Monday nights City Council Work Session was well worth visiting. It's been a while since I've been able to find the time to get out and enjoy my old stomping grounds where it all started.
January of last year the SFD hired a structural engineering firm to look at Station 2. Is anyone surprised that they came back with substantial problems? There are cracks in the walls and OMG, yes, cracks in the brick as well. The building was built in the 1930's and my God, it's time to replace it because it's NOT up to standard codes today. DUH! I'll bet my home built 7 years ago or less does not meet today's code either! Heck, I'd even bet the new Station 16 isn't up to today's code either. Chief See, master of BS, did his best to try to sell the Council on the fact that this building just isn't safe for his men and women.
See came in with three recommendations.
1. Renovate the existing structure including living space, $2,000,000.00 . $200.00 per sq. ft.
2. Demolish bldg. and rebuild, $2,000,000.00 $195.00 per sq. ft.
3. Build a brand new Fire Department, $2,400,000.00 $200.00 per sq. ft.
Interesting, that's a FAR CRY LESS from the cost of the new Station 16 per sq. ft! On a VERY interesting note where Mr. Comegys slipped, he said, that doesn't include the acquisition of purchasing additional land, right? See replied, no. Dee, Dee, Deeee!
See went on to say he has already put in the request to the Mayor on option 3, a brand new facility. There is a Bond the City put together for $90,000.00 in 2008 for architect and engineering plans for Station 2 and they want to use that money now to get started for a project they expect to be finished in 2012.
Louise Smith, (GO FIGURE) immediately stated, "Where's the money?" In today's economy, how can we go to the taxpayers after building Station 16 and sell them on this project.
See came back and stated that this was a 1930's structure again and that it wasn't up to code and he felt this was necessary to take care of the hard working Firefighters. "We're concerned for the safety of our Firefighters."
Gary Comegys spoke out and said he's not prepared to agree to financing at this time but he wanted to move forward with the plan provided in the Bond from 2008 and get started on engineering and drawings.
Debbie Campbell chimed in and said, if a building is 5 years old and you bring it to current code, it would cost a small fortune. "I would not agree to release the $90,000.00 while we're in a recession."
Terry Cohen stated why borrow money to create a plan for something to sit on a shelf. I have watched that happen all too often since I've been on Council. We should re appropriate this money to another priority project.
Gary came back with, "This is the busiest Station in the entire County.. This money was already appropriated and should be spent. This does not show respect and gratitude towards these men and women."
Debbie Campbell replied, At the end of the day there's only so much money. How about fair wages for these Firefighters instead? We have good equipment and in 2008 we were not in the dire straights we are now in. Certainly we want this and if businesses were coming to town and opening stores and we were growing this would be one thing. This is NOT the case.
Terry Cohen replied, My own Family has had to make changes in these trying times and even they know what it means to cut back. If we need that $90,000.00 for an emergency where another building needs structural help, at least we now have the $90,000.00 to fix it.
Shanie Shields said, "Buildings do collapse. Is the building safe? Then you want a new Station up North.
In the end the votes were 4 to 1 against releasing these funds to move forward with Station 2. No disrespect whatsoever to the Firefighters throughout the City but for what it's worth, you knew it, I knew it, everyone of the taxpayers knew they blew their load on Station 16 and it will be a good 10 years before anyone makes any more moves within the Fire Department.
Here's my personal thoughts on tonight's meeting. Louise Smith & Shanie Shields are feeling the pressure of the upcoming election and I say that seriously. They know the tide is about to change and the games are over.
Mr. Comegys clearly showed his true colors, spend big bucks for his friends and support them to the very end, he wants the Firefighters vote. Hopefully the Firefighters are smart enough to turn their backs and use common sense. The City is broke! Even Louise Smith touched on the fact that the City's infrastructure is falling to pieces and they just can't afford any more luxuries with the Fire Department.
I'd also have to say that See & Gordy knew this well ahead of time but they just had to slap them with this in order to go back to each Fire Department and say, we tried. BS! They blew that wad on the new Fire Station and got EXACTLY what they wanted.
Now here's my next question. The Council also budgeted hundreds of thousands of dollars for a new Fire Boat too. Will they save that money as well as tell them to shove that project where the sun doesn't shine too? Comegys seemed quite upset that the entire Council voted against him and for what it's worth, I'd strongly suggest more people come to these meetings and watch how they carry themselves.
The Voters/Citizens better get educated REAL QUICK before this election because you're going to all of a sudden see a whole bunch of these Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen Copycat Decisions by Louise, Gary and Shanie because they know Terry & Debbie are right and have the taxpayers in mind first. That's never changed.
