Inasmuch as I’d prefer to continue with important tasks at hand, I’ve felt it necessary to stop and respond to allegations of inaction by members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office in Saturday night’s assault of a female outside of the Regal Cinemas in Salisbury. First of all, I was there! The following is an accurate account of what occurred. It’s not exaggerated or embellished as has been reported in a previous letter to you.
I chose to attend the ten o’clock showing of “The Unborn” with my thirteen year old daughter and another member of my staff, Chief Deputy Gary Baker. We located three seats together, near the back of the theater in the next to the last row. The theater was alive with a talkative group of moviegoers in the last row who continued socializing, cracking gum and using their cell phones while the movie was showing. Although we found this disruptive, we still attempted to ignore them and enjoy our movie. After all, there were nearly four hundred fifty people inside this theater and only about a dozen or so appeared to be disruptive. Over the years, I’ve found this to be the best course of action if viewing a movie with my daughter.
Suddenly, from a seat directly in front of me, a teenage female stood up and demanded “Stop cracking that f------ gum.” This prompted a number of profanity laced comments directed towards the teenager from a number of kids from the disruptive group. These comments quickly died out but the loud cracking of gum persisted. I saw no popcorn being thrown and there was no one kicking anyone’s seat as previously reported. At no time did we witness a criminal offense or an arrestable offense which warranted police action.
Towards the end of the movie, the teenager seated within arm’s length of me, obviously frustrated, stood up and quickly exited the theater-leaving behind another female friend with whom she was seated. Minutes later, she returned to her seat. Shortly thereafter, two uniformed Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies entered the theater and stood on either side near the back. As the movie concluded and the lights came on, the theater emptied out in an orderly fashion while we stopped to talk with the sheriff’s deputies.
While talking with my two deputies, an employee of Regal Cinemas came into the theater and reported a large fight outside. Almost simultaneously, and from one of two deputies’ radios, I overheard a dispatcher from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office notify deputies of a large fight in progress involving 75-100 people in front of the Regal Cinemas. As we quickly proceeded towards the front where the fight was reported, I secured my daughter near the concession stand and Chief Baker and I proceeded outside with our deputies.
Once outside, we found a female in the rain standing on her feet. She was obviously distraught and reported that she had just been beaten by a group of teenagers-the same ones she had exchanged words with inside the theater. She said they had been waiting for her outside. There were no obvious signs of injuries and there were no suspects in sight. According to bystanders, someone hollered “the cops are coming” which prompted the suspects to flee.
Within two minutes, there were seven uniformed sheriff deputies on the scene. We stood with the victim and comforted the victim until Salisbury Police Officers arrived on the scene to conduct their investigation. As a direct result of a long-standing jurisdictional agreement and relationship with the City of Salisbury, the Salisbury Police Department investigates all crimes which occur within their jurisdictional boundaries except those occurring in the presence of sheriff’s deputies. We handle our own cases including those occurring within the city should they occur within our presence.
Obviously, this was not the case. The victim’s assault wasn’t witnessed by any law enforcement personnel. She was never denied law enforcement services. In fact, it was quite the contrary. She was contacted and comforted while being questioned about the identity of the suspects while awaiting the arrival of the Salisbury Police. At no time did a sheriff’s deputy refuse or fail to take action because of “jurisdictional boundaries.”
Inasmuch as I’d prefer to continue with important tasks at hand, I’ve felt it necessary to stop and respond to allegations of inaction by members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office in Saturday night’s assault of a female outside of the Regal Cinemas in Salisbury. First of all, I was there! The following is an accurate account of what occurred. It’s not exaggerated or embellished as has been reported in a previous letter to you.
I chose to attend the ten o’clock showing of “The Unborn” with my thirteen year old daughter and another member of my staff, Chief Deputy Gary Baker. We located three seats together, near the back of the theater in the next to the last row. The theater was alive with a talkative group of moviegoers in the last row who continued socializing, cracking gum and using their cell phones while the movie was showing. Although we found this disruptive, we still attempted to ignore them and enjoy our movie. After all, there were nearly four hundred fifty people inside this theater and only about a dozen or so appeared to be disruptive. Over the years, I’ve found this to be the best course of action if viewing a movie with my daughter.
