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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just A Reminder


Anonymous said...

Hey, i see what the chief is saying. It looks like the crime rate in Salisbury dropped between 2006 and 2007.

Great job chief. Looks like around September 2053 we will be even with the rest of the country.

Anonymous said...

Why would he even be proud to talk about even numbers half this. He should be ashamed, oh wait he doesn't live here...ever...why does he care.

Anonymous said...

after this election. the chief, wilbur and pick need to go. I am ready for the wrecking ball! A vote for gary is voting for a sheep in sheep's clothing

Anonymous said...

per-capita is a silly way to look at it. salisbury has a small amount of population, but a large surrounding area. salisbury's crime problem is a county and state problem.

per-capita skews the numbers.

Anonymous said...

If it was a silly way to look at crime, then why would the FBI even put out the information? Anyway, you don't need these stats if you live in the city. You already know that crime is up. The city's own crime task force reported that in Salisbury you have a 1 in 8 chance of becoming a victim of crime. I didn't hear the Mare yelling for the crime task force to apologize to the employees of the city. If crime wasn't a problem, then why would we even need a crime task force to be formed by the city in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the per capita may have it's numbers above average and may also be misleading BUT, if my car insurance is based on the per capita of Baltimore then the crime stats should be also! I really believe that the crime here IS higher! insurance verses crime. Yes, comparing apples to oranges but the bottom line is,
our local crime rate is WAY to high!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter which method you use, or how you stack the numbers. Crime is way to high here for the amount of people we have. Lets look at it another way. Fredick Md has twice the population as we do, but we have the smae or more crime then they do. Not per capita, period. Look it up, it is real. Whatever method you want to use, whatever justification you can think of, bottom line, there is way too much crime here. The thugs rule the area, not the police. Things need to change. Do you think any smart businesses would not check out the crime before deciding to move to a new city or start up a new company. Do you think they are going to look at "per capita" and think oh wait it is a small population and that is a bad way to figure it. You are nieve, they are going to say lets pass on Salisbury. Period. Things need to change or it will only get worse. All the systems need to work together to fix the problem. You should not feel scared to go to the atm or any common place in this city. If you want to pass the problem off to say it is a county, state problem, then you just sit there and wait for them to come to you and fix your city. Me, I am going to fight for change here in my city and have my city take responsibility for itself and who cares what the state is doing elsewhere.