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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Join The National Tea Party


Anonymous said...

Makes you think. When did the site change and pop ups begin?

Anonymous said...

Ok so some rabble rowsers are having a tea party, I'm just as p.o. ' ed as the next guy but what do you tea party people stand for?

I went to facebook and nowhere did I see what you guys want, where the tea party is going to be and what you stand for?

If you are only going to piss and moan like a libtard then why even bother.

Why don't you people offer some concrete solutions?

Anonymous said...

3:23 Rather than complain about the actions of others, why don't you get involved and offer some solutions yourself instead of criticizing. We will be out there sending a message that using taxpayers money to bail out failing companies is wrong. There are thousands upon thousands across the country who feel the same way. You say your as p.o.'d as everyone else - do something about it. You had better read a little more carefully. The teaparty will be held in front of the Govt. Office Building on 4/15/09 between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Ok I see it now and I went to the teaparty website. I had to search to find Newt's 12 steps. Now that's an agenda I can get behind.

So my final question is if you
we want to stand for something

We should probably be saying that is what we stand for.

These 12 basic issues are why we are having this protest.

WE want

Payroll Tax Stimulus.

With a temporary new tax credit to offset 50% of the payroll tax, every small business would have more money, and all Americans would take home more of what they earn.

Real Middle-Income Tax Relief. Reduce the marginal tax rate of 25% down to 15%, in effect establishing a flat-rate tax of 15% for close to 9 out of 10 American workers.

Reduce the Business Tax Rate. Match Ireland’s rate of 12.5% to keep more jobs in America.

Homeowner’s Assistance.
Provide tax credit incentives to responsible home buyers so they can keep their homes.

Control Spending So We Can Move to a Balanced Budget.
This begins with eliminating Congressional earmarks and wasteful pork-barrel spending.

No State Aid Without Protection From Fraud.
Require state governments to adopt anti-fraud and anti-theft policies before giving them more money.

More American Energy Now.
Explore for more American oil and gas and invest in affordable energy for the future, including clean coal, ethanol, nuclear power and renewable fuels.

Abolish Taxes on Capital Gains. Match China, Singapore and many other competitors. More investment in America means more jobs in America.

Protect the Rights of American Workers.
We must protect a worker’s right to decide by secret ballot whether to join a union, and the worker’s right to freely negotiate. Forced unionism will kill jobs in America at a time when we can’t afford to lose them.

Replace Sarbanes-Oxley.
This failed law is crippling entrepreneurial startups. Replace it with affordable rules that help create jobs, not destroy them.

Abolish the Death Tax.
Americans should work for their families, not for Washington.

Invest in Energy and Transportation Infrastructure. This includes a new, expanded electric power grid and a 21st century air traffic control system that will reduce delays in air travel and save passengers, employees and airlines billions of dollars per year.