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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chief Webster, Mayor Tilghman, Bah Humbug!

While we are so close to the heart of the Christmas Holiday, Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster have done everything possible to make sure quite a few homeless people have the worst Christmas they have ever experienced. After all, it is an election year, right?

Last weekend the City instructed their Staff to go out to all of the Homeless locations and take everything! Tents, Blankets, Jackets, whatever was there, take it and get rid of it.

One thing you won't see on WMDT, WBOC or the Daily Times is the Homeless problem here in Salisbury, especially this time of year. You see, the MSM wants to deliver you pampered news and not investigative news. The idea, you see, is to take everything they own so they'll get harassed enough they'll simply move on to another area and make their homes there instead, like Fruitland or Delmar, as long as it's not Salisbury.

So let me ask you Folks, how cold has it been these past few days and especially nights? We don't want out PETS in this kind of weather, right? So should we take everything these HUMANS have, including their tents for shelter and treat them like, well, the enemy?

I have complained for years about how this Country works and how screwed up it is. These people, and many hundreds of thousands of others who have become homeless, used to work. They used to pay taxes. They used to own homes. Sadly, many of them fell upon hard times and have NOTHING!

So typical of Barrie Tilghman and her Administration, kick them when they're down. Don't help them better their lives. Nope, that's not NAACP enough. What I mean by that is, they don't have a National Group taking care of them, supporting them and helping them to have pride in who they are again and become a successful part of our society. Instead, take everything they own, freeze them as a punishment and you know what, the Daily Times, WMDT & WBOC certainly won't tell you about it because it doesn't sell ad space.

Salisbury News is a necessity in this community because this is the only place you're going to get reality. Shame on Mayor Tilghman and Chief Webster. If they had a follow up plan, that would have been fine. There is none and these people are simply sh!t out of luck.

So how can we help? Do you have a spare jacket you don't wear any longer? Do you have any blankets or even tents you don't use any more? If so, drop them off to the Salvation Army or the Christian Shelter and help keep these people warm. If we were to look into the future and plan ahead ourselves, we need to give these unfortunate people a place to live. Even if it's a piece of land the City or County owns where they can put up a tend until things turn around, it's something we need to do. Things are going to get a lot worse for ALL of you Folks. Some of you reading this are about to lose their homes as well and could possibly become homeless down the road. Again, we need to network and help one and other because as you can see, we cannot trust or depend on our local government to be compassionate and help us when we're down.


Anonymous said...

That witch is Caucasian Rubbish

Anonymous said...

There is a "homeless" person who sleeps on the shipping dock of the Government Office Building and doesn't usually wake up until 8:30 AM. He is there with his sleeping bag and backpack and everyone coming and going into the Courthouse or the back part of the GOB can see him. I don't have the answer on how to correct this problem but it is a sad state of affairs when we can spend $700 BILLION dollars on a "bailout" and untold BILLIONS of dollars overseas supporting people who hate us in the name of "foreign aid" and right here in American, we can't take care of our needy. What are the answers?

Like Mr. Albero, I wondered how come no one has ever taken pictures, "investigated" this matter, document it and then use the information to "rally" the community to try to help people like this. Do you all remember how cold it was yesterday (Monday) morning? This guy was sleeping out in the open during the night. Wish we could fix that in this country.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Joe you are never happy. I would bet that most of those people who no longer have a tent still have a bottle of Captain Morgan! I am sick of paying for everyone else. They have a choice and THEY chose to live homeless. Did you ask them if they have been to the shelters? I doubt it! They don't want to go there, you know WHY? They don't allow alcohol or drugs. Did you ask them if they went to Social Services? I doubt it! I know damn well they would pay for them to live somewhere besides a tent. Hell, do you know how many people we house currently? They even have cell phones, what's up with that? Guess who is paying? US? Remember the old saying "You have to help yourself first?" Well go ahead and let me have it guys but I will not help anyone who is unwilling to help themselves.

