I strongly suggest everyone tune into FOX 21 at 5:00 PM or WBOC Channel 16 at 6:00 PM TONIGHT! If YOU want to know the TRUTH about numbers, Elizabeth Harrington will deliver the truth. Mind you, I'm sure she's going to have to tell both sides but I think the individual she'll be interviewing will clearly convince everyone watching that they know exactly what they're talking about.
It's time to put this issue to rest. Salisbury News has chosen to wait until Monday to deliver more facts on this issue, so if you miss tonight's broadcast we will deliver those facts after the weekend. I wonder if the Mayor will pull yet another Press Conference today after she reads this Post? One thing is for sure, there are TWO individuals who will be ringing Elizabeth's phone off the hook in about 20 seconds.
Rock on! Let's have some actual reporting and let the chips fall where they may.
I agree 2centz Lets see the truth be covered by a true reporter not afraid to share the truth in the MSM
cuel I bet there ratings will be up with Joe's ... I'll be watching!
Dont count your chickens just yet I say.
Some one call Laura D'isgrace and tell her watch and learn.
Lets hope she does the right thing and her boss allows it.
I watch anytime Elizabeth H is on the air. She is HOT!!
One thing I can tell you about Craig Jahelka, (her boss) is the guy doesn't take crap from anyone. He's the real deal and demands the facts be delivered. Stop by and meet him one day. He's a professional with one heck of a background in Broadcasting.
I'll also share this with you. When I met Craig I was telling him the story about the time Mayor Tilghman and the former City Council storming into the Daily Times and the Mayor was cursing like a sailor. This was back in the day when Joe Carmean did that article about the Zoo. Anyhow, the Mayor was furious and she wanted EVERYONE to know, you will NOT mess with Barrie Tilghman, hence their refusing to do any in depth follow up stories and telling me, "haven't you done enough damage Joe."
Anyhow, Craig had that look on his face like, I dare you to come walking through my door and pull that crap. It was a refreshing conversation.
unfortunately, WBOC is only marginally more accurate with facts than the Daily Times. I will watch the report but it is presumptuous at best to regard them as an authoritative source of facts.
Not that it is germaine to the facts BUT Elizabeth is hot and so are both Alice Bavis and Lisa Bryant!
hope she finds out the truth about the crime.
keepin it real,,,keep on moving pal, shes mine bro lol.
Have you sent to her the post with the crime data for 15 major Maryland cities that has Salisbury with the highest rate of violent crime and 2nd highest for property crime in 2007 --
Being in the business I have asked nurmerous reporters to really do some research on the crime here and all of them did not because of the pressure from above. I hope that this issue is being put out in the election that the truth will really come out. There is plenty of computer information available now. Also remember that the computer data can be manipulated by the upper management.
Number nine in the nation. WOW! If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, than i guess the City of Salisbury is a very dangerous Duck.
Webster, do you really think you have done your job. Leave on your own terms, rather being fired when the new mayor comes in!!
Here is a a question for Mare Dinglebarrie and Cheef Jak & Koke:
If the crime is really down in the city of Salisbury then why did you request 8 new police officers in the last budget. That is right 8 new positions. If crime is down then we should start eliminating some of those positions and not increase them. Eight positions is a lot to ask for if the crime rate is truly down.
Cheefy and da Mare I challenge you to answer this question or offer the citizens of Salisbury and Mayoral Candidate Ireton an apology!
I watched the story and didn't see any smoking gun. A supporter for Ireton wanted to make the point that Salisbury was more dangerous when compared with over 400 like-sized towns/cities in the United States, and the police chief explained that people that don't know how to interpret the FBI's UCR statistics can see whatever they want to see.
So much for the claim and hype of a sizzling hot story.
Find out how many robberies Salisbury has had this year alone, you will be shocked. Thefts from homes are extrememly too.
anonymous 6:42, You clearly didn't understand. First of all it was more like 570 cities across America. However, of those 570 the same size, Salisbury was rated #9.
NOW, what the Chief was talking about was a population of 100,000 and he's right. However, the numbers Elizabeth got from Mark McIver was again from 570 cities with the same population of Salisbury.
The Chief is talking apples to oranges.
Give spd more officers and pay the officers they have like EVERY other department locally. Paying them chump change will keep motivation at a low and keep the revolving door of people leaving spd going
Anonymous said...
