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Sunday, March 29, 2009

North Carolina Nursing Home Shooting Kills 6, Injures 3

CARTHAGE, N.C. — A lone gunman burst into a North Carolina nursing home Sunday morning and started "shooting everything," barging into the rooms of terrified patients, sparing some from his rampage without explanation while killing seven residents and a nurse caring for them.

Authorities said Robert Stewart also wounded three others, including the Carthage police officer who confronted him in a hallway of Pinelake Health and Rehab and stopped the brutal attack.

"He acted in nothing short of a heroic way today, and but for his actions, we certainly could have had a worse tragedy," said Moore County District Attorney Maureen Krueger. "We had an officer, a well-trained officer, who performed his job the way he was supposed to and prevented this from getting even worse than it is now."

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Just think if that happened here and the county responded and that deputy got hurt protecting the lives of the citizens. God hope that he can still work, if not the county throws them away without any resonable way to pay his bills. Shame on you council, shame on John Cannon.

Orsonwells said...

Too bad the nursing station had no gun to stop him with. Right to carry would have stopped this right away. 911 takes enough time to make it a total disaster. Guns don't kill people; people kill people.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:27 PM it isn't just John Cannon, there are 6 other two faced council members.

Anonymous said...

They are reporting 8 killed now.

Anonymous said...

Can someone refresh the memory of why the county council was able to defeat the wishes of voters who approved by voting for collective bargaining for sheriff deputies?

Anonymous said...

8:27 Are you suggesting the sheriff's department's employees aren't covered under workman's comp, and if a deputy is injured and can no longer perform his duties he can't go out on a disability retirement?