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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hand Gun Bill HB 470

Delegate Page Elmore provided this info by email about the hand gun bill HB 470.

Hand Gun Right-to- Carry Lies with Judiciary Committee


This PRO-GUN legislation to permit carrying a hand gun, HOUSE BILL 470, is still alive, but its fate is in the hands of the Judiciary Committee.

The decision is entirely up to THIS committee.

HB 470 if passed will remove “good, substantial reason to wear, carry or transport” from existing law.

The companion HB 682 that would have ”required a permit be issued in reasonable time after successful completion of Federal Flight Deck Officer Program” died in committee.

If you support this Hand Gun Bill, you may wish to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and tell the members how you feel about HB 470 and your right to carry a hand gun in the state of Maryland. All 22 committee members meet to consider this bill and ALL VOTE on this bill. So contact as many of the 22 committee members as possible.

The following information is from the Maryland Judiciary Committee website.
(Just Google MD Judiciary Committee. It will be the first entry. )

(You may also monitor the progress of any bill online at
Just fill in the bill # 470, hit enter and scroll down to History by Legislative and Calendar Date.)
Call or write these Judiciary Committee Members and tell them how you feel about HB 470 and your right to carry a hand gun in Maryland.
Eight of twenty-two members ARE co-sponsors!

Dial same Toll-free number for all members : 1-800-492-7122, press 1, then individual committee member’s extension.

OR WRITE members at:
House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS : ** 8 are co-sponsors of HB 470
** Concentrate your calls on the 14 who are not co-sponsors

Chairman Joseph F. Vallario, Jr. Room 101 Extension: 3488
Vice-Chairman Samuel L. Rosenberg Room 101 Extension: 3297
Curtis Stovall Anderson Room 314 Extension: 3291
Benjamin Barnes Room 209 Extension: 3046
Jill P. Carter Room 317 Extension: 3283
Frank Conaway Room 315 Extension: 3189
Kathleen M. Dumais Room 350 Extension: 3052
**co-sponsor Don H. Dwyer, Jr. Room 154 Extension 154
**co-sponsor William J. Frank Room 213 Extension: 3793
**co-sponsor J.B. Jennings Room 319 Extension: 3698
** co-sponsor Kevin Kelly Room 320 Extension: 3404
Email: not on web site, call
Benjamin F. Kramer Room 226 Extension: 3485
Susan C. Lee Room 414 Extension 3549
Gerron S. Levi Room 210 Extension 3101
**co-sponsor Susan K. McComas Room 326 Extension 3272
**co-sponsor Tony McConkey Room 157 Extension: 3406
Victor R. Ramirez Room 415 Extension: 3340
**co-sponsor Todd L. Schuler Room 305 Extension: 3526
Luiz R.S. Simmons Room 225 Extension: 3037
**co-sponsor Michael D. Smigiel, Sr. Room 323 Extension: 3555
Ktriselda Valderrama Room 225 Extension 3210
Jeffery D. Waldstreicher Room 221 Extension: 3130



Hannibal138 said...

Very good post. Someone did alot of work to post all this info, lets not waste it. I am working on my letter (and a generic version that I can post on here for anyone to send).

All MD residents should support this since it would mean we can go out after dark again...

IMHO the 2nd amendment applies everywhere not just in your house.
I might not move out of MD if I could CC or even OP.


Anonymous said...

This is tops on my "To Do" list today. Bring on any motion to give us our inalienable God given rights to protect ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I did it last night. I had three of them returned with an error indicating that the recipients mailbox was full.

Anonymous said...

Vallerio will kill it just like any other reasonable, common-sense legislation. His whole mantra is that if isn't his idea, then he will be an obstructionist about it.

Anonymous said...

If you believe in second amendment rights, now is the time to take action, I have.

Anonymous said...

Just received an e-mail back from Susan McComas that read:

I support this bill and I am a co-sponsor. Realistically, this bill will never get out of the committee and it will never see the light of day.

Susan McComas -District 35 B

I gurantee that if it was a bill full of pork that she would be a little more optomistic.

Anonymous said...

You're all idiots if you think that calling members of the House of Delegates and you don't live in their district will make an ounce of difference.

The bill is dead. Maybe if the bill could carry a concealed weapon, it would have made a difference - but wait, all studies show concealed weapons are not an effective crime deterrent. Most gun nuts are not victims of crime - just their own fears.

Anonymous said...

"All MD residents should support this since it would mean we can go out after dark again..."

Why would you feel more safe, when the opposite would be a far more reasonable response???

Face it. People with guns are FAR more likely to be killed by guns. That's a fact.

Anonymous said...

5:26 tell that to the 42 states that have right to carry laws...Why is it that MD ranks #3 for violent crime?

Wymzie said...

Here is copy of the letter that I sent to each and everyone on the list.
It took me 20 minutes, but you can thank me later when you are allowed to protect yourself and your family. Geez you guys are a bunch of whiners!

Do you know nothing about statistics?

A phone call is representative to a certain number of peoples opinions.
A hand written letter carries the most value in the weighting of importance.
An email is now being considered nearly equally as important.

They are OUR representatives! We need to tell them what WE want them to do.

Dear Mr. :

It is my understanding that you are a member of the Judiciary Committee.

I am writing to you today as registered voter, property owner and victim of violent crime.

I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that no laws should be enacted to impede our Second Amendment right to keep and bare arms, and to obtain conceal and carry permits.

It is proven over and over again that an armed populace is a free and safe society. A trained policeman is not always at the scene of a crime to handle the situation and it is up to us the free citizens of our country to protect ourselves and our families.

Please vote to protect our rights as law abiding Americans to continue obtain conceal and carry permits in our state.

Thank you,


Stephanie K. Burke

Anonymous said...

Stephanie: Nice letter, but it will get you nowhere.

Your assertion that they are YOUR representatives is wrong. If you do not live in their district, you are not their constituent.

If the person reading the Delegate's mail is so inclined, they would cross check your name on the voter roll. (Yes, each delegate's office has instant electronic access to their district's voter roll.) If your name appears, your opinion will be tallied with the rest of the Delegate's constituents. If not, and chances are they are not since you state that you are guessing their committee assignment, then you hit the circular file.

Simple as that.

Wymzie said...


I struggle every day not to be cynical, and believe that there are still true patriots in this country.
I am currently involved in race for my district's City Council seat and I fight the politically corrupt machine that oils the gears of this city all the time.
Is it hard? You bet it is! Do I get discouraged? You better believe it.
But I must continue to do what I know that is right to do. I must.

Sometimes, someone listens, most of the time, they take the road that you suggest, and just do what they do. Today, I received this...

Ms. Burke,

I completely agree with you. I strongly support the 2nd amendment.

Delegate Bill Frank

Anonymous said...

Ms. Burke:

Thanks for telling me about your quest for elected office. After a few minutes on Google, I was able to direct a contribution to Tracey Cottman. Last think Pocomoke needs is to loose it's trusted city manager.

Anonymous said...

i just checked up on this bill.

it looks like the judiciary commitee didnt like it.

i suggest calling/writing everyone to bring it back to the light of day