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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration In Fruitland

"We have seen nothing but complaints about children watching the Inauguration at school and I had to write this. My 10 yr. old son came home from Fruitland Intermediate completely excited about today's events. He went into detail about this Inauguration, the events surrounding it, and also told us what he learned about previous ceremonies. To top it off, he asked if I had taped it or could get a copy so that he could watch it again.

Not only did Fruitland do an excellent job at TEACHING about the Inauguration, but my middle-schooler at Bennett Middle was also able to cover some highlights that he learned about the Inauguration today and the past.

I would like to thank these schools for giving my sons the opportunity to be part of this historical event and incorporate real learning into the event.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to express the other side."


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness... something positive. THIS is what it's all about!

The parents with hate have caused kids to text from school and complain etc.

Parents can either push positive or negative messages... just hoping the majority was positive!!

mommaneedswine said...


Anonymous said...


As much as I dislike Obama and the absurd extravagance of his coronation, I don't criticize the schools for using it as an educational event so long as there is no political or social indoctrination. Hopefully, in four years we will witness a similar transfer of the office to another person and another party, so that the lessons learned today will be reinforced.

Had my candidate (Libertarian) won, I would feel the same and can assure that the ceremony would have involved much less expense and waste of taxpayer funds.

Anonymous said...

Time for that ethnic cleansing......


Anonymous said...

Oh no he's black so let's panic! All of you racists... get over it! I VOTED OBAMA! and I'm white.

Anonymous said...

To be quite honest, I haven't quite understood all of the uproar here about this subject. What the heck is the big deal?

Anonymous said...

My kids are JAZZED about it (and they are lily white).

They even knew the vice president's name, too, and said he looked like "a cool grandpa."

Folks, stop the hate. We've got a new generation looking to the future with hope in their hearts. WHY, oh WHY would you want to rip that out of them and see America grow up kinder and more understanding?

Obama didn't run to be the president of blacks. He ran, got elected and has been sworn in as the President of the United States.

Could we PLEASE put some emphasis on the word UNITED like he has? He acknowledged our past troubles but talked about them in terms of our triumph over them, not in terms of blame. After all, it was blacks and whites TOGETHER that opened doors.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this blog didn't bring so much attention to this matter if they would have covered past inaugurations.

Anonymous said...

My only problem is he is not the first president. So why are they making such a big deal over Obama.
I dont care what color he is, I am just sick of everyone making such a big deal out of this. My kids were in school when Bush was elected and they did not make a big deal over him so why make such a big deal now????

Anonymous said...

It IS a big deal, and I am glad some kids got soemthing positive out of this. Imagine, students learning something and being positive about it! What a terrible disgrace! C'mon people, we are a better country than that.

Anonymous said...

You Kool Aid drinkers are proud of the fact that your kids are excited about it but you just don't get it. They are very gullible at that age. Truth be known they would come home thinking that sh!t doesn't stink if the teachers and school board made a big fuss out of that as well.

Here's your Kool Aid!

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, this is a HISTORICAL event. Less than 50 years ago, people with black skin were restricted from voting. Today we had a man with black skin be sworn in as President of the United States. There would be a lot of hoopla too, had we elected a female president (even though they have been able to vote for about 90 years). Sorry, but another white guy being inaugurated is not historical, just history repeating itself.
As far as fear of indoctrination, are you afraid they will be indoctrinated with the idea of democracy? Or something else?

Anonymous said...


I assume you think that the author of this post is a mindless Obama fanatic. You couldn't be further from the truth.

As the author of this post, let me assure you that my children were more excited about the history of the Inauguration in general. They spent more time today learning about American History and the significance of the Presidential Inaugurations than they did the actual Inauguration of the current President.

I speak for my children only. Maybe your children, being born to a simpleton like yourself, would be enamoured by simple ideas just because someone else made a big deal of it; but my children have been raised to question, think, and make their own decisions based upon research and first-hand knowledge. In our house, we discussed the pros and cons of both candidates. My bet - they are probably more informed at their ages than many people like yourself.

Furthermore, I detest Kool-aid.

Dave C said...

ok,I think it is a good idea to expose children to our politics, after all, they are the future of our nation. However, pressing politics on any individual isn't necessary wrong, but it is rather annoying. What the teachers did in certain schools is a bit ridiculous-you can't repremand an individual (student or adult) for not believing in or supporting those that you do. I voted for Obama and all I heard was "why would you do that" or "McCain is so much better" or even worse "That was the wrong thing to do as a white man" I voted in order to look out for #1, my self, as did those who opposed my vote. We all are entitled to our own opinions, but we also have to respect the opinions of others. So when a student who supported McCain doesn't want to participate in the inaugural events in school he or she should have that option and the school should allow and accomodate such. Every election is important historically and schools should program around it every time, not just this time. This shouldn't be an issue...

Anonymous said...

he may have black skin but he is not a true african american he is part white, so it really is not a historical momement. I am so sick of it being a racial subject. As long as he does what he says he is going to do I dont care what color he is...

Anonymous said...

The $170 Million could have been used to help the economic situation with the country.....When Bush was spent $40 million everyone cried he could have been feeding the hungry. What is so different now? It is not the color of the skin but the best man for the job. By the way the "President" doesn't really run the country it's the House/Senate.

Anonymous said...

Dave C @ 6:36:

Since when did school become a democracy? If we start by allowing kids who didn't want Obama elected to be excused from today's activities, where does it end? If my child doesn't like math, should he "have that option [to skip math] and the school should allow and accomodate such"?

Usually it's liberals who want to shield kids from things they don't like - such as not keeping score at youth soccer games so nobody loses or eliminating "Christmas" in favor of winter because "Christmas" might offend non-Christians. I'd guess you are not a liberal and that you would criticize them for this sort of thing.