Suddenly, from a seat directly in front of me, a teenage female stood up and demanded “Stop cracking that f------ gum.” This prompted a number of profanity laced comments directed towards the teenager from a number of kids from the disruptive group. These comments quickly died out but the loud cracking of gum persisted. I saw no popcorn being thrown and there was no one kicking anyone’s seat as previously reported. At no time did we witness a criminal offense or an arrestable offense which warranted police action.
Towards the end of the movie, the teenager seated within arm’s length of me, obviously frustrated, stood up and quickly exited the theater-leaving behind another female friend with whom she was seated. Minutes later, she returned to her seat. Shortly thereafter, two uniformed Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies entered the theater and stood on either side near the back. As the movie concluded and the lights came on, the theater emptied out in an orderly fashion while we stopped to talk with the sheriff’s deputies.
While talking with my two deputies, an employee of Regal Cinemas came into the theater and reported a large fight outside. Almost simultaneously, and from one of two deputies’ radios, I overheard a dispatcher from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office notify deputies of a large fight in progress involving 75-100 people in front of the Regal Cinemas. As we quickly proceeded towards the front where the fight was reported, I secured my daughter near the concession stand and Chief Baker and I proceeded outside with our deputies.
Once outside, we found a female in the rain standing on her feet. She was obviously distraught and reported that she had just been beaten by a group of teenagers-the same ones she had exchanged words with inside the theater. She said they had been waiting for her outside. There were no obvious signs of injuries and there were no suspects in sight. According to bystanders, someone hollered “the cops are coming” which prompted the suspects to flee.
Within two minutes, there were seven uniformed sheriff deputies on the scene. We stood with the victim and comforted the victim until Salisbury Police Officers arrived on the scene to conduct their investigation. As a direct result of a long-standing jurisdictional agreement and relationship with the City of Salisbury, the Salisbury Police Department investigates all crimes which occur within their jurisdictional boundaries except those occurring in the presence of sheriff’s deputies. We handle our own cases including those occurring within the city should they occur within our presence.
Obviously, this was not the case. The victim’s assault wasn’t witnessed by any law enforcement personnel. She was never denied law enforcement services. In fact, it was quite the contrary. She was contacted and comforted while being questioned about the identity of the suspects while awaiting the arrival of the Salisbury Police. At no time did a sheriff’s deputy refuse or fail to take action because of “jurisdictional boundaries.”
I was there Joe and I witnessed the aforementioned events unfold!
I have attended dozens of movies over the years at the Hoyt Theaters and the Regal Cinemas 16 Cineplex, and I’ve always enjoyed myself. However, I’ve never witnessed a level of disruption during any movie as I witnessed Saturday night during the showing of “The unborn”.
Chief Baker and I have since met with the management of Regal Cinemas to discuss this incident. We learned that whenever a rated PG-13 horror movie is released, there is an acceptable level of disruption which frequently occurs during the viewings. I learned that this is a common occurrence when teenagers under the age of seventeen attend these showings without parental supervision as was witnessed by me Saturday night.
However, the violence associated in the brutal attack of the female teenager is unacceptable. I have spoken with the victim’s mother on at least two occasions and I’ve assured her that the Salisbury Police Department will assist her daughter in identifying and arresting those responsible for this cowardly act. I have also spoken to Chief Allan Webster who is making sure that proper steps are being taken to hold these thugs accountable. Right now, with the invaluable assistance of the victim, suspects have been identified and will be soon arrested.
Should you or your viewers have any questions of me or my sheriff’s deputies, please don’t hesitate to contact me @ 410-548-4891 or via email @ mikelewis@wicomicocounty.org
Thanks Joe!
I have attended dozens of movies over the years at the Hoyt Theaters and the Regal Cinemas 16 Cineplex, and I’ve always enjoyed myself. However, I’ve never witnessed a level of disruption during any movie as I witnessed Saturday night during the showing of “The unborn”.
Chief Baker and I have since met with the management of Regal Cinemas to discuss this incident. We learned that whenever a rated PG-13 horror movie is released, there is an acceptable level of disruption which frequently occurs during the viewings. I learned that this is a common occurrence when teenagers under the age of seventeen attend these showings without parental supervision as was witnessed by me Saturday night.
However, the violence associated in the brutal attack of the female teenager is unacceptable. I have spoken with the victim’s mother on at least two occasions and I’ve assured her that the Salisbury Police Department will assist her daughter in identifying and arresting those responsible for this cowardly act. I have also spoken to Chief Allan Webster who is making sure that proper steps are being taken to hold these thugs accountable. Right now, with the invaluable assistance of the victim, suspects have been identified and will be soon arrested.
