I'm sure you're wondering just what the heck I have provided above, right? OK, here's the deal. If you go to the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Website, agree to their terms. Then type in the Police Officers last name, then first name, if necessary, it will provide you with everything you want to know about the work each Officer has done in the past. You see, even though their name isn't involved in criminal activity themselves, their name will be on the Case Search as the Officer involved in let's just say a traffic ticket or a crime.
That being said, I typed in traffic, then criminal, then all and you know what, my hat is tipped to Chief Webster for suspending some of these Officers because guess what, they haven't done JACK in the past three months.
Now why do you think this is? I wondered that myself so I started asking around and the best answer I got was, Police Officers tend to slack off two or three months before they leave for another job. If they leave and they have a bunch of cases they would be called into Court for, this would be very difficult and would create a problem.
So in Chief Webster's credit, (if this is why he suspended these two Officers) he's clearly upset that his Officers aren't performing. Now, that being said, if you continue to look into each Officer on the Salisbury Police Department, (or any other Agency that you'd like) simply use the link above and see if their name pops up. In the results above you can see where it says, "Sorry but your search did not match any records." The 4th pictures shows one Officer's history and the fact that he is active.
Now, looking at it this way and searching into each and every Officer would not only keep them on their toes, it will also help them to REPORT criminal activity. That being said, just how many Officers on the SPD have blanks when you pull them up? If that's the case, how can we really know what the crime stats are if there are no arrests being made, like the 3 months above with two Officers. Am I making sense to you?
What does it say to YOU when you see an Officer or two that haven't written a traffic ticket or arrested someone in the past three months? When crime is almost 4 times higher than the national average and the Mayor comes out and says crime is down 15% do you know what that means to me? It means you just went from a Grade F- to an F. Here's the main issue you'll hopefully see on WBOC tonight. The Mayor claims that the documents from the FBI state that you can not use those numbers per capita. Technically, she's right. HOWEVER, what they mean by that statement is that the FBI does not recommend that anyone use those figures to RATE A POLICE DEPARTMENT. That's why it is stated like it is.
Anyhow, the problem with Salisbury's crime rate being almost 4 times the national average is the fact that your insurance rates are through the roof. Where the City benefits from those numbers is, they can file for many additional GRANTS to bring in additional funding, especially for the Police Department.
Out of 749 Cities across America the same size as the City of Salisbury, Salisbury is ranked the 9th most dangerous in America. So yes Folks, we are in the top 10. I don't care what this Mayor tells you, these are the facts and they are facts we will prove on Monday.
One final note. When and if you go to the Maryland Judiciary Website and punch in an Officers name, know that many have administrative jobs, therefore you're not going to see a bunch of hits on your search like you would an Officer on the street. Try it Mayor, you may just learn something from this Post.
Just realize that theses officers were all supervisors, so their chance to enforce crime was not as high due to being inside maning the desk or doing paperwork.
Excuses... excuses.
Joe, I totally understand where you are coming from, it looks bad. However, i have done my research and if you take a ranking officer from any other agency, the same thing happens! (maybe other that Mike Lewis). But I think if you go back and put in officers from other agencies with the same rank you will get the same results!
I have known many supervisors and they are just as active as the regular officers on the street. They also witness situations.
Look, the 4th image shows a veteran of many, many years who has 8 results on the Maryland Case Search Records. So what each of you is saying so far doesn't cut it. The bottom line is, no matter what is said, show me the results. Show me the arrests. You can't have just one or two officers writing up everything. Like I said, take ANY officer at random and try this and see what results you get. I'll be sure to spend my weekend researching this to see what I can come up with. You're welcome to send me your results as well. However, I think we're onto something here. I encourage Council Members to do the same research.
Joe, I am computer illiterate...please tell me how to send the results, and I will be glad! I know many officers as well, in all divisions, and I am by no means saying they are not great cops, knowing all of them I actually think the opposite! but I will use the same dates you have and randomly select an officer at all ranks and send you the results! It does add up! The results only show you the cases that make it to court! For example, my husband who is an officer has had alot more than 12 arrests and/or tickets this year, yet when I put his name in it came up with 12 cases! So not finding anything doesn't mean they aren't doing anything! Ask Mike Lewis...I am sure he would agree! but as I said, I am not disputing that it doesn't look bad...it does, but you are not seeing the whole picture!