So now conservatives are getting on board, too? Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Re: 7:10 pm
Just a little math to put some perspective as to how much $170 million really is.....
$170,000,000.00 / $40,000(average yearly workers salary) = 4250 jobs.

$40,000,000.00 / $40,000 = 1000 jobs.

sidenote: my grandchildren also learned about George Bush and Dick Cheney.

Anonymous said...

Two things--
To be labeled as African American, you only have to have black skin. Regardless of where you actually come from, you will be categorized as African American. Thus Barack is African American.
Second, a lot of money was spent. What percentage of that do you think was towards salaries? How many people had jobs or had to work today because they were a part of the ceremony? I saw police, security, port-a-potty delivery men to name a few. Do you think all these workers just volunteered services for free? What about hotels and restaurants who had customers today that they normally would not have had? Some of that spending went right into the economy.

joe albero said...

anonymous 8:05, LOL, now there's rules to being an African American? Please tell me where you read these rules?

Anonymous said...

Re: Anon 6:10:

Be careful, if you don't believe me, I'll call you a Kool-aid drinker. I'm soooo original.

Not that my ideas make any more sense.

Anonymous said...

In the summer i get real dark so does that make me an African American 6 months out of the year? Dang I could use the benefits.

Anonymous said...

If Obama was in a room full of white men and black men, what color would you say he was? Does this answer your question?

Anonymous said...

Joe said "LOL, now there's rules to being an African American? Please tell me where you read these rules?"

Joe also said "acting like they're black, talking like they're black"

Anonymous said...

To the author of this post: Thank you for your positive contribution. I am a very active Republican who voted for McCain, but I also know that Obama is the right person for the times. I watched the events all day long and paid particular attention to his address. He is an absolutely spell-binding orator. It remains to be seen how much he can accomplish (and how much Congress will cooperate with him to achieve his goals), but I really felt good after seeing and hearing him. All of us, regardless of race or party affiliation, should wish him well. For those of you who stubbornly refused to watch today's historical events or to send your kids to school to see it, it's your loss. And I do see why this inauguration has received so much more attention than previous ones; to have elected an African-American to the Presidency (Forget the silly hair-splitting about whether Obama is a true African-American or not) is something very special.

Anonymous said...

So that's how Obama got elected by you people, because he is black. Go back 5 years ago he was an unknown but McCain has been around had more experience. God Help us because people electe him cause he is black.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is part white and part black. How fortunate for all of you. All white people can list all the white characteristics and things that you like about White Obama. Now black folks, you can list all the black characteristics that you like about black Obama. Here we have an universal president that appeals to everyome. Thank God, our problems are solved.

Anonymous said...


"LOL, now there's rules to being an African American? Please tell me where you read these rules?"

It's been historically called the "one-drop rule". Google it if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

Life isnt a batman movie and obama isnt twoface the criminal.

Yet he is a unknown inexperienced dreamer turned unleashed in a very down to earth kind of job.

I hope all this non-sense about what color he is ends soon.

People have paid less attention about his refusing to allow access to his personal records then they do to his skin color. What is obama hiding ? I just dont trust anyone who is so blatent with his evasiveness when it is more than expected when running for a office.

He required his own cabinet to provide more info than he himself would provide. How did he get away with it ?

I hope the teachers explained how obama spent so much money on his election party as well as his campaign, all the while America is going broke.

If he means what he says about cutting Government spending then why did he spend sooo much ? Is he going to be a "do as I say not as I do" kind of guy ?

Chidren see this happening also, dont fool yourself into thinking they dont.

Anonymous said...

Barack Husaine Obama Jr. is 50% white 43% Kenyan Ababic and 7% Kenyan black. So exactly how does he change anything? Maybe Arnold can run? He has not a drop of American Black blood in him. He attend foreign schools then an elite Hawaiian School with mostly foreign students. He most likely attended college as a foreign student. He only became American to run for office.

He spent 16 years in Indonesia as a child and returned to visit (as an adult) his Muslim Step Father while attending college. Indonesia is the country hit by the tsunami (they would not allow us to deliver humanitarian aid they hate us that much). Yet Obama spent most of his formative years there. While he lived there Americans were not allowed in they still aren't. He also visited Pakistan for three weeks in the tribal area. How Americans were not allowed in.

He has provided absolutely no proof of his citizenship. His birth in Hawaii is meaningless as he spent most of his childhood in a very hostile to America Indonesia. As he returned at age 22 then went on to Pakistan at a time when they were extremely anti-American exactly how did he get in? Americans were not allowed vistas. He used his Indonesian Passport meaning he was Indonesian not American. When did he gain American Citizenship? Did he lie that he had never renounced it? I don't know and he won't tell.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone. Welcome to a country that sneers at the current President until The One is inagurated then makes fun of him on

I'm sorry but this day will live in infamy. We just elected an illegal alien as President or worse.

By the way Barack is the one who will not provide proof he is an American. He has not defended himself in Court once. Just asked the courts to look the other way and they said sure 58 million people voted for him we won't overturn that.

Anonymous said...

My Son came home from Buckingham yesterday just to tell me when I asked him about it that it was boring, but that was ok because they got to eat lunch in class and that was cool. I did tell him it was history in the making and later on in his life he'll be able to say he watched it.

Anonymous said...

My son also goes to Fruitland...he came home yesterday and was a little disappointed that they couldn't watch it because of the TV being "too fuzzy". And I myself who have NEVER watched anything having to do with any president WATCHED IT ALL DAY!!! It's history, for god sake!!!! Who cares what color he is ??? So ...when everything starts turning around for the better what are all these racist people going to say then ??

Anonymous said...

9:07 a.m. " what are we going to say ?"

We will say "Thank God we voted that obama fraud out of office before it was to late !"