The above photo is a picture of everyone who received a check from Fruitland WalMart this morning. There was a total of $10,000.00 given to local schools, churches and organizations.
It should also be noted that WalMart Employees have also been out ringing the bells locally.
How to tackle this one without looking like a grinch? Shall I do the math.
If you notice, that is Mrs. Batts, principal of JMB in the photo. Let me guess what she will do with her money.
How about metal detectors, pepper spray, or rubber bullets!
Maybe Sgt Shelia Johnson should have gone to Walmart instead of Kmart!
Looks like Robin Townsend representing the Fruitland Volunteer Fire Department.
Thanks for this post. Unlike other people, I am going to look for the good in this article.
Don't get me wrong. I have my problems with WalMart but ten grand given back to the community is in my opinion, a good thing to do.
Come on people, where is your Christmas spirit?
JMB principal getting the lime light. maybe she ought to try and fix her school.
Why don't you people let alone something good that is being done in our community? This is a good thing that Wal Mart has done. Why do all os you morons have to make light of it?
Because I did the math
It sure would be nice if Walmart would donate to all of the county schools and fire departments. I know that Mardela Middle and High doesn't get the benefits of being located close to the city.
All fire companies on the west side of the county never get donations like the one given here. We struggle each year to keep up with the standards that the state wants to implement without giving us the money to implement them.
It's nice to here about the giving back. The rest of the county shops and works at these stores as well, how about the rest of us?
Oh, I almost forgot. Isn't this the time to make your donations for the ending tax year? Just a thought.
Once again Joe you have a bunch of A$$HOLES trying to disgrace something done that is good. I would like to thank Wal-Mart for what they have done in our community. Come on People get your minds out of the gutter and thank one of our biggest contributors. Thanks Wal-Mart.
Thank you, Fruitland Walmart. Your return to the community that keeps your doors open is greatly appreciated.
I wonder if they would back Joe's Angles in their quest to make our streets safer at night . It could be the change that is really needed in our community that people had voted for in the first place. You know obama isn't gonna really do anything on the local level. We could use the money we get off the crooks to help bank roll the "Angles" for their attempt to "free" our streets at this time of need.
Yes, the Fruitland Wal-Mart did donate to Fruitland area schools and charities (JMB gets an influx of students from South Salisbury/Fruitland).
All Mardela HS or any other worth-while organization has to do is submit a request early in the season. I don't believe Wal-Mart is in a habit of picking favorites, just because they are in the City of Salisbury. Maybe they should request from the North Salisbury Wal-Mart which most likely services the Hebron/Sharptown/Mardela residents and community.
The three men in the front row showing their checks are each connected to Ed Vance. Mr. Vance works at the Fruitland Wal-Mart and ask for donations to local groups including the Lions Clubs he's President of this year. If you look closely he's standing in the rear on the left side. I'm sure Wal-Mart gave him a check as they do each year for the Lions Club. I don't think it's right that employee's are allowed to ask for donations in this way. If he hadn't mentioned it to someone recently I never would of figured it out when I saw the picture.
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