Should you or your viewers have any questions of me or my sheriff’s deputies, please don’t hesitate to contact me @ 410-548-4891 or via email @ mikelewis@wicomicocounty.org
Thanks Joe!
Michael A. Lewis
Wicomico County"
Wicomico County"
As many will recall, I had a Post up two days ago referencing a Brother coming to his Sisters rescue. I had received an e-mail from the Brother explaining what had happened.
After I put up the Post I even made a remark after several comments that I had been at this, (blogging) for 3 years now and I could tell when one person was making numerous comments. IMO, I felt it was the Brother making very harsh remarks about the Sheriff's Department. I sent Sheriff Lewis a text message asking him to look at the Post because I was concerned this was headed in the wrong direction and something was clearly wrong.
Sheriff Lewis read the Post and comments and immediately contacted me while Chief Baker joined Sheriff Lewis on speaker phone. They both explained to me how they were there that night and sat right behind the young lady who had been injured/assaulted. You know the story now, (above). Once I heard the whole story I knew the Sister had lied to the Brother and in fact the Mother read the Post and comments and actually attempted to make a comment stating her Son had several of the facts wrong but I had already pulled the Post and her comment never saw the light of day.
I have received numerous comments and e-mail messages asking me what had happened to the Post as many seemed touched and concerned and now you know why I pulled it. The story the Brother told was quite different from the one Chief Baker and Sheriff Lewis witnessed. Freak as it was, they were right behind this young lady the entire time and knew exactly what had happened. I pulled the Post because the Brother was becoming irate because I stopped allowing his comments up and he just became very angry. Hopefully he now sees what truly happened at the Theater and understands why I took the Post down. While I'm proud of him sticking up for his Sister, as I would do, things aren't always what were told and emotions can sometimes get the best of us.
I respect Sheriff Lewis' word as well as Chief Baker's word. The Brother was making it sound like the Police were doing everything wrong. Little did he know two of the biggest names in the Police Business were right there in the very same Theater.
My sincere thanks goes to Sheriff Lewis for drafting this message. I personally believe it's the very first step in the right direction as I have always felt Department Heads should defend their positions when necessary. There was no favoritism played whatsoever when I chose to pull the Post. I did what I felt was the proper thing to do and I never coached or asked Sheriff Lewis to draft this message. In fact I'm very surprised, yet also very pleased he chose to do so.
How cool is it when the Sherriff takes his time to explain to the citizens what was going on. He did not have to do this, but he choose to, outstanding. The girl is o.k. and the idiots are going to be arrested and have they day in court. Sounds to me like the police did everything they could. The man cant even go to a movie with his child with-out morions trying to ruin it, maybe the cinema should take a look at their rules and set some higher standards in order for movie goers to have a nice night out. This is why the last movie I went out to see was Twister. Its crazy in gen-pop.
Good deal, way to set the record straight Joe and Mike! God knows misinformed public can lead to all sorts of problems. I don't understand why the people who were disrupting the movie were not asked to leave by the movie theatre employees though. If these people were causing a large enough distraction wouldn't the proper form of action be reporting them to an employee so they could be asked to quiet down or escorted out? I am sure most know that some people who seen this incident will start acting out as well since they feel they can get away with it.
Who needs superman when Sheriff Mike Lewis is already there to handle it. Three Cheers for Big Bad Mike!
Cheif Baker, has a nice ring to it doesnt it.
Kudos to Sherriff Lewis for going out of his way to explain what happened. I agree, it's a shame he can't enjoy a movie with his daughter without having to deal with crap like this. It's also a shame that the whole fight happened, and amazing how quickly it became so large. Were all these people actually fighting each other or just causing disruption and arguing while watching the fight?
I only go to the movies (once or twice a year...if that) during the day to intentionally avoid the throngs of children who think that because they are at the mall by themselves, the are "grown." Parents, please step up and teach your children some respect (for themselves as well as those around them). Just because someone speaks to them doesn't mean that they have the right to throw out an attitude or lay in wait for someone to attack someone.
I'm not saying this girl was entirely innocent...there were much better options besides cursing at them, but she didn't deserve what she got.
Joe, I usually do not agree with anything you say. But on this issue, I am impressed. I have known Mike since we both we kids, and knowing Mike, if this is what he said happened, then that's exactly what happend.
