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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Fire Department Comment Worthy Of A Post


First thing we had a memo from chief higgins many moons ago that came from mayor Martin about not useing the bridge on Isabella St because the bridge could not hold the wt. of the fire trucks so it was to be used only if needed!Looks like troll forgot that duh!Second thing is salisbury already had two tankers both 2000 gallons each for a total of 4000, See and former breezzzzz head said all we need to get rid of them we dont need them RIGHT !!!!!!! There is another motive here people!!!! troll and gordo want to take over the west side of salisbury were Hebron has service, so they can get that almbluace income, thats why they want the tanker!!!! and true reason fire house was built where it is now! next stsation 2 the old section of the bldg is not the best but it has been looked at more then once by out side companys who claim its ok !! now the city says its not all thats right they want all vollies up town because they have nobody because they moved fire house to far away !!!second is they want a station up north so bad they can taste it with paid ppl so, why when station 2s response time up north is less then 4 min in most cases.Next the fire station at two does not belong to the city ppl the deed was burned and when that happened it is recored that if fire house ever stops being used for that, the land is to be returned to the aires of the Dishroom faimly SECOND IS THE FIREFIGHTERS@ station 2 do not have to move the corparation does not belong to the city look it up if you need help tell me and i will be glad to help .Now i hope that the people of salisbury and other fire companys, now see why we were fighting so hard to break the ties with this mad city admin. that is totaly clue less!!!! all the new section of station two is great shape. Joe ask mare brainless whats suppose to be on here desk new plans for station 2 bldg wow !!!!how nice.PEOPLE please wake up and see whats going on here !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It looks like more fire department waste. They had two water trucks with 4000 gallons and they got rid of them. Does it ever end with these guys.

Anonymous said...

The problems within the Salisbury Fire Department remind me of a Cancer.

Cancerous cells grow and divide without control or order, often making excess tissue that becomes a tumor. Cancer cells may grow into nearby healthy tissue. Left untreated, cancer eventually will spread.

There are many different ways to treat cancer. Often doctors use two or more types of treatment together. Now the type of treatment in this form of cancer is to Elect Jim Ireton as Mayor and Re-elect Debbie Campbell to the City Council.

During the process of excising this malignant cancer it is imperative to remove all of the tumors or the cancer will continue to grow. Once Gordy and See are removed the remaining fat tumor should be removed as well. If the fat tumor is to large to remove during the initial procedure then Hoppes should be removed at one of the follow up visits.

Most recurrent cancers are detected within the first two years after surgery. Therefore, follow up is most important at this time to assist the new mayor and council in removing cancer cells that might be present in other parts of the body. It won't be hard to figure out who the other cancer cells are ;-)

Anonymous said...

Dam 8:57 well said, your onto something! Now, how do you stop the spending and waste that has been approved. It's going to take a long time to pay off the 10 20 million they have already blown

Anonymous said...

Actually, the building, specifically the meeting room/bunk room, was deemed uninhabitable quite a few times. The last time a storm came through, there were worries about the structure as it is only rated for 20-30 mph winds. And as for the response time, you need a better watch, there is no way the volunteers are reaching walmart in 4 minutes from time of dispatch.

Anonymous said...

The 2000 gallon tankers were purchased in 1978 and arrived orange the wrong color to begin with. Tanker 1 on its first call was not able to stop, rolled over onto an oncoming vehicle nearly killing the driver. These tankers had too small of engine, too small of a braking system, and were very top heavy to the point the driver had to use extreme caution. At the time these unit were gotten rid of tanker 2 engine was in need of replacement. I agreed with getting rid of them at the time however think they should have been replaced with a larger tanker.

Anonymous said...

To Clarify: The City of Salisbury specifically, Salibury Fire Department is not susposed to support the fire department (firemen salaries, fire equipment, uniforms, etc), with revenue from Ambulance Billing. The revenue from ambulance runs/billing is to be used only to run the ambulance service. The reason the ambulance bills are so high in Salibury is that they Ambulance service also pays for fire service. Someone needs to notify Medicare, Carefirst and other insurance carriers that the City of Salibury is ripping them off. Thats why our health insurance premiums are so high.

Anonymous said...

EMS billing is mandated by Medicare. The billing is the same at any company that has professional billing companies handling their accounts...Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

Hell have you had the pleasure of being carried by one of the private ambulance services. Talking about a rip off.... Besides the money from the Salisbury ambulance fund at one time was "rumored" to be over a million dollars. The ambulance is a function of the fire department.

Anonymous said...


That is right the Ambulance billing use to be done in house and was in its own fund to pay the medics, by Ambulances and supplies when brezzzzz head took over and Troll they had to figure out 1) how to raise thier pay checks which double from higgins by the way 2) they seen that they could get that money to waste like all other funds so they took the billing away from being done in house and in its own account played a few word games like always in house and had the mayor direct it in to the general fund for the city so they could tap into it. SO THEY COULD WASTE IT !!!OH YEA I WENT THERE !!!!!

Anonymous said...

We have a tanker in Salisbury it is at sta1 and see wants to ttake that tanker to 16 because he says they (16) can get it out and to the scene before sta1 but thus is not the case. sta1 crew almost beat sta 16 duty crew to the college and sta1 members were at home in bed when the call went out. but sta1 needs a truck not a tanker ooook! remember the house fire in nutters crossing where it was sta1 there long before 16 and used the 2000 gal to start controling the fully involved roof and part of the second floor. by the way sta1 saved that house!

Anonymous said...

The money actually goes back into the General Fund, not into an EMS or FD fund. The FD wishes they could get their hands on that money but it goes to buy drinking water and new desks at the ivory tower.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
EMS billing is mandated by Medicare. The billing is the same at any company that has professional billing companies handling their accounts...Nice try though.

4:12 PM

EMS billing is not mandated by Medicare and not every department that provides EMS bills.... Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We have a tanker in Salisbury it is at sta1......
6:37 PM

I beg to differ, that is not a tanker, that is an engine with a 2000 gallon water tank. Stupid mistake on the part of the city leaders to call that a tanker.

Anonymous said...

8:21 Ann.
So See I see your back on here again. well let me clarify that for you if you were to stop worrying about the city ISO rating then STA 1 would not need that Truck you want so much for the city. again is ladders more important than water on a a house fire. NO! not when the other engines coming to the scene are only carrying 500gal of water. 16 can barly get a car fire out with that. stop trying to make 16 the GOD of the city, hell they cannot even get the truck out most of the time let alone the tanker when it goes over there. sorry county tax payer i know your house is burning down and we are out of water but, we can sure reach your roof with this new truck. havent needed a truck yet why get one now? oh your worried that 16 duty crew might not be there to save the day this way they can go and PLAY!

Anonymous said...

"remember the house fire in nutters crossing where it was sta1 there long before 16 and used the 2000 gal to start controling the fully involved roof and part of the second floor. by the way sta1 saved that house!"

No you wagon piped the house wasting 2000 gallons of water and then when R16 showed up the idea of actually going into a burning building was brought up and (2) 1 3/4" lines were stretched to the 2nd floor and the fire went out