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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The DC Tea Party


Reconciled1 said...

Thanks Joe, Why aren't these covered by the media?
I can remember just a few yrs. ago when one woman sitting outside Pres. Bush's house was covered by EVERYONE!!!!! These are blue collar Americans that have had enough of Spend, Spend , Spend. Robin Hood tactics , take from the rich and give to the poor. It shouldn't shock me but it does that the media as a whole only covers what it deems as news. We care more about who Brittany or Paris is sleeping with than an uprising of folks that have had enough! I saw on the news today there is talk of another Stimulus Bill? Sure why not the last 2 have worked so well , haven't they?
What's that definition of insanity again? Keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results?

Anonymous said...

Are there enough concerned and responsible citizens in the salisbury Area to put on a good show here, to make politicians and others stand up and listen. To get people pumped up, energetic, informed and acting for

Anonymous said...

Amazing! How did they get so many Village Idiots in one place at one time...hmmmmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

As of this morning: SU, Chamber O fCommerce, NFIB, many local businesses and a ton of indivuduals have been told about the salisbury tea party. We can do what DC did. I hope more people get involved. I just became involved last night and things have taken off. I beleive a meeting is being scheduled as soon as enough people email about helping to organize.

Anonymous said...

9:28 AM Calling people names because their opinion is different from yours is part of the problem. Village idiots could also have been said about the many people that went to the inauguration. What would that accomplish?

Anonymous said...

Will Michelle Malkin be there? Oh I hope she brings her Nazi Party friends and a cross to burn.

Anonymous said...

The Nazi party and racists belong to the democrats, not Conservatives. The Het-Filled groups are Liberals. We are just using our right to free speech, no lies, hatred or violence like the left always brings. No pies in the face, no pushing, no riots, no hate speech, just regular hard working people coming together........

Anonymous said...

Bob says,
To all those that are calling these people village idiots or NAZI Party members and mentioning cross burning, YOU HAVE A VERY BIG PROBLEM. These people are just exercising their right to protest something that they feel is wrong with our Government. As 10:40 states, no lies, hatred or violence, just people exercising their right to free speech. I can only assume that if you are against such a demonstration you agree with ALL of the policies and bailouts that are being approved over the wishes of the working class people of this Country. I do believe that a majority of the Citizens of our Country believe that if you can’t make your business profitable, it’s your problem, not the Governments. I’m only sixty five years old and I lived through car company’s going bankrupt, banks closing, airlines going bankrupt, a lot of small businesses going out of business, coal companies, steel companies, long distance communication companies going out of business and then there was the breakup of the good old Bell System, (MA BELL). Guess what, we survived and became better in almost all of those areas. Let the American people do what they do best, survive, improve and move on. Get government out of running Main Street and concentrate on improving the Government operations. We’re not talking about dumping Tea into Boston Harbor, we’re talking about the concept our forefathers had in doing so. Don’t criticize these people, support them, they at least have the courage to show our politicians where they stand

Anonymous said...

Why aren't they covered by the media? Because the corporations that own CNN,NBC,MSNBC,CBS and ABCare going to profit from the Democrat adminisitration, thats why.Thank goodness for FOX News and the internet.

Anonymous said...

any date yet for the tea party and were might it be.

Anonymous said...

There is a date, time and tenative place. But everything is being done very carefully because of some trying to disrupt and destroy things. it is set for April 15th, time is possibly 4pm, place is yet to be determined. As things go along, we will make more info public, but right now, send any questions to

Anonymous said...

I liked the signs about "Let Failures Fail" That's the American way, but now it has changed. For so many years we were opposed to socialism, supportive of Russia changing from socialism to a democracy, now we are "spreading the wealth around" to people who don't make an honest attempt to work. Better yet the gov't wants to blame all the teachers for parent's failures. There are parents on drugs with a lot of kids, and not trying to teach their kids anything but bad things, and the government wants to point the finger at the teachers. Pretty soon, who will want to go into that field, or start small businesses. The so called "change" will take away our country's identity if it goes too far.

Anonymous said...

government schools do their job though, teach our kids to be good government employees and that is it!

Anonymous said...

Everyone interested:
facebook page is up..........

we are being advertised nationally!!

Anonymous said...

Well, how about the pictures of what the "village idiots" left behind after the inaguration. They left it looking like most of the streets in their neighborhoods. TRASH EVERYWHERE. Nice way to show your U.S. pride. That just goes to show you they want change, but only if someone else does it for them. Also, why is it that millions of people could get into D.C. in one day, but they couldn't manage to get out of New Orleans in 4 days? Oh, and that somehow ended up being the governments fault.

Anonymous said...

I can't get on the facebook page. Are you sure it's up?

Anonymous said...

The guy with the anti-fed shirt on is a FED, you can even see the gun in his right front pocket. Taking pictures and collecting names. This isnt a game to them.

Anonymous said...

Joe deserves a big thank you, he has helped get this off the ground in a way no other could. the people who follow his blog are helping out in great ways.

Soon, he will overtake all in salisbury as the truth is what is most important and is what is missing here.

Anonymous said...

facebook page

sorry..messed up a bit..

look for Salisburymd Teaparty

I messed up with the is there.............

Anonymous said...

Les Nessman,

You need to go back to throwing turkeys out of helicopters.

Please tell me HOW YOU KNOW that the guy with the "end the fed" t-shirt on is a "FED".

That doesn't look like a Glock or H&K to me.

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, Mr. Nessman was an innocent,clueless witness {rather than a true card-carrying conspirator}on the ground at the Pine Dale Shopping Mall during the tragic "Turkey's Away", Thanksgiving promotion. However, arrest warrants were issued for a Herb Tarlek, as well as an Arthur Carlson {aka "The Big Guy"}. Oh, the humanity.

Anonymous said...

They are just wasting their time standing outside yelling. The gov won't say "oh man, they are right". Waste of time if you ask me.