Anonymous said...

any govt that would do that to homeless people needs to be overthrown. how can the mare and the others in control look in the mirror. how inhumane can you be?
those people have enough strife and
problems in their lives without the city harassing them. many of them cant help the fact they are homeless
there will be lot more before the next two years are over. instead of a 10million firehouse a lot of that money could have been used to help the homeless.

the city of salisbury govt should be ashamed of themselves. sjd

joe albero said...

I was just told they did the exact same thing this time of year last year.

Anonymous said...

I bet it was nice and warm in all the big fancy churchs they have built around here lately, hypocrits.

joe albero said...

OK anonymous 11:41,

Here's my questions to you. Did the Mayor or Chief Webster asks these same questions to ALL of them when they were taking all of their belongings? NO! I'll tell you why I know this. Because they did this during the daytime when none of them were around. Your tone is unbelievable and clear you're one of two people. Guess who Folks.

joe albero said...

anonymous 11:47 & 11:41, or should I say Barrie & Chiefy?

You just hate getting EXPOSED, don't you! Now do you ALL understand why they've sued me? The Daily Times is backed by Gannett and they're not willing to go up against these two sh!theads.

Merry Christmas Chief and Barrie. There's no need to stay anonymous any more. We know who you are.

Anonymous said...

Some people are in a state of denial, it is their reality. To say you wont help someone who wont help themselves is arrogant and selfish. Before a person can help themselves they first need to be brought back to reality. Some of these people are probably suffering from mental disorders or drug and alcohol addictions and have no ideal where reality is. Kinda like you Barrie, you are real piece of work and karma wont forget about you.

Anonymous said...

To the person who said that most of those people no longer have a tent yet still have a bottle of Captain Morgan....have you ever talked to any of these people? Have you ever heard their stories? I will admit, there are some out there who choose to be homeless, but there are many, many more who have had hard times fall on them. I have worked with the homeless, so I know. Quite honestly, if I had to be in some of the conditions they are in, I might drink as well. At least it helps them forget their situations for a short time. As far as staying in the shelters - Christian Shelter lets you stay for 2 weeks every SIX MONTHS! There are other shelters around - but they are all full or you need a referral. Because of this, they end up in tents out in the woods or sleeping in basements of abandoned buildings. As far as the cell phones - they can get them free from the One Stop Job Market - so that employers can contact them while they are looking for a job. Oh, and did you forget - we're in a recession. Jobs are not easy to come by. With regard to Social Services - WHAT A JOKE! Trying to get help from them is ridiculous! There is so much paperwork and so much time spent just waiting....I'd get frustrated myself. I used to have your attitude too - until I put myself in their shoes. We are all human beings, and we all deserve to be treated like one! I hope you never have to experience what it feels like to be homeless. I'm certain it's not the life these guys would have chosen...just keep in could be you.
Love em' like Jesus!

Anonymous said...

You are not to bright are you? You are the one who posted 11:47. Maybe you are Barrie or Chiefy? LOL

Anonymous said...

I will never be homeless because I choose not to be. I will WORK for a living unlike some of them. You are a joke my friend. I would sit in Social Services for 3 days to get help before I would sit in 19 degree weather. Think about the animals tied up to a tree in this weather...THEY are the ones who don't have a choice. I would rescue them in a NEW YORK minute. So I get your drift. You need to make a difference, so open up your home to them and make sure you stop and get some beer on your way home.

Anonymous said...

11:41 (#1): Well, bah humbug to you, too. I used to have much the same mindset as you--that it was the homeless person's fault for being in that condition, that he was shiftless, and all the other things we say. However, I have over the past few years come to know homeless or almost-homeless people, and I can tell you that many are in the situation they're in through no fault of their own.

In fact, many in this country are close to finding themselves out in the cold. What happens in a two-paycheck family who are just scraping by if one loses his/her job? How do they pay the mortgage or rent and put food on the table? I realize the vulnerability that so many in the middle and lower-middle classes find themselves in. Contrary to what you and others of your ilk believe, it's just not people of color and others that you have disdain for that could be suddenly rendered homeless, it's almost anyone.

