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Friday, March 13, 2009

We Need To Act


What I think is ironic about the problems in our Country is that enemies have stated that they will destroy us from within. We haven’t had any destruction or deaths caused buy our enemies in this Country since the 911 disaster. Now the President, all of the politicians and Home Land Security say it’s because of the great job everyone is doing. Well I’ve got some very disturbing news for them. They are actually supporting the enemy by helping to destroy our economy. Once our Country’s economy sinks to the bottom of the well everything will start to unravel. You’ll probably see more riots, more crime, etc. It is time the American people woke up and voiced their opinion to their Representatives in Washington. Please remember, they are not you bosses, we are their bosses. We, the Citizens of the U.S. have to act and act now before it’s to late.

How many of you feel that poring money, trillions of dollars, into a black hole in space will solve anything. This Country was built on successes and failures. If you succeed that’s great, if you fail you pick yourself up dust yourself off and start all over again. It’s worked for two hundred years, what makes anybody feel that it won’t work today. It’s time to stop bailing businesses out, let them fail and rebuild. Yes, It will be painful for all of us but this Country has done it before and we can do it again. Get rid of all those politicians that don’t have faith in the American people and the American way of life. It really might be a good time to set term limits on the Politicians, that way you won’t have these career representatives that think they are the only ones that know how to solve problems, It would breath new life into Congress every few years. Maybe, just maybe, we would get people in there that want to be there to help and help make a difference.

I’m through sounding off. Joe, I really don’t care if you post this or not. I’m old and tired of seeing our Country being torn apart by our so called leaders. I do feel sorry for the younger generation, they’re going to be in for one heck of a ride.

I guess the best way to say it is put or shut up."


Anonymous said...

You can continue to thank G.W.Bush.

Anonymous said...

Well said. It's the same thing I have been thinking.

Term limits? Absolutely. Politics should not be a profession; it should be a civic duty.

Anonymous said...

Yo Einstein, your country is being torn apart by greed and deception. Wall Street and their Republican lackys have been gaming the system since 1999 with your money. They built ficticious wealth with overvaluation and false confidence. They siphoned off the false profits and left the taxpayer holding the bag. You are getting action. Obama has done more in 50 days to repair and reverse the damage done than anyone could have imagined. If you want to continue to pray at the alter of greed and coruption follow the guidence of the do nothing talking heads and empty suits of the Right that's up to you. I for one will support a President who is finally acting responsibly in approching the crisis.

Anonymous said...

Go to the teaparty, tell others and maybe we can get Congress to listen, it's not just Salisbury, hundreds of cities are throwing teaparties on April 15th-can you say "YES, WE CAN!" turn their message of nothing into something.

Anonymous said...

People must wake up NOW! The Tea party is just the start. the Stimulus bill actually has wording that takes almost all State rights away, FOREVER, and gives them to the federal government. Socialism has almost overtaken America as a whole. Maybe Russia was right, we will be overtaken from within. MAKE your voices hear, join the Tea Party, but do NOT stop there. Our childrens and grandchildrens lives depend on it.

Anonymous said...

917 & 1015, our country has been ruined by both parties, its congress that controls us all, a president is no more than a puppet head. There are many hidden foreign powers involved as well. Only an enemy from within could do that much damage in 50 days {show us something thats worked for those trillions}. They arent only destroying our economy, making us more dependent upon their programs. Look at how they insult our alias {Europe} and by selling debt to countries like china...they now have a voice like never before in our country. Turning loose war criminals and befriending al Quada.
Term limits? Why hasent it been done sooner? BECAUSE they will NEVER pass a law that would restrict their power and thwart their plans...NEVER!!!
Short of a civil war, the only thing that will stop these to stop their money! Stop the taxes, take their power.

Anonymous said...

I don’t recall blaming the President or any particular Party. You, I and everybody else have let them do what ever they wanted. We have all taken the easy way out. It’s not just a Salisbury problem it’s a National Problem.
Now if you really feel like blaming somebody for your problems, take the time to investigate the last 8 years of the Presidency. You just might be surprised just who was in charge and what party was making the decisions. You might also want to take a course in spelling.