Let's see what the Daily Times has to say about this. They can't get too opinionated but I can only write so fast and we'll have to see their take/twist on it when it comes out.
Station 2 is NOT the busiest fire station in the county. Mr Comegys will try anything to sway a vote. The old section of the station is in better shape than the new. The new is made with trusses and block walls. Numerous tiles are missing in the ceiling from leaks. The portion built in 1930 is a solid brick wall and has served us well. They just want to spend more money. They should have thought about this when they built that palace on the cranberry bog. They could have built three smaller stations for what that cost. I get sick of the relentless begging for money from these guys. I'm glad to see something besides a 3 to 2 for a change.
give the employees more money!! We don't want another castle. Hell we don't like the new station now.
Holy Cow and Louise isn't even up for re-election, you think she smells the winds of change?
It is what it is, and at least it's a step in the right direction. I've never said this before, "Good question Louise."
If Station 2 is the busiest station in the county WHY was $10 million dollars spent on that palace built on the bog? If this is the busiest station and the building is in such an unsafe condition WHY was the money not spent on renovations? I think most would agree with me when I say $2 million spent on renovations of an existing building is more palatable than $10million spent on a bad piece of property, add on the millions bonded out for the new fire equipment, paint, and lights that could have been spent on what you call the busiest station in the city.
So what is it the firefighters need, paint jobs or a building renovation? Make up our minds Gary.
Let it go! This will no doubt hurt you in the upcoming election. We could have built 5 Fire Stations with the money we spent on ONE! Look at what Pocomake did! Those firefighters would have survived in a normal setting. They shouldn't be spending alot of time working out, cooking (bring the old brown bag like most people do) you know, ham and chees with some chips and an apple huh? It is not up to us to supply them with the ammentities we have at home. When I go to work I have the materials that I need to WORK with and god forbid my calculator breaks. I must call corporate and beg for funds to buy a new one. Those guys need a REAL job.
Did anyone ask who was paying for the plasma televisions, gym equipment, state of the art kitchen, etc. etc. You guys have broke the taxpayers now so deal with it and stop abusing our money! You guys are just like welfare WANT we PAY!
Miss Shanie got an election coming up. Remember how she said her people don't care about nothing "those two" care about? Looks like maybe they do.
Miss Louise don't like to be in the minority vote. And maybe her bridge folks ain't too happy with her breaking all those promises about fiscal responsibility.
It's funny to watch the leopards change their spots depending on how they think the political winds are blowing.
I'll stick with the two councilwomen who have been straight up all along, Campbell and Cohen.
I can answer Louise for you! Problem is you never came to the taxpayers to ask for money for the new Station 16! You know why? We would have said NO WAY!
We must turn Comegys out to pasture. He is useless.
Anon 10:08
"Those guys need a REAL job."
I certainly hope your talking about the administration and not the firefighters/EMS people. MOSTLY all of them are some of the hardest working people you will find. And most of them are working 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet.
The firefighters and the police deserve raises--the current administration screwed you on that. A vote for Comegys is a vote for the same old, same old.
The Station 16 building was completely rediculous. The City could have built 3 stations for the cost of one. One on Cypress, on on Nanticoke Rd. and one North end. This would have cost less even if new equipment had to be purchased. Remember Station 16 is leased, the City doesn't even own the building. In addition, the leased furniture, computers, etc. which are not going to last 20 yrs. What a snow ball See and Gordy pulled. I am glad I live outside City limits, so I am not paying for these clowns stupidity. Keep in mind City voters, voting for Comegys is not voting for change. The only thing will change is the sex that is sitting in the chair. Gordy being his compaign treasuer is a true conflict of interest in his position with the fire department. He should be forced to resign.
11:08 You must be one of the fireboys. I don't see you standing up for the taxpayers along side of Debbie and Terri or did I miss something. Are you enjoying your palace over on the west side of town? Maybe we could afford to give you a raise if you were working in the conditions of most. Gotta cut somewhere so enjoy working all of those jobs you claim to work. You sure don't mind working at the Palace right? I wish I got paid for working out, eating three meals a day and watching the Superbowl on the most up to date technology. Damn I feel sorry for you. By the way, are you working your second job now while sitting back enjoying the blogs?
The firefighters are not thrilled with the Palace. They go where they are told. Mr Gordy is to blame for all the overpriced, fancy amenaties over there. Its a boring place and we're really not there too much. The old firehouse was better to us.We didn't have to catch all this grief about the crap Gordy put in it.
Thank God! If the Fire Department gets one more red dime it will throw me into my Bipolar state of mind and I just might be forced to blow the place up, contents included. My defense...mental illness.
