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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pollitt to Deliver "State of the County"

If you can't get down to the GOB this morning, tune in to PAC-14 and watch Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt deliver his third "State of the County" address.  Despite Pollitt's use of the Louise Smith-esque term "Speech in the Sunshine" and the expected shirt tearing over the county's revenue cap, it should be interesting and informative.

The speech begins at 10AM.  Get your seat early, or pour another cup of coffee and tune in.


Anonymous said...

what a lot of nerve,him talking about GOD and treating Wicomico County citizens right when him and his staff have done so much wrong and allowed so much wrong to be done to the citizens of this county.what a crock of shit he seems to think that not doing anything is acceptable and good in the sight of GOD.not so Mr.Pollitt,you have failed the citizens and employees of this county and in your heart your just another politician at best.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what a lot of nerve,him talking about GOD and treating Wicomico County citizens right when him and his staff have done so much wrong and allowed so much wrong to be done to the citizens of this county.what a crock of shit he seems to think that not doing anything is acceptable and good in the sight of GOD.not so Mr.Pollitt,you have failed the citizens and employees of this county and in your heart your just another politician at best.

3:11 PM

Pollitt, Barrie Tilgman, Blagojevich, O'Malley, Blagojevich.... need I say more?

All peas in the same pot. Nothing, but crooked democrats!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:39 PM, don't forget Obama.

Anonymous said...

I'm a moderate, however if the democrats are so bad why did we have a surplus when Bush took office and in eight years we are now 12,500,000,000,000 in debt? Soon to be $13,500,000,000,000. We owe the Chinese so much money it's a wonder they don't want to foreclose on New York City.

Anonymous said...

During the debates Bush called Al Gores figures "fuzzy numbers," well bush made them even fuzzier. I even respected him when he claimed mission accomplished, he was my commander and chief.

His actions during Katrina were a disaster. Mayor Rudy was a bigger role model during the 9/11 crisis. If Bush had done one thing and one thing only he shouldn't have let gas prices get so out of hand or the consumer could have stimulated the economy ourselves instead of putting it in our gas tank to get to work.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
During the debates Bush called Al Gores figures "fuzzy numbers," well bush made them even fuzzier. I even respected him when he claimed mission accomplished, he was my commander and chief.

His actions during Katrina were a disaster. Mayor Rudy was a bigger role model during the 9/11 crisis. If Bush had done one thing and one thing only he shouldn't have let gas prices get so out of hand or the consumer could have stimulated the economy ourselves instead of putting it in our gas tank to get to work.

10:22 PM

So what was so disaterous about Bush's actions during Katrina? You must be one of the Welfare Mongers that thinks the Federal Government should give everyone a handout.

So how was Mayor Rudolph Giuliani a bigger role model than President Bush during the attacks on September 11, 2001? Have you noticed that we haven't been attacked since then? DUMBASS!