I love our Sheriff ---he's really the best.. we are so lucky to have him
Out with Webster, In with Lewis or Baker.
The Dirty Dozen
Glad the Sheriff cleared all the misconception/misinformation about this unfortunate incident.
Am I the only one who sees the irony in the fact that the Sheriffs Office is the go to agency in the County as well as the City.
This is what happens when you hire a Police Chief who comes here after retiring from a large metropolitan agency over 100 miles away.
The first think the new Chief, in name only, does is declare he will not live in the jurisdiction he has been hired to protect. The second thing he does is refuse to wear a uniform. Uniforms are important as they represent your authority and command respect from respectful people. A Chief who refuses to wear his agencies uniform, on a regular basis, is sending the message that he wishes not to be recognized or involved.
The City of Salisbury does need to turn its police department over to the County. It can once again become the Proud and Capable agency it once was when Chief Dykes was at the helm.
Hopefully when Jim Ireton becomes Mayor he will fire Webster,immediately upon being sworn in. Then appoint and interim administrator to oversee the dept while he begins the search for a new Chief.
You might have to call that "The dirty bakers dozen" from now on,Ha,Ha...
First, thank you, Mike Lewis, for setting the record straight. I'm a little confused as to why Sheriff Lewis would call it a "brutal" assault when no injuries were obvious, but I guess the emotional distress of even being surrounded by a group meaning you harm is brutal enough.
Joe, you don't know that the "Sister lied to the Brother." She could have been hysterical or just emotional, and the Brother saw things more seriously, or the she could have been calm by then and the Brother just lied, or the Brother in HIS upset may not have lied but just interpreted things as much worse based on what he heard.
Be careful making assumptions about people from private conversations you aren't privy to. Grapevine can be a very harmful game.
It ought to be interesting tonight at the theater. Notorious, the life story of The Notorious BIG starts tonight and is playing in three theaters.
Exactly what is "acceptable level of disruption" during a movie? With what it costs to see a movie these days, I would say "none."
Whatever happened to manners?
Thank you to Sheriff Lewis for setting this straight.
When I saw the post gone, I figured you had either gotten official information or just realized that this guy was not being totally truthful.
Good job Joe.
Yep. This is certainly the main reason I avoid the movies on opening weekend, especially ones that will attract younger and other ethnic audiences. It's simply not worth the trouble. Wait a weekend or two for the movie hype to subside. Nice job sheriff of setting the record straight.
On my post at 0945hrs in the next to last paragraph I said the City does need to turn its agency over to the County. The sentence should read the City does NOT need to turn its agency over the the County.
Mr./Ms. 9:45 --
Based on reliable sources in Baltimore County government, your phrase "a Police Chief who comes here after retiring from a large metropolitan agency" may be inaccurate in respect of his departure from there.
Have you asked Chiefy to level with you?
This is what I admire about Sheriff Lewis. An honest, straight forward answer in a timely manner. This is the way it is supposed to be. He and his men were on the case and have persued it until they have a suspect. Great job Mike.
As I stated the other day. This just doesn't sound right. Deputies don't refuse service to anyone. They are highly motivated and are led by the example of Sheriff Lewis. This is an excellent police force and they do an outstanding job. Now we have the real story.
anonymous 9:52 said....
"Joe, you don't know that the "Sister lied to the Brother." She could have been hysterical or just emotional, and the Brother saw things more seriously, or the she could have been calm by then and the Brother just lied, or the Brother in HIS upset may not have lied but just interpreted things as much worse based on what he heard."
Not only did I hear the other side of the story from Sheriff Lewis and Chief Baker, I also stated that the Mother also attempted to comment and I said,
"the Mother read the Post and comments and actually attempted to make a comment stating her Son had several of the facts wrong"
All that being said, I'm confident the Brother was not told the truth and that's why I stated it in my message.
In the original post it was stated that the girls shoes were stolen. If so the charges should include theft. Was there any validity on this statement?
anonymous 10:30,
Contact the SPD on that. They took the report.
Wow! The Sheriff came and cleared things up with his own account! This is the kind of "transparency" we deserve from our officials and authority figures. Props to Sheriff Mike Lewis.
IMO (and I have to say it), the girl was asking for what she got. She didn't deserve it, just like she didn't deserve to have her movie ruined. But she was asking for it when she cussed out a rowdy group and then called the cops on them when they didn't even do anything illegal. She wasted the police's time and disturbed other people in the movie. Obviously a stuck up, spoiled type. Can you imagine the profanities she must have been spilling in the parking lot?