I believe that, if I were you, I would think before I put my mouth or, in this case, keyboard in gear.
In that way, you might be able to hide some of your ignorance. Pity those, if any, who live with you!

Anonymous said...

1141 you sound just like that spoiled brat Mike Dunn. This is exactly something he would say. I hope you stay warm, and healthy. We all know you've made millions while in office and continue to make money on Sassafras Meadows.

Take a blanket with you to Philly tomorrow, it's cold up there and there isn't much wind block in the cemetary. Will you be taking a bottle of Captain Morgan with you?

Anonymous said...

it is not almost anyone.. tons of people live beyond their means... tons and tons... shop shop shop... but don't save save save

Live within your means, save for a rainy day.. and don't always keep up with the so called Jone's...

If you do that---almost all the time you will be fine even during hard times.. but if you use the Credit card as a bank... watch out.. it will come to bite very hard..

this country has a huge problem with overspending.. HUGE problem

70% of our economy is consumer driven.. instead of manufacturing or production drive.... Shopping is our country.. it's not a good thing

Anonymous said...

12:34 You used to have the same mindset I do? Okay then that makes you an asshole from the past and me an asshole in the present. Okay?

Anonymous said...

12:34 all of those who live with me work for a living, having said that, we all pay our way and have a house to live in.

Anonymous said...

I've talk to some doctors and lawyers who were homeless. Sometimes when some people get down, it's hrd for them to get back up...

Anonymous said...

O M G ! I can't believe they picked WINTER to take people's belongings! What did they do with them?? I'm one of the many people who gather up used blankets and sleeping bags to help the homeless who are sleeping outside. This makes me so angry! How about if the city opens up the old fire station across from the library so the homeless men have somewhere to go indoors on these cold nights. This is everyone's problem! What if people start DYING from exposure to this weather????

Anonymous said...

Majority of the homeless have either mental illness, or drug and alcohol problems. If they want help they know where to find it. The sane people who end up being tossed out of their homes will find a way not to sleep on the street.
These people are not down on their luck; they have very serious problems that none of us can comprehend.

Anonymous said...

2:27, Dont tell me what I can comprehend. You dont know the miles Ive traveled, you dont know the bumps Ive hit. Dont ever think you can speak for me again.

Anonymous said...

uhh Doug.... who was talking to you?? get some help dude.

Anonymous said...

ive spoken to quite a few of these people, especially around the royal farms on rt 13. not to sound heartless, ive offered help to many of them before. but offer them a job or a chance to EARN a little cash, or even offer to buy them something to eat. then you'll see who just wants cash to buy alcohol and who really wants to help themselves. besides being intoxicated, not one i spoke to had any trouble speaking or physical problems....ask them yourselves, theyll talk to you.

ive also been approached by the same person different days of the week in the same lot asking for money for gas because their car broke down or something like that. when confronted with this, they always get mad and walk away.

and yes, once in awhile im sure theres someone out there with mental problems that cant help themselves, but its usually not long before these folks are located by the system and placed somewhere like go-getters. the rest, well, you cant feel sorry for someone whos been homeless for years but only wants to beg money for beer.

joe.....obviously you do alot to help this community, be it volunteering somewhere, or even just putting out news that none of us would know about if not for you. but if you take any time to speak to most of these people, i think you will find that they dont want to help themselves even though they are capable.

again, not wanting to sound heartless, but sometimes theres only so much you can do for some people that dont want help.

Anonymous said...

2;27 Problem your house to these people and I would bet my paycheck they will be homeless again in two days if that! Go ahead save the homeless..let us know how you make out.

Anonymous said...

3:08 I do comprehend it because it used to be me.

Anonymous said...

1:59, I'm glad that you have a house and that everyone in the house is working. Suppose for a minute that something unforeseen happened--that a member of the family was laid off, for example--what would you do? Life is so unpredictable. I hope that you and yours continue to have a house and are comfortable.