"If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, than i guess the City of Salisbury is a very dangerous Duck."
6:17 PM
I have heard dinglebarrie use that quote several times.
What I know for sure is, I have lived here all of my life and for the very first time, I AM afraid to go to my ATM at night and I WON'T even take my garbage out after dark! I do things like that in the day time now. I hate feeling like I am a prisoner in my own home town.
Hey Barrie Tilghman I have a novel idea. Why don't you ask Wicomico County Administrator Theodore Shea what he thinks about the crime rate in the City of Salisbury!
The burglaries in city limits are in the 80's for the year so far.
I think I understand completely. Like you, when I wrote my post I couldn't recall the exact number of cities Mciver sited in the news report. While I wrote it was over 400 (which it was) and you wrote," more like 570 cities...," the number Mciver stated was 746.
As for Webster, what he said is correct. The mean used for capita crime is 100,000 people. Salisbury has one-quarter of that population. Per capita reports project crime out as if all reporting jurisdictions have 100,000 citizens. So while Salisbury, with its approximately 25,000 citizens has one homicide, per capita reports would say if Salisbury had 100,000 people, or four times as many as it actually has, the number of homicides in Salisbury would most likely be 4 and not one. Hope I cleared that up for you.
anonymous 10:43, you're hopeless.
Nevertheless,here's a good one for you. How would you feel if I told you that there is more crime in the City of Salisbury than there was in Detroit, Michigan? The Chief stated the crime was up because of the recession. OK, let's just say he's right, which he's not but that's OK. Detroit is one of the most poverty stricken city's in America, yet our crime is even higher than their. Unbelievable!
Hope I cleared that up for you.
The 746 city's were the same size as Salisbury and Salisbury is ranked #9 in crime. I'm glad to see you're so proud of these numbers. I guess SOMEONE has to be in the top ten, right?
Webster doesn't get it. He obviously has a real problem with how the FBI rates cities nationwide.
I would comment on why crime is so high here in Salisbury, but then with all the A$$w*pe political correctness, I would be offending someone.
Without having Detroit's crime stats and their population, I can't say what you wrote is true or false. You would need to show me the crime numbers and the population. One chart I'm looking at as I write this shows in 2008 New Orleans was this country's most dangerous city, followed by Camden, N.J. and then Detroit in third. Closest city to Salisbury geographically on the list of the top 25 most dangerous cities is Baltimore, on the list in the 12th position.
In 2007, Detroit recorded 394 murders among 860,971 citizens. The per capita rate for homicides in Detroit are approximately 49 murders for every one hundred members in the population. Multiply the 49 number by 8 times to reflect the addtional 700,000 in the population and you have the total of numbers committed and you'll come up with the 394 number. Since Salsibury only has approximately 25,000 citizens, one murder would be multiplied by four to achieve the 100,000 mean number used. So with only one murder, Salisbury would be projected to have four if the population was 100,000. Using the population numbers for Detroit. If Salisbury had one murder, it would be projected that Salisbury's homicide rate is projected out to be four murders for every one hundred citizens, 34 murders total for all 860,000 citizens. Using real numbers for reported murders, Detroit has 49 murders for every one hundred citizens. Salisbury would have 4 murders for every one hundred citizens. Detroit had 340 murders for 860,000 citizens. Salisbury would have 34 murders if their population was 860,000. Salisbury is a much safer city that Detroit.
I concur with Webster on his assessment that the current economic situation is indeed contributing to any up tik in crimes, especially property crimes and robberies.
52 year resident said...
I would comment on why crime is so high here in Salisbury, but then with all the A$$w*pe political correctness, I would be offending someone.
11:39 PM
I feel your pain my friend but lets call a spade a spade if you get my drift.
Anon 8:56 am
I do catch your drift.
Sure, if Mayberry has one murder, it'll have a high per capita murder rate. If it happens once every 10 years, that's one thing. If it happens every year, Mayberry's got a problem, bet your ***!
Webster's "analysis" on this is bogus and he's trying to have it both ways. The whole point of "per capita" is to have a level statistic on which to make comparisons and assess risk.
For the size town this is, there is ****load of crime. I felt safer when I lived in NYC. I'm not exactly a small guy, but there are places here I stay out of.
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