Two sad things: First, by her brother's reaction he is no better and they will both have a hard time in life. Second, neither of them will have learned anything by the end of it all.
just my 2c take it or leave it
None of these little punks had the stones to pop their gum during Gran Turino the other night. I guess the ultimate question for them would have been is that silver-haired gentleman sitting in the same row a Korean War veteran and Clint Eastwood fan who really wants to listen to the movie he just shelled out his retirement money for....and do you feel lucky, PUNK!!
While somewhat regretful, that our Sheriff had to take the time to "set the record straight". I am even more grateful and impressed to know that he respects the citizens of this area enough to yet again take the time to re instill our confidence in him and his department. Thank you Sir!
Hip Boots
Funny how you yank a post after your buddy was there. You were ready to crucify a police agency based on some simpleton's word, and it took you over a week to post any retraction. You only wanted to stir up a hornet's nest. You think you're a journalist? You'll never be MSM, regardless of how many tantrums you throw jumping up and down saying you are. Do us a favor and eat a gun.
Truth is -- I've usually seen a disruptive crowd at the box office for the evening showings on Friday and Saturday nights. I don't normally see new releases when I go so I don't usually end up in the same theater, but they're certainly there. From a formerly frequent movie-goer (Now personally boycotting because of their constant increases in prices on EVERYTHING. TWICE IN THREE MONTHS!) for an enjoyable experience, I'd advise against new releases in the evenings on Fri and Sat. If you must go, go on Mondays and Tuesdays and catch the cheap concession deals, or even go early on Friday or Saturday and catch the matinée if you can, Just my two cents to avoid this kind of mess..
John Robinson,
First of all, we pulled the article and posted this within 36 hours, not a week, Idiot.
To suggest I eat a gun clearly shows your mentality John. I don't believe anyone reading this site is a simpleton, well, maybe one person. Nevertheless, you said, "You think you're a journalist? You'll never be MSM, regardless of how many tantrums you throw jumping up and down saying you are."
John, I don't know how many times you and the rest of the Anti Albero Bloggers need to be told this but here goes again. I have never stated I am a journalist, I'm a Blogger. However, there's no question Salisbury News is in fact part of the MSM. You may not like it and you may never admit it but I can assure you most everyone here agrees with that statement.
Have a great day John.
Robinson, What are you? What do you value? What do you respect? What do you stand for?
(I wish you would go a round with me, buddy youd be lickin you a-hl for a month to get the taste me out your mouth.)
Eat a gun??? Some people are just ignorant. This is an opinionated blog, get over it!
John I would say why don't you lend him your gun but thats right you can't have one can you.
Why are people ignoring the fact the Sheriff Lewis witnessed everything in the theater and did absolutely nothing? Joe, you know if Webster witnessed this mess in the theater and did nothing you would have called him that "P-word" that you like so much. Play it fair.
WOW, we have been blessed with the knowledge of the one and only(thank God) John Robinson!! Is it any coincidence that he shows up on the coldest afternoon of the winter when all the little girls are inside for the day??
tim? did you actually READ the statement from Sheriff Lewis... he did PLENTY... then AND after the fact! awesome job Mike! keep up the good work man! most of us appriciate what you're doing and the difference you're making!
Tim S.,
OK, perhaps you make a good point. HOWEVER, you and I aren't Cops/Police Officers and one would generally think exactly like you have just expressed, but you're wrong.
I asked that same question to Sheriff Lewis and Chief Baker and their response blew me away.
When you're in a crowd situation, (mind you, I'm paraphrasing here) in a theater that seats 600 people and you're ONE Cop or even TWO, you cannot control the environment against 600 people.
Clearly Sheriff Lewis stated that it was the young lady who started it by reacting disrespectful. She left and came back with two Deputies, things calmed down completely.
The smart move was to continue to have everyone leave the theater but obviously for every ones safety they stayed behind to assure everyone cleared out without issues.
Once they got outside the theater room itself they immediately heard there was a large fight and they immediately reacted. The young lady should have asked for an escort but did not do so. When you have 600 people walking out of a theater at one time, it's hard to pick someone out of that crowd, especially when your eyes are on the crowd making sure things were going smoothly.
Anyhow, that's how I heard it. If Sheriff Lewis would like to tune in and respond that would be cool. If he doesn't, I'd assume my answer is fairly accurate and will do.