1:57, I guess I was an "a--hole." You, too, can see the light and realize that there are those who, throught no fault of their own, are in very difficult circumstances. Never again, I hope, will I judge someone who is less fortunate than I. I thank God that I am blessed. I have a good home, a loving family, and everything material that matters. Yet, I know there are so many who do not have what I have. I feel for them and will try not to judge.
May you and yours have a wonderful holiday.

joe albero said...

Are YOU people just flat out clueless?

Some get on here sounding like Doctors, as if they know it all.

This Post is about the Mayor and Police Chief stealing the clothing from the Homeless as wel as their bedding. They played Judge, Jury and God all at the same time. They didn't wait till these people could come in there and at least claim their belongings.

As for the mental stability of these people or whatever their hardship is, who are any of YOU to judge them? Some of you assholes get on here and say this will never happen to you. That's a very funny statement when so many things aren't in your control. Remember the Revolution. Reember the homes soldiers simply walked into in the South and flat out took your home and food? Oh, that's right, they don't teach History like they used to. Nevertheles, anything you have can be gone in an instant, so stop talking shit because you know what, this Country is so vulnerable right now to other Countries like China it isn't funny.

Be careful what you wish for Idiot because it just might come back and bite you in the axx.

Christmas is in less than 2 days. Taking everything the have was heartless and perhaps even illegal. More importantly, you would NOT read this in the Daily Times nor would you see it on television.

Chimera said...

It's like a bad remake of the movie "They Live"....rounding up the homeless?Heres a suggestion-if they are gonna be d*cks and take all their bedding then why not arrest them for vagrancy so they can at least sleep inside a warm jail cell for at least a night?
And do any of you people with no compassion think that they just woke up one day and decided "Oh, I am going to go camping outdoors-permanently?" Those who have addictions and/or mental health issues need more than simple shelter, they need professional help beating their addictions and conditions or they will NEVER recover enough to get off the streets.

Anonymous said...

Make the old fire house into a shelter in winter for people who need it, thatll look snazy in the middle of your town huh, two societies and the distance between them is widening rapidly. Staying in line here as Joe so elegantly stated ,"That some cold hard shit there, no compassion". If I was in charge I would get them in somewhere in frigid weather.

Anonymous said...

Joe, sure wish you had some photos or documentation of this.

Stealing is stealing. I don't get to go to some robber's house (or other lawbreaker's) and steal their stuff just because they are breaking the law.

So, neither do Barrie and Webster!

But nothing will be done without evidence and someone with the balls to prosecute them.

Anonymous said...

Have any of you that are casting negative comments ever met, talked or worked with a homeless person? Usually the reason they are homeless has nothing to do with them not working or being lazy. 9 times out of 10 (if not 10 out of 10) they have a mental illness. Yes, many find themselves there after destructive addictions. I'm not saying it's not their own fault. In many cases the families have tried to help and only had failure. The familes of the homeless people suffer beyond belief. Have a heart. No, don't give them money. No, don't go broke yourself (not that you would) but donate to a charitable organization that can make a difference.

Anonymous said...

thats just wrong, you wouldnt take a dogs shelter, you give thieves and murderers warmt, food, shelter and clothing and even healthcare...yet you steal the bare essentials these people have...and right at Christmas. What you have done is the lowest of low...the most crooked of theives....the coldest of killers.
I cannot beleive the law allows this.
If I were a lawyer I would sue on behalf of these people.
If I were the sheriff I would put you in chains for treating humans like you have, people are arrested for not caring for animals...especially in harsh weather. Where are you know Mike Lewis? If theres either decent shread of humanity in you you'll intercide for these people...

Anonymous said...

Barry can hear the chains draging the ground, Scrooge. She will this year be reminded of the ill will she has inflicted upon the taxpayers of Salisbury.

The taxpayers won't take her shit anymore so she has no one else to beat up except the helpless and homeless. I would have taken them a warm meal if I really wanted people to think I was a nice person. Now is not the time to address this issue, if they stared 5 years ago there may not be any today.

