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Friday, December 19, 2008

A Letter To The Editor About A Local Rest Stop?

"Could someone explain the purpose of the RestStop at Route 50 and Philipmorris Drive? I see several cars parked there frequently day and night. Do people stop there and rest or sleep because of the grueling drive from Willards to Linkwood? I dont see families stopping to have picnic lunches when travelling on vacation. I bet those that stop there might be doing some illegal things.......maybe like selling drugs or.......having sexual relations......for heavens sake, someone was murdered there a few years ago! How many police cars drive past that area every day without any enforcing of the law? Close the place down!Plow it under and let CVS put a drug store there! It is a disgrace and is in such a highly visible area."


Anonymous said...

I think those people who are illegally having sex ANYWHERE should be stoned immediately.

Anonymous said...

Your only worried about the sex?

Anonymous said...

8:55-how is it "illegal" having sex? Also, it'd probably be you on the jury that would find them not guilty for some stupid reason.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or am I the only one who has heard that this rest stop is a place where gay men hook up?bravers

Anonymous said...

Our country is falling apart, the executive branch is superceiding the senate, the labor secretarys father was a chairman for labor in Mexico, we have another infamous Mayor as head of trade and the tax payers continue to get robbed. Do you people really think this shit matters. For Gods sake people keep your eyes on the ball.

Anonymous said...

that spot is bad but the police also need to look at the parking lots in the City Park. Those folks are not there to look at the birds!

Anonymous said...

silly me..I thought it was a place to park your car and car pool with others to the same place.

joe albero said...

anonymous 10:02,

Would you leave your car in a out of the way parking lot in Salisbury for the day? I know I wouldn't and that's why I drive my oldest and raggiest vehicles whenever I know I'll be anywhere in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Same thing goes on all day at Schumaker Park. Creepy.

Anonymous said...

Let's get one thing ST8, not only gay men are there just as much as ST8 married men. The wives need to take care of their men more often, so that the married men, won't be going there to have oral sex and yes anal sex as well. If you have notice the parking lot is smaller than before. As they are trying to close the area

Anonymous said...

It's a "stop and pork"!!!

Anonymous said...

Wasted Words, getting so tired of Wasted Words.

Anonymous said...

STOP and PORK!! Now Thats Funny!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:06,

I have to disagree, at least on the all day part. Most of the time during the day it's mostly a woman feeding the ducks, some kids playing disc golf or just someone walking their dog. At night.. different story. Can't tell you how many times I've been woken up by police lights blinking in my window at 2-3 in the morning or just some strange car parked over there that immediately leaves when I pull in my drive way.

Anonymous said...

There are probably more important things one could complain about.

How 'bout keeping your eyes on the road while you're driving?
This person probably talks on their cellphone while driving too.

What laws are they supposed to enforce? You have to catch someone breaking the law first.


Chimera said...

Yeah the rest stops reputation is no secret, the one they closed up past Delmar used to be HOPPING at nighttime.As long as prostitution is illegal it will continue to be filthy and clandestine.
Anon 8:10-With a comment like yours, I am pretty sure you never get laid, unless its a mercy. How are you suggest that men troll these areas because their wives "won't take care of business" ? A man could have a willing wife and a freak on the side too but if he is a sex addict (straight or bi) no amount of partners or acts is enough.

Anonymous said...

when I was in high school, a bunch of us lived in salisbury and worked in Ocean City. We would meet at the rest-stop and then ride share to save gas. Worked pretty well.

Anonymous said... cant talk on your cell phone or see the the problem because your head is in the sand or better yet stuck somewhere else

Anonymous said...

to the original poster:

mind your own business.

getting older tends to make you nosy and out of touch huh?

besides, getting rid of that rest stop isn't going to lessen the crimes that go on - so just mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

This thread is hilarious. Have any of you seen the infamous Ben Stiller "rest stop" scene in "There's Something About Mary?" If you haven't seen this movie...well, you don't know what you are missing.{Not that there is anything wrong with that}

Anonymous said...

You are right, they will just go somewhere else. The rest stop is okay for commuters. However, I do know for a definite fact that the man I told about that sells puppies from the Western Shore promising those AKC papers that never come, uses that as a place to meet his buyers. What a shame. There again, he will just move on the K-Mart I guess!!

tedh said...

Hey Reese I believe the saying was rest stops are the bath houses of the 90's. Very funny movie.

Anonymous said...

1:13 PM to the original poster:

mind your own business.

You must be one that uses this rest stop.

Anonymous said...

How do you know they're not looking at the birds? Could be the Audubon Society...don't judge or make quick assumptions

Anonymous said...

Ted. I think I mentioned this with the Pryor issue a couple days ago. but what a luxury to have You Tube and such. Didn't have time to find/watch the movie again yet, but Googled some MySpace/You Tube clips of the "bust scene." {SPOILER ALERT}!! My favorite part is when the guys start popping out of the bushes in the background stating "I was just peeing," or "I was peeing too," or "Hey, we were ALL just peeing." Good times...good times.

Anonymous said...

Years ago, I mean years ago when we had a real Chief of police and mayor. There was officers assigned to take care of that issue. Salisbury rest stops are posted on the "Gay" news as one of the most popular sites around besides Rehobeth. Anyone who has sex in public can be arrested, and men who have it with other men should be.

Most of the time it is closet gays that are married meeting their buddys at teh rest stop and getting their needs filled. How do I know well arrest a few of them and they will tell you their story. Middle aged men, not being satisfied at home who look anywhere to get sex.

The gays will act like kids in candy stores to meet anyone for sex.. Been that way for years, never going away unless you prosecute the laws on the books where it is illegal to have anal sex, and oral sex.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...


How can you be so hateful towards others just because of their sexual orientation? I agree people shouldn't be having sex in public places, straight or gay, but it seems like you're targeting them just because they're homosexual. I hate people who aren't tolerate of others, such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

grannydragon said...
Is it just me, or am I the only one who has heard that this rest stop is a place where gay men hook up?bravers

9:26 AM
The one mentioned as murdered was hooking up there. It wasn't his first time either.

Anonymous said...

OK, 6:28, I'll bite. For the value of the debate, I will assume you are comfortable with the enforcement of old laws against fornication and perverted practices. I will also believe you wish to see these laws enforced across the sexual line. At age 55, I have dated a few wonderful, classy ladies, and I have found (thank God) that a rich love experience includes one of these activities if a man hopes to please. My question to you would be, who would be left standing if these laws could be enforced? Bet they would be grumpy ass people!