DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This Just In
"Joe, I was just told a few minutes ago that a tax paying citizen and business owner was attacked by a Salsibury Fire Department employee or volunteer last night after the city council meeting. The elderly gentleman was questioning the need for a large ladder truck and a fire boat. I was told this person assaulted the older gentleman right in front of Chief See and police officers. All I know is he said he had 2 children and lives in the Doverdale area. Did you see or hear anything about this. I would like to know why a person representing the Salisbury Fire Department would attack an elderly citizen. Someone he was sworn to protect. If anyone knows anything about this please shed some light on this for us."
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another anonymous message from someone. Why dont you make a few calls and find out from the people who are there first before posting this type of hearsay?
anonymous 5:51,
I did hear about this first thing this morning. I know who was involved but I felt it best to let others let this Post take off.
Little Man See was just as cocky as he always is and likes to act tough, even towards women, right Chiefy? Someone had their A$$ kicked recently for being a cocky little man. Be VERY careful of those coffee tables, they can be a real biotch!
Carry on Folks.
This is a spit ball, check his vider for grease.
That building has cameras on the exterior, does it not.
Lemme guess,the chief saw nothing.I hope whoever assaulted this man is at least reprimanded but I doubt it.
You mean to tell us that See got his butt kicked AGAIN? Wasn't it last year he was walking around with a bruised face from another one? I guess he doesn't stay in shape or he'd know how to protect his...face.
Sorry if last night did occur to someone after the meeting. It's a true shame that something like that happened. Did See jump into help out?
No hearsay. Mr Disharoon made smart comment to a Salisbury fireman and he questioned what he said. Accusations were made toward the Salisbury guy and he gave it back to him a plenty. Both gentlemen stated their opinions and they left without any punches being thrown. There were two Pittsvile firefighters in the discussion also and they gave it right back to the guy.
They go at it tooth and nail with heated discussions in council meetings and thats OK. A fireman and a citizen have a lively discussion and its assault. Wrong! If more people would discuss their differences and clear the air like this, we would be better off. Both sides expressed their opinions and the have that right. Firemen are tired of taking the heat for the actions of the upper management.
It doesnt matter if your the President or a ditch digger. If you make inaccurate statements and come after someone agressively you can expect it back. Especially if you piss off a fireman right now. This guy picked the wrong one to mess with. He takes no stuff from anybody and has no problem telling you like it is. Mr Disharoon should have kept his comments to himself.
That person is a volunteer at Station 16 and has been for a long time. He is also the son of a retired member. This person has been nothing but trouble for the fire department. I bet he will be thanked by See and Gordy and not reprimanded.
With the cameras that should be in place could be supeonaed. Then again they are probably erased by now. Where are the responsible lawyers in Salisbury? One should jump on this and not charge, since they were on Official business, getting paid / compensated for their attendance, and representing the City. The City is also responsible for their actions. This would get See and the others present fired and prosecuted plus loss of pension.
Joe this really did happen. I was told by the members of the family and I was extremely shocked that a person representing the Salisbury Fire Department would act like this to one of the city's best business owners. This person is a business owner and not s developer or a slum lord.
