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Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Day They Kicked God Out Of Schools


Anonymous said...

This is so sad , I don't know how
to respond. After 65 years I've seen most of this happen. We have lost our values because of the
ACLU and the legal system in this country. It's all about the money!

Unknown said...

The problem isn't too little god, it's too many guns.

Too little "god" would only make sense in this context if god fearing people were less violent than atheists.

History tells us otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I am tired of everyone blaming the fact of God being taken out of schools for the downfall of our country. It is just a very small part of our moral decline. I consider myself a Christian and have tried very hard along side my husband to raise four Christian children. It is a daily struggle. People are not kind. Children do not have parents who care anymore.People do not seek God. Well I believe that there is God in least Sussex Tech and Seaford Middle School. You know why..because two of my children enter those doors Monday through Friday and they have God in their hearts. It is their duty as Christians to show it and walk the talk. No it doesn't prevent things from happening but here's an example of something positive. Last week during the bomb threats my oldest daughter started a prayer request through Facebook for her sister who was on lockdown at Seaford Middle. I was able to text my daughter's middle school teacher to ask her to calm my daughter and to let her know we were praying for a calm spirit and for God's direction for the staff and law enforcement. It spread like wildfire. Yes..God was in school that day..via the love of the students, staff and relatives who called on Him. God lives in all of us. He never leaves us..we leave Him. But He is still there just waiting for us to love Him. If you want God back in the schools, pray with your kids before they leave for the day..pray for the staff..pray for the kid that no one loves..pray for the bully and the nerd. The God I love and serve is bigger than any stupid Supreme Court Law! They think they can keep God out of schools but our greatest weapon against this is His love of our children who enter school doors everyday. Teach your kids about God and teach them to show His love.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how true this is. As a teacher I see this everyday. Children are not encouraged to be responsible for their own behavior and decissions.
In Worcester County, the "fix" for bad behavior is.....give them another bill.

Anonymous said...

This sure hit home. When I went to school 30 plus years ago, we always said the Lords Prayer in the morning along with the Pledge of Allegiance. We also had strict discipline whereas the teachers were able to "paddle" kids .....and you know what? We turned out just fine! Better than the kids of today!!!!
This video is sure one that ALL teenagers should take a look at and realize how good life was back in the good ole days. As the video states "We reap what we sow"!

Anonymous said...

Responding to Bernard:

Dear one- when you alluded to the idea that Christians are violent you must ask yourself one question. Are they truly Christian? You know, not everyone who goes to church is really a christian. I have been in a chicken house- that doesn't make me a chicken.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I wrote a paper recently for a college class on this very topic!!! The proffesor is VERY LEFT WING and I am sure she did not appreciate having to read what I put on paper. She did give me an A though but the look she shot me when she handed it back was PRICELESS!!!!

Unknown said...

11:14 "...the idea that Christians are violent you must ask yourself one question. Are they truly Christian?"

Was the "Catholic League" (or "Holy League" if you prefer) actually Christian?

How about those Papal inquisitions? Were those Popes Christian?

The very word "crusade" (a combination of "cross" and "action") conjures up a violent image of Christianity. These were sanctioned by papal bulls.

Have things been better more recently? Why is our invasion of Iraq seen by Muslims as Christian violence?

Christians are NOT Quakers.

Anonymous said...

Boy I sure see it differently.

This tells of communism (I know that forbidden word).

They decided in the early 70's they could never beat us through the cold war. They were determined to do so though. They thus did all they could to disguise their agenda and piece by piece put it into place.

They used Political Correctness and Compassion against us. We were not allowed to call evil evil anymore. No you can't call then a communist. No you can't even call them liberal. You certainly can't call them what they really are Slaves of Satan.

Just like the bible says everything evil is good and everything good is evil. Terrorist aren't evil just misguided now we can't even call them Terrorist. We are taught about the Muslim Faith in school but a bible is not allowed in school. Marriage is to become illegal in California but fornication can not be restricted in any way or even criticized.

Even churches are persecuted if they dare criticize evil people who demand gay marriage or infanticide (PBA). They have gone so far as to try to run churches in CT.

The Anti Christ will have a very easy time taking over America when he comes.

We are a lost cause our children have no earthly idea what is right or wrong. The constitution means absolutely nothing and those who ask it be enforced are derided as truthers. Since when did truth become evil?

Satan has won. America is so evil that it is beyond redemption without a miracle.

If you believe in GOD pray for a miracle otherwise we are toast.

Anonymous said...

To Bernard
Are you really that stupid. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Are there to many kitchen knives, are there to many baseball bats. Maybe we should ban cars too. According to your line of thinking all of these things kill people. Don't be so stupid they are just instruments in a killers hand. Get real idiot. It is taking God and the bible out of school, kids being brought up with no dicipline and given everything they want. Then they get grown and say thats a nice car I want that car. I can't afford to buy it because I don't want to work for it. So I guess I will just
have to take it for my own. ie: steal it. That is thanks to people like you that think there are too many guns. Man I hope you never have to call 911 because your family is being raped and murdered,
then you just might think one of those too many guns could save your family. Or does that just go against everything you believe in.
Man you are such a fool. No wonder Obama fooled so many idiots like you.

Unknown said...

2:05 "It is taking God and the bible out of school, kids being brought up with no dicipline"

The Taliban agrees completely with you. You just represent the American version of the Taliban.

From my perspective, religion is a big part of the problem, not the solution.

Here's a question for you... Including violence done by the state, which societies have the least violence and crime? (hint... Where is organized religion weak)

Anonymous said...

Hey Bernard This is 2:05 am. Why don't we just see what others think of our opinions. I am willing to bet more red blooded Americans
agree with me. If some of those teachers in the schools had guns on them alot of those students would be alive today. The problem is not too many guns it is too much gun control. This just takes the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizen so they cannot protect themselves or others. That is part of the Obama agenda. Disarm the people and then they cannot defend themselves against a corrupt government or martial law.
We do have the second amendment our fore fathers put that there to keep us a free country able to defend our homes and families. So if you still want to get rid of all the guns us law abiding tax paying citizens have why don't you just move to Russia or some other communist country.