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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Would This Be Racist If It Was For White People?

Blackbird Web Browser

Blackbird was developed on the simple proposition that we, as the African American community, can make the Internet experience better for ourselves and, in doing so, make it better for everyone. Primarily we believe that the Blackbird application can make it easier to find African American related content on the Internet and to interact with other members of the African American community online by sharing stories, news, comments and videos via Blackbird.

Sent in by a loyal reader.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Black entertainment, Black organizations, Now Black Internet. It would all be racist if we did these same things but "White" It would be an outrage.

Anonymous said...

What if your mixed?

Anonymous said...

It's not racist as it doesn't hurt anyone. Nor does it stop anyone else from using it.

Anonymous said...

If it doesn't hurt anyone, can someone offer a Snow Flake application? You know, just for whitey.

I guess if they did that there'd be no news to report.

Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it would be by some.
11:01 - You forgot one, Black Colleges.

I understand that other people might be able to use it...white people also attend black colleges (limited number though) don't see
White internet, White colleges, etc. because it WILL be called racist.

I am sick of the reverse discrimination in this country.
I know that many blacks were wronged in the past, but this is not the past, it is now but I've gotta tell's not the whites screaming discrimination and racism all the time now is it, even though the tables have been turned in many instances.

Try getting help through government programs and see how far you get if you are white.
Yet you look around at others, who are not white applying for help and how they are dressed to the nines.
I don't need government help but I can tell you some of these people wear more on their body in one outfit than I spend on my entire wardrobe, but THOSE are the ones getting the assistance.
I've seen it too often.
Ask one of them and they will tell you "well I had to look nice when I came in". Bullshit.

Now that we have a non-white President Elect, I fear that it is going to get even worse.

God help us all!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is Racist! It continues to happen and needs to stop. You want equality give up your United Negro College, Black Entertainment, etc. Then you would see equality. It is hurting someone Anon 11:19. They go on and on about equality and they are handed all this black stuff that hurts everyone because any idiot could see that isn't equality. Get over the slave days. None of the blacks today were slaves and none of the whites today were slave owners so nobody owes you anything. If we had United White this and that don't you think we would be called racist? We are called racist every time we open our mouths. That is how you keep this freebie crap going. You want equality start acting like it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Anon 11:29 am
Most if not all colleges in the United States started as white’s only colleges. That’s why there are now/still Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s). However, HBCU’s have never discriminated nor stopped any race from attending their institutions. The “limited number” you point out is a choice.

As for your review of how people dress who supposedly need help, seriously don’t you have something else better to do? I think the adage “you can’t tell a book by it’s cover” goes a long distance in this situation.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:41 am

So who exactly does BET, and UNCF hurt?

Anonymous said...

The problem, as I see it, is anything that is geared toward a race or religion will fuel racism. The only way racism will end is to total do away with ANY reference to it. Take it off Applications, forms, etc. Make no reference to anyone's race when talking about history, the future, the past. Do away with Affirmative Action, again race cannot take place in any part of selection. Until that time, the "Racists" will grab any part of it and exploit it to there advantage. Descrimination is descrimination regardless of direction.

Anonymous said...

african American is fine as long as that is their heritage. NOT ALL BLACKS ARE AFRICAN AMERICANS! Why must we keep calling them such?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:54 It hurts us all. It keeps racial tension going. You know that there can't and won't be any United White anything which breeds resentment that there is United Black everything. If we are to all be equal and that is truly what blacks want then let's be equal.

Anonymous said...

Very well put Anon 11:57

Chimera said...

Well as long as there are separatist blacks out there who are STUPID enough to buy this stuff,they will make a fortune.I also say-what about mixed race persons?They are pulled in 2 different directions by both sides it seems.
I am in no way racist,but it is true that in government programs preference is given to non-white applicants of all varieties,not just black but Hispanic too.Thats what chaps most people nowadays and if we are ever gonna live in a truly equal world,we need to actually all be equal.

BossHogg said...

Yes its racist.

What happens when people make groups that are for white people like the NAAWP?

Or see what you get when you google whites only:

The shoe is on the other foot for the separate but unequal.

I used to be a member of the NAACP but discovered they are a VERY racist organization.

Anonymous said...

google "white bird browser"

It is there.

just like there was both a Obama and a Palin hanging effigy, there is both a black and white based browser.

So, is white bird browser racist?

Anonymous said...

The key word in your response is "started" as white's only colleges.
However, they are no longer whites only colleges now are they? They are not even referred to as "white colleges" now are they?
However, black colleges are still referred to as such.