Here's a briliant thought...since station 2 and 16 are right on top of each other, why rebuild or renovate station 2 in the same location? The city needs a small firehouse (1 engine, 1 ambulance) on the north end of town and due away with the current station 2 location. This is taking priority to our tax payers, the mall, the industrial park, etc...
anon 11:48
Yes i am one of the "fireboys" as you stated. First let me say that I have a college education and enjoy my job very much. Just because myself and others work for the fire department, does not mean that we agree with the "leaders" decisions. We the "fireboys" loved working at the old station and did not want to leave it. When your boss tells you to do something, you have no choice than to do it. I can assure you that well over 75% of the career staff, does not like the new station, however we have to work. Would you rather we sit on our front porch and let others support our welfare? Did'nt think so..
In closing, don't put down the "fireboys", as you like to call us. We did not make the decision to move. We did not make the decision to spend millions of dollars on top of the line TV's and furniture. We did not ask for new fire trucks. The administration are the ones in charge of that and all fire department members have to sit back and watch.
I have nothing but respect for firefighters, police, or anyone who puts their life on the line for us. As far as I'm concerned, all of that money should have gone directly into your pockets.
2:14 are you standing up to your superiors? Did you tell them they are wasting our money? If you truely have a college education what are you doing there? Go somewhere else and work if you are so miserable or could it be that gravy job where you eat, sleep, play pool, work out, and all of the other benefits that keep you there?
So 2:34
Saving someone's life in the back of a medic unit does not require education? You can't stand up to the administration, when they wont even allow the people that work for them into their side of the firehouse. Secondly, that would be considered "suicide" for your career. No one is miserable with their job, the people i work with including myself, do it for the love of the job. We each enjoy helping people in their time of need. You ever saved a life? You know how rewarding that is? Did'nt think so..And like i said earlier, we never asked for anything in that firehouse. So get that through your thick head. It was put there by the administration. I am done trying to talk to you, due to your ignorance of the firefighters. To the few that have supported the firefighters. Thank You.
Yep look at Rick Hopeless, he is sitting there half asleep with nothing in his hands. He is just a decoration as someone else posted yesterday.
All Firefighters, EMS Personnel and Police Officers are true heroes in my eyes. They are blamed for the crap that the higher-ups do. I agree with an earlier post, that the money spent on the new "palace" should have been given out in raises to the ones who are answering that Fire,EMS or Police call, not the ones that sit in the "office" and show up to the "big" calls and delegate.
If the right person gets appointed Fire Chief Gordo will be HISTORY! Start sweating Butt Wipe!
Looking at Comegy's donation contributors, it makes sense for Comegy to want to release A&E funding when in all likelihood the main beneficiaries are one Becker/Morgan Architects.
They tried the same thing while donating to Tony Sarbanes campaign when he sponsored the Excise Tax. And guess who would have been the primary beneficiary recipient of those funds.
Life is truly amazing folks.
Everyone says Fire and police need raises, well what about all the other city employees that havent gotten half the raise that Fire and Police have gotten in the past three years.
Debbie and Terry would run the FD better than the three stooges we have now! These people want all the looks and could give a rats ass about the employees and their families. We have told the higher-ups we want more money and more people every year for atleast the last 4 years. What do we get new, unneeded equipment, new unneeded fire palace, and more wasted spending than a 3 year old with 20 bucks at The Dollar Tree!
We are sick of the trio and want new blood in there.
Voters please give us a Mayor that won't stand for this crap. We don't want Comegys. If he gets elected you will see a mass exodus of employees because we are tired of our current administrators and we are tired of the stupid BS that comes from City Hall. We want change withing the Council, Mayor and our own administration!
L4246 Member
L4246 Member
5:45 PM
I am a career employee and I agree with what this member has said.
We want the Three Stooges gone as soon as possible. We can't afford to go through another 4 more years of this city's lack of leadership. If Gary Comegys is elected you will have numerous employees leaving the Salisbury Fire Department. There are already a dozen or more career paramedics who have submitted applications and resume's to real departments.
Anonymous said...
Everyone says Fire and police need raises, well what about all the other city employees that havent gotten half the raise that Fire and Police have gotten in the past three years.
5:12 PM
Become a firefighter or a police officer.
"Comegys, See, Gordy & Hoppes Finally Get Slapped In The Face"
I would like to B__tch those 3 in the face. They deserve it more than anyone.
Hey, 5:45, I am with you!
I don't fault the firefighters. The threats and harrassment they have taken.
So have Debbie and Terri, though. So I would love to see a petition signed by every single firefighter. They can't fire everyone!
