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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why ALL Of You Should Consider Volunteering By Ringing A Bell For The Salvation Army


I just got home from my shift a a bell-ringer, and I must say that it was was one of the most rewarding, fulfilling and heatrwarming things that I have ever done. I was surprised at the number of people who did stop and put a donation in the bucket; what I was especially touched by was the number of people far worse off than I; people who struggled to walk with canes, crutches, and walkers; people in wheelchairs, some of them missing limbs, who stopped and donated. The most heartwarming were the mothers who had their small children put in the money. They are teaching their children well. The experience made me stop and count my blessings---my two successful daughters, my wonderful grandchildren who all love me very much; my good health (never mind that my infrastructure is shot!), my loving husband, the fact that we are both fortunate enough to have good jobs. Yes, even non-Christians believe in blessings. As my father-in-law (you know, the one whose money I'm trying to steal) says, when you do a good deed, you make two people happy: the one for whom you did the good deed, and yourself. He is so right!

It is directly because of you---because of your relentless campaign to encourage people to volunteer as bell-ringers---that I volunteered. I don't know what kind of strings you pulled to make it such a lovely warm day (LOL), but thank you for making this wonderful experience happen for me. Had it not been for your urging people to volunteer, I probably wouldn't have done it, but I know now that I will do it again.


I kept trying to tell everyone just how rewarding this experience is. I encourage each and every one of you who have given from your heart with the gift of volunteering your personal experience in ringing the bell for the Salvation Army.

Grannydragon, THANK YOU! While many at the Salvation Army Staff can't believe I have put in the time and effort unconditionally, I can only think they're so busy fielding calls, counting money, managing the schedules all over the place, picking up and delivering buckets everywhere all day and night, perhaps they forgot just how rewarding it is for someone like myself to GIVE BACK.

I am so pleased you were able to experience the same thing I have and I truly encourage each and every one of you reading this to call the Salvation Army and volunteer, even if its only for an hour. It will be the best hour you've spared for an excellent cause.

Since you shared your experiences, I'd like to just give everyone a small taste of the most rewarding parts I experienced. On one evening at WalMart, two individuals came up to me and explained how they had to depend on the help of the Salvation Army at one point in their life. They proceeded to reach into their wallets and put money in the bucket to give back. ONE of them even mentioned that they were going to need the support of the Salvation Army very soon and yet they still reached into their pocket and gave up their change.

I could go on ad on but I'll leave it up to others to share their experiences. The way I see it is, by now we should have a new Post up with what's left over on the schedule for WalMart and Sam's Club. I will tel you right here and now, I have NO PROBLEM filling in each and every one of the slots left open at both locations. However, I truly encourage each one of you to please consider dropping me an e-mail to fill them in or call the Salvation Army to arrange a spot.

You can reach me at, or the Salvation Army at 410-749-7771 ext. 100. They have some great openings at K-Mart, which is somewhat indoors. Thank You, ALL of you, for volunteering.

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