Joe, before this gets out of control I was involved in this battle of words at the conclusion of the Salisbury city council meeting. At the conclusion of the council meeting Mr. Dishroon made a comment about volunteers pissing money away while exiting the room. As I exited the room Mr. Dishroon and Mr. Whited from Pittsville VFD were debating over the future of truck 16 tools and equipment. At this time I entered the conversation exchanging strong opinions with Mr. & Mrs. Dishroon. At no time was there an attack on anyone. I will say if you make strong accusations be prepared to back up what you say and defend your accusations. I and others did our best to put explanations to what I feel extremely harsh accusations with no supporting facts as usual of late. Mrs. Dishroon feels she has all the facts by her own admission because she read it on the internet. While I can understand most of their concerns and can agree with some, the postings that appear on this and other blog/internet sites are far from being the whole truth. Yes, these are trying economic times that are affecting all of us however by outfitting the new ladder truck with newer tools and equipment I don’t consider that pissing money away. Now, if we absolutely had to move tools from the old truck to the new could we have made out? Certainly as we have done in the past for eons, clean them up, paint them and go again. We the station 16 volunteers set money aside about three years ago to cover the purchase of new tools. FYI some of these tools date back to the 1947 ladder & the 1973 ladder. Further FYI the tools and equipment on this vehicle as with several others were purchased through county funding managed and expended by the volunteer corporation. In my eyes county bought tools and equipment will benefit another county fire station. At the end of our discussion outside the government building the Dishroons and I had what I feel a good civil conversation where I clearly identified myself and discussed the quickly deteriorating Doverdale area of which I live. I encourage anyone who has questions or concerns about the Salisbury Fire Department to visit fire headquarters @ 325 Cypress St. I’m sure your questions will answered as truthfully as humanly possible because that’s what our city tax payer deserve.
Thank You
Steven Records
Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief
Station 16, 21 years service
So, who was it?
7:59 your lawyer would have advised against that, the right to remain silent. Use it dude. Plus your most likely on tape. Ha.Ha. idiot.(Respect your elders).
Let me simply reply to these comments with the following.
I don't know who in the hell some of you think you are but many of these citizens have not only been here MUCH longer than you, they have been paying taxes in the City AND County far longer than you.
Clearly people are upset but that piece of crap See needs to stand there like a Gentleman and NOTU come back all cocky with the IT IS WHAT IT IS ATTITUDE and think he or anyone else is going to get away with it any more.
Mr. Records, again, I respect you and your Family, as always. However, the TAXPAYER is always right, until you CALMLY discuss and MANAGE their concerns.
The SFD has taken a position in which they act as if they are HYolier that Thou and believe me, this is NOT the proper way to handle yourselves.
I happen to know that Chief See is taking the fall for ALL of Gordy's BS here. You know it and I know it. Gordy is one scary dude and a spoiled rotten brat at that. I'm a very firm believer that what goes around, comes around and he'll have problems in the future.
Nevertheless, these two men KNEW I was coming after them with all of this and have been looking over their shoulders for weeks after I broke the news about the equipment not being surplussed. Who's the smarter businessman now See? Whoops, it slipped past me.
Leave it to an honorable Records to calm the storm but I'm telling you guys, treat these Taxpayers with more respect because sooner or later I'd suspect a Tea Party and the crooked ones will be the first people with serious problems. If you thought a Blog was bad, wait till the people rebel!
Thank You Mr. Records, Joe
Doug, respect your elders. Isn't that funny that I put that in my comment as well!Don't look at the time either because I just moderated that comment at 8:26 PM and hadn't seen it till after I posted mine.
joe, im sj disharoon and i was one of the ones involved in the lively discussion after the council meeting. let me say emphatically THE WAS NO ASSUALT. THE FIREMEN AND I HAD A REALLY LIVE DISCUSSION BUT NO ASSAULT''' I thought this was america and i was entitled to my opinion but, maybe times have changed. yes i told them i thought that if they didn't want those tools they should have offered them to the public works department first. I was told by a fireman that the PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIDN't DO ANY WORK SO THEY DIDN"T NEED THE TOOLS.i reminded them that they couldn"t fight fires without public works supplying water and i was told that was not true because they could get water out of the river. I was also told by asst chief Gordy that the fireboat was being paid for by the federal govt and we should accept it. I don't think he realizes how much it costs to maintain a boat like that.I was really disappointed that this fireman had so little respect for the employees of the city that work the hardest. they cant flush a toilet at the new firehouse unless public works does their job. PUBLIC WORKS IS THE REAL UNSUN HERO IN THIS TOWN. THANKS. SJD
doug wilkerson said...
7:59 your lawyer would have advised against that, the right to remain silent. Use it dude. Plus your most likely on tape. Ha.Ha. idiot.(Respect your elders).