I feel bad for all the city employees. And if the three bozos weren't wasting money, I'm sure Debbie and Terri could make improvements there, too. And if they can't, they'll be honest about it.
Time for change!
The department heads for the other city employees have never asked for raises for you. Dont hold against the police and fire employees what your department head hasnt done for you. We all deserve raises.
Dont rebuild station 2. Build a station at the North end like Salisbury needs. Some of the vollies from 2 can staff that station and the rest can go pull hours at 16. As for the coffee club, you can go hang out with Davis at St 1 in the mornings and make sure he gets the toilets clean.
Anonymous said...
The Station 16 building was completely rediculous. The City could have built 3 stations for the cost of one. One on Cypress, on on Nanticoke Rd. and one North end. This would have cost less even if new equipment had to be purchased. Remember Station 16 is leased, the City doesn't even own the building. In addition, the leased furniture, computers, etc. which are not going to last 20 yrs. What a snow ball See and Gordy pulled. I am glad I live outside City limits, so I am not paying for these clowns stupidity. Keep in mind City voters, voting for Comegys is not voting for change. The only thing will change is the sex that is sitting in the chair. Gordy being his compaign treasuer is a true conflict of interest in his position with the fire department. He should be forced to resign.
11:34 AM
I agree with most of your comments, but why build one at cypress when all they needed to do was keep the old one at South Division Street. Duh! After all the land at Cypress is contaminated and everyone working their will be retiring early due to illness and cancer.
Better get AFLAC
We have stood up to the admin. and it fails. Every career member has signed a petition stating that the new ambulances that will replace the current ones, should be light duty, due to cost ant a better ride for the patient and provider. We were told that we will be getting even bigger ambulances because they dont want to "down size" so our comments and request are falling on deaf ears.
Anonymous said...
We have stood up to the admin. and it fails. Every career member has signed a petition stating that the new ambulances that will replace the current ones, should be light duty, due to cost ant a better ride for the patient and provider. We were told that we will be getting even bigger ambulances because they dont want to "down size" so our comments and request are falling on deaf ears.
11:09 PM
Downsizing will cost less tax dollars so of course they down't want to downsize.
Bigger is Better
The head honcho's have a fetish for large huh? They must have penis envy
Anonymous 5:12
Do you risk you life every day being a city employee like the Fire Dept. and Police? I think not! How dare you even make that comment!
They can fire everyone, The chief will tell you there is a list people waiting to get hired. They arent worried about longevity.
I have AFAC it pays my bills
They should put the new tower at Station 2 and let the Truck Company there run it.
It could later be house in the North End Station when it is built. No before the 16 vollies shed a tear its only fair you did take our Rescue 2.
anon 7:28
"If Gary Comegys is elected you will have numerous employees leaving the Salisbury Fire Department. There are already a dozen or more career paramedics who have submitted applications and resume's to real departments."
Just like all the employees and volunteers were going to quit when they moved to the new 16? BTW, how many vollies and career people quit after the move??
None!!! Stop you idle threats
Hitch quit after the move so "There" back at ya
Hitch now that's funny.... He set to be terminated
anon 10:18
You are blaming the many for the few. we as firefighters did not make those decisions. So it would be much appreciated if you would point your cross hairs a little higher up the food chain. Believe me, i would have much rather have seen an expense cut on that fire station or that money spread to the many different places this department needs it. As a firefighter in this city and as a city taxpayer. $10,000,000 could have gone a whole lot further or some luxury could have been cut to ease our pockets (by this i mean tax payers). The budget for equipment is what it is. Fire equipment is not going to survive as long as your personal vehicle. If your car breaks down call a friend or a cab for a ride and no one is hurt. If our fire trucks break down someones life could be on the wire. We can't call a friend or a cab. As the equipment starts to show it's age it's time for it to go. Truck 16 has been loooong overdue. Truck 2 and engine 210 are manufactured by american lafrance which is out of business. So obtaining replacement parts for these pieces is no easy task, nor cost effective. So continue to bash us firefighters for what our administration has done, i don't care. I will still continue to respond and serve this community, regardless to public perception. Simply because if we let that stand in the way of us doing our jobs we're not hurting the administration responsible for this whole mess, we're hurting you, the taxpayer and person in need. Just remember, love us or hate us, the men and women are there when you need us.
anon 5:12,
Do your homework. Only the PD have received a raise in that past three years. If you remember the raise that was supposed to go the FD was given to the PD by the mare. Not saying that they didn't deserve the money. Just stating the facts.
anon 7:47am,
Your thoughts are in the right place, however the current bays at station 2 are not deep enough to house the tower.
very well said 12:02pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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