I never said the HBCU's stopped other races from attending their don't put words in my mouth.
They're attendance of "whites" is limited in numbers not in allowed admissions. Is that clear enough for you?

As far as your "judging a book by it's cover:" comment? Again, you took part of what I said and tried to take it out of context.
I also stated that if you ASKED them....

Maybe you are the one who should find something better to do than to take someone's words and switch them around to your liking.

You sound like you are one of the high and mighties who believe there is nothing wrong in the world and are better than anyone else around.

Go back to your big room in your castle and leave us working class folks alone.

Anonymous said...

Lets worry about jobs and paying for our houses instead of this shit.

Anonymous said...

Well I have no problem with it. I am white but dont see it as a slap in the face but someone is marketing through race. have you paid attention to all the Mc Donalds commericaials lately they are all geared at A/A at least 80%. I also learned there is a BLACK MARYLAND TROOPERS COALITION. Now that is and should be highly offensive it is an orgnazation or fraternity that exist in a para-milatary enviroment that and its title speaks for itself. There hav e been Lt Col. who are of color Majors, Captains, and so on. So why does this need exist. There are numerous A/A in postions of authority in this country. The days of 'Black Only" anything needs to move on. I should also note there is a Womens Trooper coalition that spun off of the Black Trooper movement. If there strictly marketing I would have no problem. Merchadizing will all ways attempts to attract the money via demographics. This has been a practice of major advertising for decades. In todays climate if one were to create the White Rhino Club and made its membership strickly white it would in fact start a major outcry. On a good note Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton are out of work. there is enough blame game to go around i think we all can move on for now and see where it goes. There could be a lot of walls lowered on both sides if Americans choose to follow that path. there are in fact white supremcy groups that do have web sites. if you choose to visit them i am sure will end up on some govt. list. lol Bring back the pledge to our flag and give this country back its pride. I think all americans need to consentrate on being American again regardless of color. We need to let voices from the highest mountains and the lowest valleys sing out in true patriotism. I think there wil be a great deal of comfort knowing that as Americans we stand together against all of our enmies foriegn and domestic

Anonymous said...

Sorry Anon 12:18

Looks like I struck a nerve or something in you. HBCU’s are referred to that is what they are –Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Of course white college’s aren’t going to call themselves “white colleges”, they have moved past that now. However, let’s not try to hide the fact that at one time they were – a few of them have had a couple of hundreds years of discrimination. The difference is again HBCU’s have never discriminated in their admissions.

Oh, I’m working class. There is plenty wrong with this world and country. I am better than a lot of people (that’s sarcasm).

Anonymous said...

Wow. A lot of people up in arms about something that doesn't affect them at all, and won't have one solitary impact on their lives.

Sounds like the incessant braying of a bunch of right-wing whackos to me.

tedh said...

Anon 1:49 PM - You obviously don't get the point. Here we are the year 2008 with a proclaimed black President Elect and Affirmative Action still in effect. Things like this are meant to separate people instead of binding them together as one. The only thing Miss Black America and similar things like that do is keep discrimination and separation alive. I say chunk it all out the window and all be given equal rights.

Anonymous said...

In theory every American in this country is born with equal rights. In fact we should know that this has not been true. Minorities and woman have been left behind in many cases.

All of the things mentioned in this comment section were put forth to try to alleviate this discrimination. That is about four hundred plus years of discrimination.

Blacks weren’t allowed in schools, so schools for black were created. Some of them are older than a lot of other schools. Blacks weren’t allowed in the Miss America pageant, so the Miss Black America pageant was created.

Look at corporate America today. Even though Obama will be president, most of congress is still white. The leaders of the cars companies are white. The list goes on and one. The assumption that we can just throw everything out the window can’t be done now. We still have about 350 years to go.

tedh said...

Keep holding on to that idea and we will never be free of discrimination. I don't get where we still owe 350 more years of debt from something our ancestors did or did not do. Give me a break and let go. We are of what we make of ourselves. We have had a Black Miss America, black Secretary of State, black Generals, and now a black President elect, it is time to adjust the old school crap and bring it into the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

So we know the trouble .How do we go about disbanning the black racist?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:49 do you know how stupid you sound?

Anonymous said...

Where is black Jesus when you need Him? He can figure out all this mess. Just call his name.....NO-BAMA !!!!

So are they African or are they American? I was born in America, my kids were born in America, and their kids will be born in America, so I think that makes us Americans, not German Americans or Dutch Americans or any other "American" for that matter. So if they want to be African'ts... oops sorry.... Africans then go back to the motherland and take what is rightfully yours and leave us real Americans in peace.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:52, thanks for the history lesson about discrimination in this country. who would have thought?