I would also like to point out, you left traffic citations out of your search....Still don't know if anything will come up, but select all types of cases when searching! You can't say they have not written traffic tickets if you don't search for traffic cases!
anonymous 5:57, LOOK AGAIN. I did do just traffic as well on one of the Officers and nothing came up. You can make it even simpler by searching ALL. Try it and see what comes up. You'll see.
anonymous 5:53, just give me the name and I'll look it up.
Police supervisors' job isn't enforcement, it's to supervise. That's not to say a supervisor may not stop a violator and write a ticket, or arrest someone committing a crime the supervisor witnesses, but a supervisor, depending on the rank and assignment, has many administrative and supervisory duties to perform, ie report reviews, evaluations, handling assignments that come down from the command staff, investigating minor internal complaints against an officer etc. If a police supervisor has enough time to run around and perform enforcment duties, thus taking himself out of service and thus unable to perform his assigned duties as a supervisor, I'd have to ask if he wants to remain a supervisor or give up the rank and go back on patrol. Additionally, when running officers' name through this automated system, you have to know such things as the officers assignement, prior assignment, if he was involved in any special assignement or details etc. To look blindly at numbers and think you have all the answers shows your complete ignorance.
Joe, one thing you may wnat to look at...put the persons last name then first initial instead of a whole first name. Some officers just use their initials or the courts just list their initials for their safety.
While not all search systems are perfect ,This raises alota questions? I did just use oliphants last name ( i did spell it corectly then as 500results showed) and nothing comes up for the laast 6 months at all...when you use the dates feature if you need instustions how to use the system to look .Ask ill post it or im sure joe will ..
hmmmm, six months? Isn't that about how long he has been a CPL???
Quoted from the WBOC website: “Comegys says, "We have to have crime watches so that we start looking out for our neighbors and our neighbor's property. We have to be more engaged in the process."
"This becomes nearly impossible in neighborhoods where home ownership is the exception and not the rule. Some neighborhoods have become ¾ rentals, if not higher, with some homes of long-time homeowners surrounded on four sides by rentals. National studies identify low home ownership as one of the primary criteria for high crime levels. Neighborhood watches are good things, but when only a couple of homeowners live on a block, they can't be maintained. Mr. Comegys may not understand that on a firsthand basis, as his home is in a Planned Residential District. No rentals. They're forbidden.
Mr. Comegys, in Council, when people complained about growing rentals and crime in their neighborhoods, acidly called them “elitists”. I would submit that it is he who is actually the elitist.
This dog just wont bark. There is more here than the view of some is that the men suspended "Did nothing" I have worked around one of these men for twenty years. He was aterror on the streets. He did major drug work. When most of you were in diapers or Jr. High smoking dope E. Davis was fighting the war on the streets the old school. He did not play the race card or hide behind the fact he was raised in this city. I believe all of his brothers are in the job as well. Judge not until you have walked a mile in one of the shoes of one of these men.
That being said there is a horrible morale problem at SPD and the lection has a lot of people on edge and they should be. If this guy Comegy get elected the cops are doomed. He is by no way a leader. If anything he is just what these men are accused of if the story is true.
Je has pointed out multiple major issues with this piece of dung. I live in the county we to have our issues with certain council members. I hope Joe pursues them as he did Bubba.
Great job joe I would have known nothing on that guy if you had not exsposed him.
This city is crime infested. No if, no butts. It is not the police at fault. This down hill slide started long ago. Webster and Tilghman have just compounded the issue to th point we all have taken notice.
God Speed and let justice be served.
Three out of the four are listed as criminal charges? "Go To War Miss Agnes!" from - Good Ole Chuck Thompson the long time Baltimore Oriole broadcaster.
Policemen with criminal charges? Good thing this is an election year and thanks Joe for getting the taxpers up to speed with this. God knows we'll never see it in the paper.
"IF" it even made the paper it would be in section B, page 8 and you'd need a magnifying glass!
why are you yelling geez caps lock
Hey slow down a little you may have to type in the guys first intitial or "ofc." or what ever his rank is or any variation of the officers name. Sometimes it wont give you anything at all depends on what the officer wrote on his charging documents and how it was humanly entered into the system!!!!
Thank you for finally comparing Salisbury to other similarly populated cities. Proving yet again what most of us have known all along. Now, lets see what the excuse is for the local apologists. I've never seen so much backwards thinking. Keep the public dumb so we can win all those awards for best community etc. Proving just how much B.S. they are.
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