Will B. said...

Revolution By Constitution!!!! You can't blame any one party they all are crooks.. you can say that is was all the Republicians but they are gone and now the Democrates are grabbing all they can. Well let me tell you they are grabbing what is not theirs!!! Stand up for all of us!!! It is not their power, it is not their money, it is not their right!!!!! It is the peoples.... ours, not theirs,,,, they are there to serve us!!!

Lets make them do their job.

Sic Symper Tyrannis

Will Brenner

Anonymous said...

I don’t recall blaming the President or any particular Party. You, I and everybody else have let them do what ever they wanted. We have all taken the easy way out. It’s not just a Salisbury problem it’s a National Problem.
Now if you really feel like blaming somebody for your problems, take the time to investigate the last 8 years of the Presidency. You just might be surprised just who was in charge and what party was making the decisions. You might also want to take a course in spelling.

Anonymous said...

What is going to solve our problems is people not living beyond their means and people working.

I understand temporarily helping people when accidents happen, not lazzines. If you can't afford a house that you want, deal with it. I am a first year teacher, and can barely support myself. If I can't afford things I don't buy them.
I don't see why I have to help someone else pay their mortgage when I can't even afford basic cable.

Anonymous said...

Violence is coming, its the the last resort. Its coming.

Anonymous said...

Keep supporting the man that balked at 285 billion during the election. Then sells the trillion dollar ticket to the public. They are all corrupt. has anyone looked at the retirement the house members get. Oh is in another pocket George was in a seperate sets of pockets. It does not matter until we elect a common man to lead. That has common sense and is not owned by organized crime. We will not see a truly free society. It does not matters what party you are now. We are part of the world party. The triad of power now has thier man in place. I would rather have a common redneck running the country, then a muslim sympathizer. That attented a "Church" that bashed America and the caucasians in it.
As well as a wife that that was ashamed of her country. Let us not forget. It has been said for many years we will fall and a shot will not be heard.

900 million to palastien Einstien or Anon 10:15. The greed and deception is running in evry direction. I bet you are about twenty years old. Leberal to the core. I bet you are one of the he will legalize pot, give everyone an acre and a cow. I just smile when I write that. To any fool that believed the hype just look at Chicago. What all that corruption started when he left my ASS. It was going while he was there and it is going still.

They are all the same the system breeds it, You dont last long on the hill if you dont play the game. Grow up face reallity we have all been duped. No matter what party you call your own we are all victims of Taxation without representation.

God Bless America Live Free or Die

Anonymous said...

How many people on here employ others? I have an idea. Let's ALL stop deducting taxes from our employee's paychecks. When we submit our 941's it will appear that we have no employees. Pay them in cash. When the government feels the pinch, they will understand that WE are in control. They cannot come after everyone.

Anonymous said...

Slow down Anon 1:33 Einstien does not agree with Anon 10:33. Einstien is 65 and served his time in the service.
Forget pot, I sail with the Captain.
Have a nice day.

God Bless America

Anonymous said...

1:29 "Violence is coming, its the the last resort. Its coming."

You see patriots, I see traitors. You see lack of freedom, I see lack of honor.

I'll fly the old glory, the red white and blue. It belongs to me now, and not to you.

Anonymous said...

7:20 this is for you

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."

Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:49 -- If you can't salute the stars and stripes, you can always adopt the stars and bars. That seems a reasonable fit to your fledgling movement.

Anonymous said...


I've saluted the Stars and Stripes many times and will continue to do so. I just want to salute it while it represents the republic it was meant to be rather than the socialist communistic regime it is becoming. I love my country which is why I'll voice my opinion and do what it takes to save it. This is not the republic my grandfather fought for. Incidentally, the First Amendment to the Constitution doesn't give us the right to speak freely, it recognizes a right endowed by our creator. So if you don't like the fact that I exercise this specific right perhaps you should be saluting the Chinese flag or the Cuban flag. I'll keep saluting the American Flag and resisting attempts by crooked politicians to erode her foundation. When the foundation crumbles, the house cannot stand.