to come back. While it's free there's no accountability. Maybe I should start going back there taking pictures and show details of what's going wrong and why it needs more more money for upkeep. It should NOT be at taxpayers expense, it should raise its own money to stay alive or simply shut down.
The Red Wolf exhibit is nice, thanks to the Hazel family. IMH a $1 isn't enough however there is always the donation box.
There is not enough room for the Buffalo to roam. With more money we could make a better zoo, not saying it's a bad zoo however new attractions will draw new and more people.
How long can one watch a Llama spit and monkies spanking their monkies?
I always give $5 when I take the family there. The monkey exhibit is my favorite.
My family and I enjoy camping, Two years ago we were camping at Luray, VA and decided to take the kids to the "local zoo" We paid over 60$ for 3 kids and two adults. Let me tell you folks if you step into SBY ZOO and drop no less than 5$ in the drop box you should be ashamed of yourself. There is no comparison between the two. SBY has a very nice zoo. SUPPORT IT!!! One nice thing the Luray Zoo did was they had a van that set up at the Jellystone campground and gave a free presentation of some birds (hawks and owl's) and a few reptiles. I really learned to appreciate the nice little zoo we have here FREE.
Close the zoo, its not worth it.
Leave the man alone. He's got more important things to do than deal with you! Live in Salisbury? NO? None of your business.
I wouldn't pay to go to the Salisbury Zoo. I have taken my kids there several times and each time it was not appealing at all. The best part of it for the kids is the park!
On a school field trip there we witnessed a deer in a pen with his tongue hanging out and very ill looking with no water. It was very sad to see and even worse to have to explain to little ones why a deer that is supposed to be cared for looked sicker than the wild deer we see randomly.
I would rather make the hike to DC on a nice week day off to go to the DC zoo, also for free.
Speaking of free movies, they do have those here for the summer.
Click here for the main page, you'll have to scroll down for the Salisbury Stadium 16 listing of available movies and dates.
Do it, Joe. Go take those pictures!
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