8:20 PM
I have to agree with doug on this one. 7:59 that was DUMB. Your guilt by self admission should get you FIRED. From your admission Mr. Disharoon wasn't even speaking to you and you jumped all over him. I had more respect for the volunteers of the Salisbury Fire Department and you just ruined it for me and many others.
Im always one step ahead Joe, its a good thing your LORD sent me down here to watch over you huh Joe. Lunatic with common sense, scary. He works in mysterious ways.
Great minds think alike??????
Kinda screws that one all up. LOL
For one personality anyway, did you forget my reality.
It sounds to me like Mr. Disharoon has a good point. That equipment was purchased for the use of the City of Salisbury and should be accounted for as such, whether it needs to move on to another department from aging or other reason. It still has value, and the receiving department should be purchasing it from the fire dept.A Salisbuty agency should have first dibbs on the purchase.
Accountability and respect for the taxpayers money and opinions should always be held high, because after all, Mr Disharoon, being a taxpayer, is the ultimate employer of the leaders of the FD.
As for the fire boat; same thing. We supplied that Federal tax money, and do not wish to see it pissed away in a manner that costs us more county and city tax money. An unneeded item is still an unneeded item, even when it is at "no cost". It all costs us.
Respect that, SFD.
Steven Records
Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief
Station 16, 21 years service
From what I am told this person is appointed by Bill Gordy and David See. First we have corrupt elections in the city and now we have thugs appointed by the fire chiefs and mayor attacking good tax paying citizens and business owners. Are well living in Chicago?
joe, sorry but im back again. i didnt want my comment to be too long.my wife feels that my integretity was assualted last night. when we got downstairs the young man apoligized to my wife for getting in my face. (thank goodness im as old as i am because 30 yrs ago it may have had a different outcome. as far as im concerned the incident with him is history but the outrageous spending is not. one of the firemen tried to tellme the firehouse didn't cost $10 mill. I have a letter from the mayors office saying the building cost $9.6 mill. the land cost $632,000 he also told me that wasn't true he evidently doesn't realize that half of that figure was cash and half was a tax credit (the same as cash) i told the young fireman that we(meaning taxpayers) weren't upset with the firefighters we were upset with the bosses and the administration in the city. he also expressed his concern about crime in this city and he is worried. thanks sjd
IF the Firefighters don't want to get a reputation like See & Gordy's, they need to simply stay the hell out of these conversations, respectfully.
Look, I have heard just about enough of the Firefighters being upset with me because they feel I'm dragging them down. I'm NOT dragging them down, THEY'RE dragging themselves down.
We have spent countless hours digging into information they seem to be clueless about SJ, they need to stop taking See & Gordy's word for everything because these are two less than honorable men.
Yeah, you heard me jackasses. You sold the City a bill of goods with your, "it's all about safety, BS!"
That's right, that's how they sell everything. They CLAIM the equipment is better and SAFER. Well guess what BONEHHEADS, you're full of CRAP!
The new equipment is no safer than the old and I can prove it if I have to. Hooks, ladders, fans, saws, it's all B. S.!
Same old scare tactic all Americans were sold on these past 9 years.
Ok, let me tell you the real story, I was standing outside the conference room talking to Mr Chaney and waiting for Mr Holland to get to me when I heard my husband talking to the firemen about the meeting last night, when I heard someone shouting and when I turned to look I saw Mr Records ( find out his name later ) shouting at my husband and getting closer and closer into his face. I ask him two or three time to back up and get out of his face. Mr Records kept shouting at my husband and I did think that he would hit him, now my husband is almost 70 years old and Mr records was much younger and I was very upset as my husband has a heart condition. So we all started walking away when I said to Mr Records that I felt he was not raised very well if he did not respect an older person. He then brought up that the problem was people reading the blogs,He was wrong I knew about this meeting last week from a phone call at my office not the blogs. Yes we did resolved it somewhat and he did say he was sorry.
Wanda Disharoon
I agree with Mr. Records, the Doverdale area is going down the craper real fast. I am a resident there as well and it is getting crazy around here.
