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Friday, March 13, 2009

Source: Obama Official On Leave After FBI Raids

Source: Obama technology official on leave after FBI raids his old DC office, arrests 2

Devlin Barrett and Nedra Pickler, Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An aide to President Barack Obama is on leave from his White House job after the FBI raided his old District of Columbia government office Thursday, arresting a city employee and a technology consultant on corruption charges, a White House official said.

The charges were lodged against the two men at a federal court hearing as the FBI finished searching the city's technology office, which was led until recently by Obama's new computer chief, Vivek Kundra.

GO HERE to read more.


chuck said...

I'm the biggest Obama supporter on this site.

That being said... Barack, why can't you vet your appointees, properly? How hard is this? Really?


Reconciled1 said...

To quote Queen-"another one bites the dust" I agree with Chuck , what happened to vetting your appointees?

Anonymous said...

Chuck, honest to God I've never seen anything like it. I'm not an Obama supporter but trying to remain objective I can't for the life of me understand why he can't find clean appointees. A substantial number of people he appointed are tax evaders. It leaves me with only one thing to believe. There are no honest people left in Washington. Obama is crooked. Bush was crooked. They're ALL crooked and we're paying for it!

Anonymous said...

No surprise here. The crime following the man is sad. This starting to sound like the Old Clinton crew. Hmmmmmm Whats next a dead computer tech ? This is just what the doctor ordered. I have never been proud of this country until now. I believe that is what the first lady stated. Wake up people the man has agenda and it only supports about 20% of the population. THE RICH dont be fooled by the Pide Piper. Hey African Americans you feeling that big stimulas boost. Yea me too.

Woof Woof. somebody got sold a woof ticket.

Anonymous said...

Lay down with the dogs come up with fleas. The fleas are all over this guy

Anonymous said...

IT people are all up to something.. It just proves it. Don't trust people who can read all your emails and dictate what websites you can visit.

Anonymous said...

what makes you think obama wants clean appointees? The more corrupt the better, experience at its finest.

Anonymous said...

Right, like everyone knows he cheated to get in and know one wants to admit it.... Lets see can you say "ACCORN" the most corrupt organization around playing with loop holes.

Hire Bernie Madoff, maybe we can make money

Obama supporter, your a nut and probably a Clinton fanatic too.

Anonymous said...

just announced on the news...the proposal of 1 world currency

Anonymous said...

LOL Republicans are silly..

Anonymous said...

There is only 1 way to fix our Country and Joe's has said it repeatedly, quit spending money you don't have. We need amendments at the Federal,State, & local goverment changing how goverment
goverment spends our money. Something Congress can't
change or sneak around. The national debt makes Americans poorer. The National debt is your debt. The founding fathers would have been shocked at today's financial irresponsibility.

Chriso12385 said...

he can't find clean appointees because he isnt clean himself. he is taxing us to death lol he has basically sold us to china. i would have rather seen hilary in office then this retard. Hey obama keep your change cause its costing us ours.

Anonymous said...

We need a Balance Budget Amendment to force the President and Congress to stop spending money they don't have. A child born today owes nearly $300,000 in future lifetime taxes just to pay their share of the interest on the National debt.

Anonymous said...

I just want to sing.."Gypsies, tramps and Thieves"...maybe school kids could replace the old standard..."America The Beautiful" with this more appropriate national Theme..LOL

Anonymous said...

Whoever said they would rather see Hillary, that just makes me want to puke. Out of the whole country, it is amazing the candidates we end up with.. Mccain, Obama, Hillary, we were destined to end up with one of them. None of the three were worth having. Then you have Edwards, Kerry, the list goes on and on. We as Americans have a higher standard for Pres. because we have recently seen how they can use a crisis to push their own agendas. Bush did it, now Obama. Where do we go to seek out quality candidates, not just rich people who can afford to run. Not a false Maverick who's about 100 years old. Not someone who loves socialism and is just recently proud to be an American. I thought Romney might have been a better choice. Definitely not an ex-president's son or wife.

Maybe there should be an American Idol type setup to find us the best talent, we have technology and the "old way" is starting to seem outdated for us to end up with the crap we get stuck with.


Anonymous said...

4:11 - It's funny that you'd mention that song. Have you read the rest of the lyrics?

The basic point of that song is that the epithets are unreasonable and unfair. How apropos.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are now mostly Democrats, and democrats mostly seem to be totalitarian, a cross between Italain Acialism and Karl marx's Communism that took place in Russia. We are headed for a time and a revolt we have never before seen!

Anonymous said...

Every one knows obama is just a front distraction for what is really going on....iluminies...maybe. definately the masons .

Its the end of America unless the masses put a halt to what is being unveiled.

All the raids and tax "errors" have just been distractions when ever congress wants more money.

Blind blind out for your tails ....the knife's falling soon. But what would you say if you knew 90 % of America was going to be destroyed by the year 2015 ?

Life doesnt always go on . And thats all I got to say about that. All the hype is exactly just that.

Except it has been told that the destruction of our economy is the first step , and folks its happening.

Signed ....Crosby,Stills, and Nash

Just fooling , dont come and get me Mr Tamberene Man . :o

Anonymous said...

If lending money for mortgages to those who can't afford it and maxing out credit cards that can't be paid back is responsible for the state of "our" financial state, please tell me how, then, will spending money (on paper) we don't have make anything better?
It's the same thing!

Anonymous said...

5:10 -- It's not the same thing.

The "crime" wasn't in lending money out stupidly to people who could not pay it back. People (and banks) have a right to be stupid with their money.

The "crime" was doing that with other people's money. In 2005, Bush relaxed the rules on how much a bank must keep in reserve for each loan made. Bush let the banks decide for themselves what reserve was appropriate. Wall Street bought these new relaxed rules with many political donations, and the GOP sold us out, BIG TIME.

With few funds in reserve, the whole system becomes a house of cards a la 1929, with cascading failures (just like dominoes).

So in summary, the problem isn't with stupid lending. The problem is with stupid lending using other people's money.

Anonymous said...

One is Indian, the other a Turk. what nationality is Obama's IT guy?

chuck said...

Anyone who thinks Obama is purposely appointing crooks is being either ridiculous, irrational, intentionally dishonest, or a mix of all three.

In today's media environment, no one can get through the vetting process without the press digging up their kindergarten records. This is the Administration not doing it's due diligence. Do you really think ANY politician wants these kind of stupid distractions when they're trying to push through policy? Of course not.

C'mon people, think.