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Friday, February 13, 2009

Do You Remember?

Remember the big media flap about Sarah Palin's dress?

Americans! Where are you? Are you awake?

We haven't heard any comments from media on "Queen Madam" Pelosi's snit about having to ride home in the small private, economy jet that comes with the Speaker's job. Remember how Madame Pelosi was so aggravated that this little jet had to refuel while transporting her to California everyweek? Remember that she insisted on a luxurious 200 seat jet to fly her to California nonstop, instead?

Hello Folks! Are you awake?

Washington legislators who observed the Madam's Big Fat jet grinned with glee as Joe The Plumber informed all of us that Na ncy's luxury Jet will require hard working American taxpayers, to buy thousands of gallons of expensive jet fuel every week. She only works 3 days a weekbut her gas guzzler luxury jet flights home, to California, costs to taxpayers $60,000 one way! As Joe noted, 'Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night,' so there goes another $60,000. (and everyone though CEO pampering was unreal)!!

Folks, that is $480,000 per month or an annual cost to taxpayers of $5,760,000. And she complains about the cost of the war?!? She "could" take the smaller jet which she says would cramp her style -- but since her flying in style takes precedence over war costs -- what do you say?

Military families in this country do without while this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in the history of our country, spends lavishly to fly herself and associates to and from California every week. Does that burn you, too?

Madame Pelosi expects you and I to conserv e our carbon footprint by driving smaller cars and buying a bicycle pump to over-inflate our tires for better economy while she and her hypocrite cohorts waste tax payer dollars. Ticks you off, too?

Please keep this circulating and let's join Joe bringing their "pork barrell" spending to American's attention to make a difference in how Congress spends our hard earned money through their "personal waste" and "ear marks".


Anonymous said...

They are all a joke, and they will all keep doing it until someone jams a gun in their mouth.

Anonymous said...

Now, now. Let's not get hasty. Remember, their "friends" are people like Bill Ayers, the leadership of Hamas & Hizbollah, Red China, the Russian mob, "we" don't have to do anything. When they don't fulfill their campaign "promises" to their "friends" something will get done to them, and decent moral people can just sit back and smile at the irony.

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking, not reality. These people need to understand FEAR.

Reconciled1 said...

Does it surprise you why some of the richest folks in Hollywood live in a state thats broke beyond belief. Not to mention this is the most regulated state when it comes to "emmisions" something tells me the Elites really don't care. Do as I say not as I do.

Anonymous said...

War is a blessing compared with National degradation.

Andrew Jackson.

Anonymous said...

If she wishes to be Speaker of the House in WASHNGTON, DC, then she needs to keep her Pelosi behind in Washington, DC and quit criss-crossing the country every week. Stay in DC until summer break or go home and stay there. I really like the last choice best.

Anonymous said...

Rhetoric doesn't help anything, guys. This is apparently a policy that has been in place for a long time, back to Tip's time in the speakers seat.
If we're cutting expenses, this certainly seems like a good place to start. Let her fly first class on a commercial airline (something which I have never been priviledged to do, I might add) if she needs to travel, It's not like her trips back to CA are urgent or unplanned. Lets write to Kratovil and complain.

Anonymous said...

This woman ia a self serving B.t.h in the worst way. This B.t.h is in bed with the worst of the worst.
Hilary Clinton is Barbie compared to this B.t.h..... Everyone should go on CNN web site and vote in the poll (Politicians)

Anonymous said...

Nothing says an elitist more than being a liberal democrat! By the way don't forget she is going today on our dime to Italy to receive an award.

Anonymous said...

I think this is similar to the CEO's of the car companies coming to washington in private jets. I believe that it is time for accountablity. I belive that the members of congress are not above the law...nor should they be the priviledged few. We can honestly expect that the rule should apply to our members of congress that apply to the CEO's of the large companies. They are our employees. So, who cares when it started, it should end Now. write to the president, and ask for the same rules for Pelosi, besides which she is an awful speaker, and should have to be amongst the real folks for a while, or forever. A 500.00 round trip ticket is good. save the taxpayer a heap of money. But it should apply to each and every member of congress. Just think of all the money we would save. Hurray for whomever dug up this fact. Lets start a "cut congress's personal spending" I bet that will be an eye opener.

Anonymous said...

Air Force One is a whole heck of a lot more expensive.

Let's sell that for scrap metal too...

Anonymous said...

lets not forget the big "codel" to europe friday nite right after she voted on the PORKULOUS (to quote a former commentor)bill. luxury private military jet for her to go to italy(one stop) to receive an HUMANITARIAN (can you believe it?) award.