Now thats the best thing I've seen on here in some time. Two adults involved in this alleged incident have clearly stated their position and facts about what happened last night. Both stories match and there are no hard feelings. It reassures my faith in mankind.
As for the comment about Mr Records being nothing but trouble, I say not. His family has a long respectful history in Salisbury and its fire department. His father alone ,saved thousands for the department over the years. His two sons are just like him. The fact that Chief See or Gordy appointed him has nothing to do with the current issues in the department. He was an officer long before these two men came onboard. He is dedicated and will fiercely defend what he feels is right. That comes naturally from his father. I'm just glad this has worked itself out.
Former 216 said
That person has been trouble for a long time.
I guess thats what you say when your afraid you'll lose your spot at the deuce. When someone is good at what they do, and you never were. He has respect of many and others never will.
What fire boat are you complaining about? Is there one in the budget and for what year? Did they budget on for the year coming up? What size / type of boat are they getting?
A metal bar probably does have an expiration date - 200 years! RauGHHH
A chain saw is a chain saw. The way to get these firefighters/EMS better pay is pinching a few pennies and doing the right thing. That kind of stuff adds up over the years and years of reckless spending.
Sounds like Gordo is trying to buy his way to the chiefy job? Like he's tried to buy Bubba an election that won't work this time with all of his money.
You can blame the DOWN FALL of the doverdale area of this so called city on one thing: THE RENTAL PROPERTIES...the CAUSE of the whole DOWNFALL of the city of Salisbury....was not like that when I was growing up here and at 52 years of age, it saddens me to see what this city has become.
When a member of the Salisbury Fire Department or any agency attacks, yes attacks an elderly citizen trying to get involved in the city he loves there is a problem. Will this person be relieved of his position? I doubt it. This isn't the first time this person has attacked someone. If I remember correctly this same individual made comments or threats to this blog owner at a recent Pork in the Park event.
If this fireman attacked a business owner who supports Bubba Comagys what do you think would happen to him then?
I worked for his father. There good people and raised right. If you challenged his father he would come after you. You knew where you stood and he was a proud and fair man. The fire company was everything to him and you didnt mess with it. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree.
So the logic I'm following here is that an older person is allowed to say whatever he or she wants to, bashing other (younger) tax-paying contributers to society and riduculing their way of life and their dedication to serve the community in which they live, yet when that younger person (who is EQUALLY a tax-paying adult) responds emotionally defending their convictions they are out-of-line and "not respecting elders". So I suppose the answers to all of Salisbury's problems is to kiss the a** of everyone older. Wow! That's really going to take us far.
I understand that most of the attacks towards SFD are at the upper administration and not towards the firefighters themselves. But come on, it takes special kinds of people to be firefighters. We don't question their tenacity, emotion, dedication, and loyalty when they are saving lives. We praise how they stand tall and have eachother's back (and us citizens) no matter what. Considering the aforementioned, how can these guys not take offense when they are hearing their department bashed constantly? They have to at times feel like they are being shunned by the very community they are VOLUNTEERING to serve. It is sure to eventually elicit some sort of emotional response.
Rob S
8:54 you are the dumb one because Mr. Records is a volunteer. Re-read his post.
Rob, I did not say it was right or wrong for my husband to say what he said, and it was not right or wrong for what Mr. Records said. My problem is jumping in my husbands face for what my husband said. If you had been there and saw the look on Mr Records face maybe you would have been as concerned as I was for my husband. Mr Records has every right to say what he feels but he did not have to yell in my husband face. Just understand it was not what he said it was how he did it. And no not one of the other firemen tried to stop him.
Wanda Disharoon
NO SIR! The bottom line is that the obligation a younger generation has to respect their elders has slipped through the cracks. It doesn't matter what Mr. Disharoon had to say, records has no right to get in the face of a 70 year old man and yell at him. You should have turned your back and walked away. Your a real man. And Little, I'm surprised you would stand for such a thing. I've always had nothing but respect for you and what you've done for Pittsville. I know firemen are tight but don't let that cause you to compromise values that I know are generations deep in your family. You just don't let younger people get in the faces of our elders. It's not American.