You are correct White America has moved past "it" just look at who will be President in 09. It is not black America who put Obama in office, despite what you want to believe. What is a really shame is Black American can't just get past "it". Yeah I am real sure that some of those Black colleges don't discriminate. I bet some of them only have enough "whites" around to keep federal money rolling in.

Anon 247 I guess you are another history scholar. You are correct there are more white people that are CEO's and congressman in this country. You failed to mention that this country is 79.97% white so naturally there would be more whites in those positions. So I ask you, what is your point? I don't think you have one. Another thing you failed to mention is that black politicians that run in black districts against white appoints win. Why is that smart guy? Why did no black people vote for John McCain? walks like a duck, sounds duck, it must be...Yes your right BHO will be president in 09 which happens to be the most powerful "CEO" on earth. I think it is time for you to get over "it" and move on. "You people" are really starting to become REALLY boring and predictable. ;)

Anonymous said...

omamma isnt in yet.dont give up 5 min. before the miracle.cause you know he was in on the extortion bunch from illonios.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 3:46 pm

If you think hundred of years of discrimination will be made up by Obama being president you are mistaken. A couple of acts in that time frame does not make up for the day to day trails you could never understand. It can’t be dismissed or played off as if the dept has been pay.

HBCU’S have never discriminated against other people trying to get into their school. That burden falls squarely on the shoulders of other schools. As far as whites moving past this issue, I agree some have. However, it is far from being history, at least not yet. I will get over it when the image of my uncle hanging dead from a tree because of his color is erased from my mind.

Plenty of black people voted for McCain during this election. And your percentage of whites in this country is wrong also.

By the way, I swear sometimes that geese walk like ducks and sound like ducks. So does that make them ducks?

I think not.

Anonymous said...

Of course it is racist. Have you ever seen a Miss White America Pagent?

For the past 20 years there hasn't been a decent movie out with a white only star. If you have noticed they all have a black co-star. Now on the other hand there have been numerous black only movies with now white stars. Makes you go hmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:46 I feel for the people that were slaves and mistreated and the whites that did that make me angry but we can't make up for that. We didn't do it. You can't expect us to pay for the sins of our fathers. These are different times. Blacks also need to change their attitudes. Stop thinking people owe you something for what was done in previous generations. Yes it leaves scars but let them heal. Come together as people not colors. Let the hatred go and you will see a different america. I don't think Obama is the one that is going to bring the country together. That is just my personal opinion not based on color. I do think to much is being made about him being black. He is really not a black man he is mixed. He thinks he is above everyone else and doesn't think he needs to prove anything to the american people. I feel that the way he is acting towards providing his documents is showing us he will do what he wants and he doesn't feel he has to answer to anyone. I really don't like some of the ties he has with certain people and groups. That is just my opinion and I feel I should be able to give it without someone playing the race card on me because that is not the case. If he were a white man acting like this I would be saying the same thing about him. Blacks don't have to censor their feelings about things based on color. We shouldn't have to either. I do not approve of what happened to black people but I DID NOT DO IT. If you continue to think we owe you something for the past we will never be able to move on. Nothing will ever change.

Anonymous said...

How long are the "whites" going to try to atone for what their forefathers had done to the ignorant negros of yesterday? They have opened their schools,their wallots,and finally their hopes to appease the more educated blacks for the injustices that were put upon the negros of yesteryears ago. I beleive the slate is about even.So quit crying about the past and join the rest of us in trying to make this country great once again.Work or be worked . Only one word comes to mind to define modern day blacks....LAZY

Anonymous said...

I think you got the wrong Anon.

Anyway. Everyone keeps mentioning slavery. Slavery was bad then but it was years ago. What about the discrimination that happened in our lifetimes?

I lot of people were alive when the Jim Crow "Laws" were still around. That recent times. What is being said about those times?

One of the reasons we have Affirmative action now was becuse of Jim Crow. You can't just say I didn't do it and wish it away.

You and/or your parents were probably living in those times and benefitted from it. Maybe you did something about it, but most did nothing, including our government.

So saying you had nothing to do with it is really not reality.

Anonymous said...

Reality is most of us had nothing to do with it. Whites now days do not owe blacks anything. They weren't there you weren't there. It is over. Blacks have just as much if not more than whites. They get it by whining about the past. Go see a shrink if you need to but stop thinking you are owed something. You can either sit around whining about the past that you had nothing to do with and neither did I or you could quit and join the real world.

Anonymous said...

Anon 445, you are correct according to the US Census in 2005 the white race makes up 80.2 of the total US population, I stand corrected. but for shirs and giggles what number did you have floating around in your head?

