A home invader broke into a home on the 700 Block of Baker Street in Salisbury at 4:00 AM this morning. The residents awoke to a gunman standing over top of them while in bed demanding money and any other items they had.
He had already been in one bedroom and tried to rob one of the other room mates upstairs. He said if they didn't give up money he would shoot the baby. The following is the balance of what happened after the gunman shot the Father of the Baby.
SPD has a suspect that Allie ID’d along with her roommates and maybe some others. They are waiting to release the photo to the media until John Duvall wakes up from surgery to ID the mug shot. This is obviously not the first go ‘round for the shooter.
After about 4+ hours of surgery, the team replaced about 2 inches of artery and got the blood flowing again to the arm, but the tendons and other tissue blown apart will have to wait for subsequent surgeries to reconnect all the stuff. The doctor said that he would probably have a “useful” hand again in 2-3 years down the road.
Allie said the shooter was trying to shoot the baby but John lunged into it getting hit in the shoulder of the arm that was holding the infant(3 months). The shooter kept pulling the trigger clicking the gun at all three of them, but the gun was either empty or misfiring. He took a laptop and a cellphone and kept demanding money, drugs, cellphones, “whatever you got”. He then left from the upstairs bedroom and downstairs. After waiting for him to leave, Allie roused 2 roomies and got them to call 911.
They just woke up around 5 this morning to the home invader standing over them at the bed when he started his demands. He had already been to another bedroom and tried to rob the first roomer.
Thats not Richards little brother is it?
{I'm sorry Joe, but you have to let this comment slide just for today. And I think many people will agree.} That sorry M-f'er has got it comming back to him one-hundred fold. If he aimed a gun at my child I would have strangled him and stared him in the eyes to he was gone. {Well there I vented thanks Joe. Keep at it man}
This is why I'm getting a shotgun with pistol grip. This city has turned into a war zone. Criminals vs Citizens. Honestly the police can't be everywhere all the time. I can't wait to get my family out of here.
Crime is down, no one got killed...
This crap in Salisbury needs to stop now!
If someone trying to shoot a little baby doesnt bring a press conference from the Chief, what are you waiting for Jim.
The baby that almost died is my niece. I am so upset over this and I hope that whoever did this is brought to justice. I also hope and pray that John will be okay and able to go back to work someday and continue to support the family.
I can't believe the crime in Salisbury...it is so so scary
ECI brings a lot of them, when they come from all over the state and get released with $200.00 and no place to go they stay here.
I would have told Webster to go pound sand. This is obviously an email sent to you by the father of the victim.
I hope you called your lawyer. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH of his Gestapo tactics.
Hey Jim Ireton what happened to that help that was supposed to be on the way?
baker street at 4.am,how could anyone even sleep there.this is about time the rock zombies wanna either burn some more or steal or head back to the coffin before daylight. joe, maybe they can move the camera from near your offices to baker street were they should be.sad a child had to get in the middle of this.
If I had my way I close these jails and send there a$$ to Iraq or Afghanistan,instead we give they health insurance, gums to play in, tv's and games, and 200.00.I just don't understand.
I have a sword that is so sharp you could split hairs with it...
This isnt Jims fault, you pay a man to deal with this. On a scale of one to ten hows Webster doing? You should all sign your name for this one, I would if I could. Right Joe.
I hope I never see the inside of a prison but if MY baby were threatened like that...and I had a chance to get to him...I would serve any time behind bars just knowing what I did to him!
Joe, the news is the news. Im sure Webster had ? reason ? But News is what you do!
Is this how these people raise their kids? Useless welfare queens pumping out kids like there is no tomorrow. As soon as they can walk out the door they go and the streets raise them. All they are going to do is put him in prison with his buddies and feed him and entertain him for years to come. What ever happened to hard labor? Thats why they are commiting crimes, because they are too lazy to work for what they want. They take it from those who do work. Give them however many years at hard labor and they will not be back.
Myself, I am armed. Anyone that comes into my house with a firearm gets whatever I grab first. Either a 12 guage blast in the chest or some rounds from an SKS 7.62x39.Same bullets that an AK47 shoots, or some .32 caliber bullets from my semi automatic handgun..
One thing I would like to know?
How come the mayor and the city council will not let the people know about the gang problem we have and the drug problem here in Salisbury? Take a ride down Delaware Avenue and you will see what I mean. Just do not go there after dark and please be careful in the daylight.
I guess they do not want people to know that Salisbury has these problems so they will keep moving here. Boy, have they got a surprise coming to them.
You people better arm yourselves and learn how to use your weapon and keep it away from your children. An alarm system will not hurt either. Come on Mayor and city council. Do your job and grow a pair and let the people know the truth or do you want us to remove you from your position and put someone in your place that has some morals?
We can do that you know. You work for us. You are our employees.
ECI don't bring anyone. The state of maryland is the one's who set the release guidelines (DOC) not ECI. Blame the right people
There is no crime in Salisbury right cheefy jak & koke.
Teach the kids to use the guns properly; you may be asleep when the perp arrives!
Anyone who would shoot a defenseless baby is an animal and deserves to be treated like one.
I wonder if our new "Change is on the way" Mayor called the victims to check on them?
Webster - We are no longer in need of your services. Please turn in all of your city owned property and don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. C'ya!
Signed: Salisbury Citizens
Everybody hates "Mondays"!!
No, bluto, animals deserve far better treatment than this thug should get.
Is this the article Webster demanded be pulled? Why? I darned well want to know that there are dirtbags out there who threaten to kill children to get what they want! I can see nothing in the post that hinders an investigation. Seems to me Webster needs to come back from his power trip, gey off his high horse, get on a smaller horse and ride it right out of Salisbury.
We have the right to know!!!!!!
Why in the HELL don't you all just more away . Nothing has changed for the good people. The Riots from this week were spawned by the thugs, not the College students.
Ok....so Wendy's on 50 is robbed, a few weeks later Shea is shot at SECU (or the other way around..not sure which came first) no a couple months later a robber on Baker St. Am I the only one who thinks these are all connected to a one or a group of individuals (gang perhaps) that prob. live/gather within walking distance of all three places?
Start by electing representatives in government that are willing to allow you, the citizens, to have the right to defend yourselves. It's harder for a law abiding citizen to purchase a firearm than a thug w/ a felony conviction. You see, they don't obey the laws, they buy their guns from car trunks, not the local gun shop. Level the playing field, support gun ownership rights and press the legislature for a "shall issue" law that the MSP can't manipulate.
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