The out of control spending and practices going on at the fire dept. need to stop! Someone with the cahoonahs needs to reign in Gordy and See. Unfortunately, the good apples are being spoiled by the bad. Perhaps with all the dissension,anger, spilling over for a couple years now---perhaps there is a problem at the top. If there was good leadership at the top you would not see all this bullcrap spilling over. Good leadership entails much more than spending millions for pretty new equipment. Good leadership is not dependent on that. It goes way beyond that. Get rid of those 2 who appear to not give a damn about the value of a dollar, and get someone in there who has values and integrity as well as fiscal responsibility, and maybe some respect can be restored. I feel badly for the good men and women who are part of the organization and having to put up with all this crap because the leadership stinks. Aren't you good people tired of the stench those 2 bring down? What can be done/
Can someone investigate the LLC which purchased the land on Cypress St. and jacked up the price to sell it to the city. Roomer has it that Bill Gordy was one of the investors, who benefited from the sale of this property to the City of Salisbury.
Land records can find out the LLC which sold it, and a good lawyer can find out the investors that made up the LLC. Search and find that Gordy is involved I bet.
GordySe and Hoppes were laughing about this incident yesterday and thought it was great. He had the young man do his dirty work for him and take the heat for his actions. Gordy stands back and lets it happen and the young man pays the price. They feel they are untouchable with a 3 to 2 council all the time.If he respected the taxpayers money, this incident would not have happened. I suggest this young man stay clear of the management and their business practices.
The city council and the lame administration needs to reprimand Gordy, See and Records for their behavior. I don't care if Mr. Disharoon is 70 or 37 he is a tax payer in this city and county that pays their salary. He deserves the respect as such. Mr. Disharoon was not wrong in his statement, the SFD with the approval of 3/5ths of the council have squandered every available dime they possibly could.
The least that is owed Mr. Disharoon is a formal apology.
Hand pumped hydraulic spreaders still work and are much less expensive on the gas powered hydraulic rescue tools, should we go back to those too? I'm sure you wouldn't care if it took ten times longer to get you out of that mangled mess of a car as long as we saved your fellow taxpayers a few bucks!
Maybe old man Disharoon should have kept his mouth shut. Don't start something that you can not finish.
Is everybody supposed to stand by & take whatever he wants to say about them & not defend themselves?
I think not.
Anonymous said...
I agree with Mr. Records, the Doverdale area is going down the craper real fast. I am a resident there as well and it is getting crazy around here.
9:43 PM
It isn't about Doverdale it is about a young man verbally attacking an elderly gentleman for his opinion on wasted money in the city and the fire department. This person from the fire department should be suspended or separated from the fire department. Chief See watched happen and didn't intervene so he should be FIRED for his actions.
Anonymous said...
Hand pumped hydraulic spreaders still work and are much less expensive on the gas powered hydraulic rescue tools, should we go back to those too? I'm sure you wouldn't care if it took ten times longer to get you out of that mangled mess of a car as long as we saved your fellow taxpayers a few bucks!
10:05 AM
Obviously a FARMIN who doesn't pay taxes in the city of Salisbury. Maybe the new Mayor should step in and get rid of everyone in the fire department and start over.
Obviously a FARMIN who doesn't pay taxes in the city of Salisbury. Maybe the new Mayor should step in and get rid of everyone in the fire department and start over.
12:28 PM
Yep! You got it! Go ahead, get rid of us. See what happens to your taxes then! Or are you going to bring your worthless behind out and VOLUNTEER?
10:05 am
Don't be a jerk. Oh that's right---too late.
in regards to the comment about me finishing things i start, at least im man enough to sign my name on my comments thanks.