You are also correct about the Black vote for McCain it wasn't was right around 5% of the Black vote. Common on seriously! Please try and defend that number for anything more than it is....

As for what happen to your uncle. That is a horrible act that was committed by some evil people, but evil deeds are committed every day by people of every strip. I have experienced horrible acts but I don't hold on to the past. I also don't know anyone that has done or plans to commit any of these kinds of acts. So for you to hold an entire race responsible for the actions of a small group of people is really sad.

You are the one that is holding on to the past, not me. So hold on to your hate I hope it keeps you warm at night.

One thing you cannot get around is that a Black Man will be president in 09 and White Americans put him there. What else do you have to complain about?

Anonymous said...

So what exactly is that number. We could play that game all day with a whole bunch of different elections. I guess it doesn’t matter that blacks tend to vote for democrats about 90% of the time. The game is silly as blacks, whites, Hispanics, etc. can vote for who they want without offering any explanation.

I only talked about my family to point out one of the inequities that is included in my life. The only reason this act happened was because of the color of his skin. It has not made me a bigot. It has made me wary of people claiming to want to throw certain things out of the window. I can forgive, but will never forget. As for “getting over it”, certainly as soon as it stops.

Remember these things happened with the approval of our government - state and federal. This is why we now have these real laws to help alleviate the product of these inequities. You may not have participated, but we have laws in place, because whites benefited from it - whether they will admit it or not. I do not hold an race entire responsible, I do hold an entire culture responsible. I remember the past so it will not be repeated.

Sounds like you want me to forget. No thank you.

My only “complaint” in reference to the election is that now many people will claim that since Obama was elected blacks should not have AA programs, BET, NAACP, etc. That is a lie. We have those things because we weren’t (and in some cases) allowed at the table in the first place.

We will get there in about fifteen years though.

Anonymous said...

Anon 657 that NUMBER was 5% of the black vote went for McCain. What did you miss? You said I was wrong about the White Americana percentage of the US population. What was YOUR correct answer?

No, I don't really care what you do, write a book about it if you would like. I will tell you that You and the people that think like you are not going hold me accountable or try to make me feel guilty for someones actions.
What Black Americans fail to see is by blaming all White Americans for the actions of a small group of other White Americans is a racist act in its self and makes you a complete hypocrite.

Your back to the history lesson! Your right, Black Americans weren't allowed to the table. The key word in your statement was "weren't." Thanks for making that point for me.;) Despite what you are going to say Black Americans have plenty of opportunists now...

Get over yourself and get on with living your life. You are not entitled to anything and that argument your spewing is tired.

A Black Man has been elected President and put in office by White America! I don't need to say anything else....You are boring me

Anonymous said...

I agree, you are boring me. Good luck with your river in Eqypt.

Anonymous said...

Your allowed to the table now. Blacks don't want equality. They want Freebie. Nobody said forget just move on. You can't move on cause you want to play victim. You are not a victim. Whites will never consider you equal as long as you keep trying to make them pay for what they didn't do. You won't admit it but your attitude stinks.

Anonymous said...

recently an AA NFL player stated we are "slaves" to the league. I think he was making 13.5 mill over six years. Slave my axx and call me a player. It will never stop. I think all jews should call out anyone of german decent and say pay up. The greeks, american indians, chineese and dont forget the japs. Wow there is a lot of historical slavery and not enough free bull sht to go around. I have curly hair is there no one i can call out for this. Someone has done some mixing somewhere. I just want someone to sue or hate over hair. I also got brown eyes it enough to make you sick. BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU ARE !! It is a little deep but work with me. Its is like being happy in what you have found and not in what you seek. We are all like apples when you peel back the skin we are just that apples. Anyway I am starting the curly head net work. I hope no one gets offended.

Chimera said...

Anon 6:57
No offense but in 15 yrs,if things still arent the way you think they should be,then what?15 more yrs?Infinity?I have Native American heritage,and most of them are still segregated in point is no one ethnic group holds the patent on misery in this country or even the world.
In Somerset County,a local board member is being blackballed(no pun intended) because he addressed another local board as "You People",quite innocently.The "people" he was addressing were a group of people of different races but it still snowballed into an embarassing public racial incident.Enough!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:11 -- There was a difference between the Palin and Obama hanging effigies. The one's that hung Palin got laughed at, the ones that hung Obama got arrested.

Anonymous said...

I want more recognition and compensation: Red dirt Alabama-American (now that's pitiful-poor).

Anonymous said...

well, the two that I know about, in California, both got the same treatment, a visit from the secret service, but that was all. I guess Kentucky treats things differently.