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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our National Anthem - As You've Never Heard It

This is long, but I promise, you'll be glad you took the time to listen. I knew the story behind the song, but not as completely as told in this. Those first Americans where willing to lay their lives down to protect our flag and what it stood for. I wonder, if our next president attempts to replace "Old Glory" with another flag as he did on his campaign plane, will we be willing to protect it as our forefathers did? As the old saying goes, if we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything. I pray fervently that our nation isn't on the verge of falling.

The Star Spangled Banner

Sent in by a loyal reader.


Anonymous said...

Amazing and beautiful! Most young
ones don't see it the way my generation does.

Anonymous said...

Would you please stop with the "Obama took the flag off his plane" thing?

What he took off was a TRADEMARKED stylized version of the flag owned by the airline that he got the plane from.

The American flag was still on the plane next to the numbers.

What did you him to do, violate trademark and copyrights law?

Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? Obama isn't going to change the flag.

you right-wing extremists are getting out of control with this rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

You know who is changing the flag, the ones that can't except that obama is president, have people forgotten what this country was built on?