As for the Webster thing, Webster wasn't there so I'll not get into what I would or wouldn't have done. When that time comes I'm sure you'll see how I react.
I am a Deputy who has worked at that theatre many of Friday and Saturday nights. Our job there is to act on, and prevent criminal acts from happening. NOT TO BABYSIT KIDS. The management at the theatre should have thrown ALL of these disruptive people out at the beginning of the problem. And if they would have refused to leave, then they would have been arrested. Last time i checked, popping gum was not agains the law. Unless of course you want to make a very bad arrest for disorderly conduct, because in Wicomico County courts, you are not winning that case my friend. Not only that, they were all juveniles, so to make an arrest and take a Deputy (or both!) away from the theatre for two hours so DJS can slap them on the wrist, is a complete waiste of time and paper. I think the Deputies working did an excellent job and made the right call. Great job on clearing all of it up Sheriff. Keep up the awesome job, we love ya!
Robinson, everyone knows you hate cops because you couldn't become one. You have to be honest and not a thief, that leave you out on two counts.
Way to go Mike!!!! That's why you're the best!!!!! Thanks Joe for keeping us so up to speed with whats going on. Thats why I don't have my subscription to the daily slime anymore, I find it interesting how the subjects you cover always takes everyone else including our tv stations a couple of days to release. Thats why I check your blog every nite. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Rick P.
John Robinson dont you have some sick crap to mail to little girls. Go get help, do your family a favor. I guess as long as D. Ruarks aound you think you can skate. I thing what goes around comes around
Great job Sheriff Lewis. It always makes me proud knowing that you are at the helm and protecting our community. It is a shame that no one can even go to the movies without having to put up with punks, cell phones and profanity. It's expensive enough to go let alone put up with garbage from a select few. If you can't live without your cell phone or are loud, disrespectful and rude, why even go to the movies? Go find something else to do and let us enjoy the movie that we paid to see. Keep up the good work Sheriff Lewis and Joe.
Our Top Cop gave his account and that is good enough for me. I'm glad I voted for Mike Lewis and I'll continue to vote for Mike Lewis as long as his name is on the ballot.
Now if I could only be as grateful for my choices of city votes cast. LOUISE, I STILL WANT MY VOTE BACK!
It would be impossible for Chief Webster to witness this from an Ocean City or his house in another county. So at least the Sheriff was there in his county.
Mike Lewis for President!!
No offense, but on duty or off I would have expected the officers would summon theater staff to intervene before it got out of hand.There is no "acceptable level of disruption" for me when I pay that much money to see and hear a movie and I would have been upset too.This is why I wait for movies to come out on DVD......
Let's see if I understand this right? A gang of hoodlums was disrupting an entire theater but the only one with guts enough to say anything is now the bad guy??? Worse, this 'bad guy' was a young girl who was, at the very least, harrassed outside! Where were the grown-ups who SHOULD have manned up and done something??? They should be ashamed!
Is this what our country has come to? Everyone too afraid to say anything?
anonymous 10:59, guts, or stupidity? No disrespect but she was one person up against 500 or so. There is a time and a place fior everything and she almost started a riot. Granted, I understand she was ticked off but IMHO she should have walked out quietly and asked the Police to come in the theater in 5 minutes after she returned to her seat. It's a sad way to learn and I'm sorry this happen. No excuses, the thugs were wrong and soon some will be arrested butu don't think for a minute this young lady deserves a pat on the back for standing up to so many. It was stupid. All due respect.
Joe, I see your and Mike's point but someone has to do something because this type of thing is getting to be the norm around here. She probably acted both brave and stupid but the good kids can't go to the mall, the movies or even school anymore without being confronted with animilistic behavior. I don't mean to take up for her because I don't know her but it seems like she just had enough because she's probably been around this type of behavior hundreds of times before. Everyone reaches their boiling point with these punks at some point and unfortunately this was her time.
Honestly, doesn't it stick in your craw that the only ones who, I'm sure, went home laughing and bragging were the disruptive ones? When a parent hears about this type of thing they can't help but think 'what if it was my child?'
That is a load of BS!!! How many times has SPD been called to 10-25 an area where a wcso is awaiting so they can pawn the call off. Come on Joe, do a ride along with the SPD. Bring your cam too.
Just go get the report from Webster...