I'd like to respond to your challenge below. First, I apologize to Mr. Disharoon if he felt threatened by one of our members when he responded passionately to being insulted. The polite thing would have been for our member to merely walk away, which is the tact our leadership has been taking regarding the insults levied on this blog. Unfortunately, the lies, overt and suggested, continue.
We in the SFD are proud of the work we do, and the accomplishments we've made under the leadership of those you continue to bash. Further, you cannot trash our leaders without trashing our organization and its members. The smartest among us know to steer clear of this blog, but so many different charges are being levied, and necessarily followed up by city administration, that it is becoming a drain on the organization merely to respond.
Like any group of people, we are almost never in complete agreement regarding every decision that comes down from SFD administration, but those members who are working for its betterment know how to become involved in the work committees that made most of the decisions that you blame on the chiefs. Apparently, not every member shares this sense of team, as you are obviously receiving information from within our organization, but those disgruntled members, by such actions, are demonstrating that they have personal agendas that are not in concert with the mission of the SFD.
The poor "reputation" you ascribe to See and Gordy is only in your minds and those who choose not to seek the truth themselves. The SFD has progressed more under their leadership, and the majority of members who are working in concert with them, resulting in adequate facilities, apparatus, and equipment; defined and enforced training requirements; and thoughtful strategic planning to ensure we are better able to stay ahead of the challenges we face.
Are we perfect? No. In fact, we have a lot of work to do, in a lot of areas, and will continue to do so despite these constant attacks. But our leaders are neither idiots nor crooks, and those of you who believe the slurs directed their way by this blog are the ones with questionable intelligence. It's apparently way too easy for some people to fire off a question about someone's integrity, then sit back and watch the damage from the comfort of their computer screen.
If you truly want the facts, stop by a station and ask your questions. If you don't like what you see and hear (or if you do), go to the City Council or the Chief's office and state your case. This forum is not the place for truth, and is not the place to effect change.
Joe Albero said:
IF the Firefighters don't want to get a reputation like See & Gordy's, they need to simply stay the hell out of these conversations, respectfully.
Look, I have heard just about enough of the Firefighters being upset with me because they feel I'm dragging them down. I'm NOT dragging them down, THEY'RE dragging themselves down.
We have spent countless hours digging into information they seem to be clueless about SJ, they need to stop taking See & Gordy's word for everything because these are two less than honorable men.
Yeah, you heard me jackasses. You sold the City a bill of goods with your, "it's all about safety, BS!"
That's right, that's how they sell everything. They CLAIM the equipment is better and SAFER. Well guess what BONEHHEADS, you're full of CRAP!
The new equipment is no safer than the old and I can prove it if I have to. Hooks, ladders, fans, saws, it's all B. S.!
Same old scare tactic all Americans were sold on these past 9 years.
9:35 PM
If the truck and equipement is still in good enough condition to sell, but not good enough for the city of salisbury, why then is it good enough for pittsville? I just don't understand how perfectly good equipment is practically given away, while we spend for brand new.
You are sadly misinformed....
Anonymous 2:34 PM,
Mr. Hoppes were you on your lunch break when you accepted the challenge and posted on city time?
So gladly enlighten me, sir.
mr records
let me start by saying i respect what you do in the fire dept. however your actions were way out of line, if you think your going to get away with this your crazy. i will see this though untill your out of the dept. we dont need disrespectful people in this dept.oh yes this is one of your own. if you ever feel the need to get in the face of a 70 year old guy, you are nothing but a coward.
Anonymous said...
mr records
let me start by saying i respect what you do in the fire dept. however your actions were way out of line, if you think your going to get away with this your crazy. i will see this though untill your out of the dept. we dont need disrespectful people in this dept.oh yes this is one of your own. if you ever feel the need to get in the face of a 70 year old guy, you are nothing but a coward.
10:31 PM
That records boy is nothing but trouble and always has been. He is always running his mouth and picking fights with anyone and everyone. He does have a few redneck followers, but he needs to be thrown out of the department. Why doesn't the Mayor or any of the city council members speak out against this? Oh, I forgot it is an election year.
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