May the two suffer God's wrath in every way possible. Redemption will be done.

Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the coming of the Lord. The truth is walking home.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you first hand this is not the first time she has done this. She did it at the corner of RT 12 and Shiloh St. The wooded area was cur down and belongings taken. It happened at Middleneck Pond and the monument. She had the bushes and trees trimmed down and no trespassing sign put around the pond. The City doesn't own the pond. If they do then why dont they clean it up. Its a mess with overgrowth along the edge and trash. Well Mayor why isn't this area clean. I would like to come by and snatch your belongings and throw your butt on the street tonight. You would be crying to get warm in 10 minutes. Maybe you need to se what it feels like to be homeless and cold. Your heartless and cold.

Anonymous said...

Lets send em all to collage and maybe one day they to can become mayor and get bashed by JoJo the blog dog. Palease, God only helps those who help them selves. Quit projecting your sad feelings un to these bums. If you care so much then go out and take one home, just quit the bitchin about the city officials. They are here for running the city not handing out alms for the needy. Again , if you feel so strongly , HELP em your self! What a bunch of "I will tell you what to do" kind of paople. CRY BABY's

Anonymous said...

The Mayor of Elkton, Joe Fisona, did something similar. He sent the police in to break up the settlement and they lost whatever personal belongings they had. The ACLU got hold of it and the town, rather than have it go to court, gave each of the homeless a $7,500 settlement.

There's a new blog that just got launched that's talking about the situation in Elkton.


Anonymous said...

Let them sleep in one of the bunks at the new fire house.

Anonymous said...

How can one expect the local government not be corrupt when our nations government is so filled with blatent theivery.

And it was Joe pubplic who elected them in the first place?

Anonymous said...

7:05 pm

Unfortunately, our city leaders are not running our city---unless you mean into the ground. Our city officials (most of them) deserve to be bitched at.

Anonymous said...

7:05 was interesting.

Anonymous said...

just a few months ago you had a post blaming the mayor and chief for not cleaning up the homeless. make your mind up joe.

Anonymous said...

May the witch be hungry, cold a fearful. I was that way and it is a cold that won't go any deeper because it creates new debts. Damn you Tilghman and I don't care I will give the blankets I have to those in need. Not all homeless are alcoholic or drug addicts. Society doesn't accept the ill or challanged remember the Nazi's didn't either.

Anonymous said...

Clean up the ISSUE of homelessness in Salisbury....not clean up whatever protection they have against the elements and leave them outside...
That's what he meant, skinweb3r.

Anonymous said...

suppose I plan for the future for those rainy days and suppose I didn't use my house as a credit card, and suppose I am smart enough to not BLOW all of my money on stupid things like you have in your house. Suppose I buy what I can afford....maybe some of you should take advise from me...STOP SPENDING!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm,Stop spending. Now that makes sense.two sense to be exact.

How bout giving the mayor and cheiffie a benifit of doubt. Maybe they needed some blankets or sleeping bags or tents? They may have given these items to the salvation army for a fat tax write off. We could only know by having Joe call em up.hahaha. Until then why presume them guilty!

Oh and how many of these bums rang the bell for the salvation army.I remember when I was close to several of these "deep thinkers" and many of them use to work for the salvation army. And it was Joe who put them out of a job! Oh yes , nice job Joe. Because you were wealthy enough to ring for free, did you go head and pay the ones whos' job you took? Jobs that helped them pay for a warm room or storage shed to keep their stuff in? Nooo, you didn't. So Joe, as you can see now,it was you who cost these unfortinate people their stuff. Not the mayor or cheif.

Karma will be acoming your way unless you make it right with the homeless you have cheated. Most of them , the only thing they could do is ring that bell. And you had to go and shit on that. Oh we see you now for what you probably didn't even think you were doing.This is how you self centered folks get. You just don't think about who your harming when you seek notoriety . Now about your debt ....Go out tomorrow and scoop up every homeless person you can find and pay for a rental house for them untill it gets warm out. Then karma may forgive you.