597 32 ND STREET Ocean City, MD
27 BAY COVE Crisfield, MD
I heard all the suspects are Black and the victim is white. Is this true Joe. If it is then should these girls be treated just like ten whites would be and charged with felony RRE crimes ??? It is time for true"NEW FREEDOMS" Pay the same price a white would if this is true 10 on 1 sounds racial or gang related to me. Why is there 6-8 to deputies at the release of Notorious. Because we know what will happen with taht many thugs in one spot dont we. Yet we all just keep on eating it. It is time for equality. Time to raise your children not to be thugs and racist. I can tell you this. If ten anything jump my kid I wont need Mike lewis to handle it. Ill do it myself. Joe dont sugar coat it put it out there. Is it no a robbery as well. Did the victim spend the night in the E.R. ? What is the truth Joe. you yanked the other post so quick. I just want to know ?? There are many sides to this story. Dont go "White Washing it" you are no better then the Daily Slime if you keep etting other dictate what you post. If it comes in and it is clean then let them debate the issue. I like your work. You should have left the old one up and let both sides tell their version of the truth. Joe something does not add up about the way you pulled the old post and the slanted information. Goverment put their spin on it. The truth is a bunch of thugs kicked a girls butt for telling them to act like humans in a movie. They then kicked her butt took her shoes. i guess someone needed them Hmmm. It is an assault with a theft. (Robbery) If it is true ten Blacks on one white person then it is also a Race religous ethnic crime. Felony. Oh thats right O'Ruarck will only chrge whites with this type of crime. My opinion is BULLLLLLLLLLL Crap.
Better question for all of this? If I'm not mistaken taxpayers are paying for these cops to be stationed there...
Why doesn't Regal have to take responsibility for the situation there on Fridays and Saturdays and hire their own supplemental security?
anonymous 12:08,
I don't know where you get your stupid information from but the taxpayers do not pay for the Deputies to be there, the theater does. Quit trying to spread all this hate and lies. I think I know exactly who you are because you're the only one coming back here a day later and still commenting.
As for anonymous 11:32, probably the same as 12:08, go back and rfead the post all over again. Every answer to the questions and remarks that you make are in the post.
Joe I am in now way questioning the actions of Sheriff lewis and his troops they get it done. I am almost sure the deputies are contracted by the cinemas. I am simply asking the question what actually happend there. It is of a public safety issue if the gang of juveniles are Black and the victim is white. i dont care what one says if it was ten white kids beating a balck child it would have made natiuonal headlines no doubt. I am sure the Sheriff's office will handle this case as they do all cases. It will be solved and prosecuted. I am concerned about future retaliation against kids that have nothing to do with this. It may be a rumor but I was just wondering what if any mention of the suspects was made. I see a porblem with ten anything attacking one person and then taking an article of value. This is a little deeper than a bunch of girls fighting and it should be dealt with as such. The Sheriff's office is every where thank goodness. The new post of the murder just shows what is out there. I see violence increasing among our young adults and if we dont send a loud and clear message will have a child killed and for what. The victim may not have handled this the way a mature person would have. The Cinemas should have booted those kids that where acting up. It is just the norm these days. It is a dangerous reaction when they decide to beat someone. Who are these kids and are our children safe ? These kids should be identified and ban from the mall for at least a year. The pack mentallity is what alarms me the most. If those deputies had not there what would have happend. I just see more practive approach to an ongoing problem is needed. If you listen to the scanner Wi-Hi has had multiple fights this week. Is it a trend or just an anomially. i dont know but if we have a big gang problem then it is time to do what other jurisdictions do and start a task force or gang unit to deal with this before we end up like little rock Arkansas had. The murder rate increased 400% in one year there was a documentary on HBO that outlined the issue. I dont want here we have a great community that needs intervention of all Law Enforcement as a team. Again I see the great stuff you do. I just want the whole story out there. It may be no one has looked at the entire aspect of this incident. I just dont see it as a happen stance issue. I storngly feel this is a problem that will fester if not dealt with. Again great reporting. I just see a cinder smoldering that needs to be addressed.
The case is being handles by the SPD, not the WCSO.
Isn't anyone wondering why the deputys were working overtime at the movies....that's because the chief won't let his officers. OUT WITH CHIEF!!!!
If Mike Lewis and Gary Baker were at the movies, why didn't they get involved before this thing got out of control. I thought that was one reason they use the take home cars..to respond as needed.
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