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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Comment Worthy of a Post

This was submitted by one of our readers this afternoon and I thought I would share it you.

Dear Pocomoke Tattler,

This week is National Education Week and we as parents of Pocomoke City Schools have been invited to visit our children in the schools this week. I consider myself to be a pretty involved parent, and attend Award Assemblies for my kids, bake cookies for class parties, send in requested items throughout the year, and check my child's homework nightly.

I try to keep an open line of communication with my children's teachers, and have always had a good working relationship with them. My kids are certainly no angels, but they aren’t problem children either.

All of this was to say I attended one of my children's classes today at the Middle School and I experienced something that I just really don’t know what to do, or say about; let alone who I should say this to. Which is why I have decided to write to you and ask if you would post this, because it really has me perplexed.

During the time that I was seated in my child's class there was the usual chatter and raising of hands asking the teacher questions I heard the strangest thing… I heard an undertone chant that many of the children participated in while attending to their assigned task on their desks. Seemingly even unaware that they were doing it. Even stopping and asking a question, getting the answer and then unconsciously joining back in the chant.

The chant….

Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama

I have to wonder… When did this start? How long has it been going on? How long will it last? Has anyone else noticed this? and Can anyone ever remember such a thing happening? Has a teacher noticed? Are they saying anything about it?

I am disturbed and perplexed at the same time.

Disturbed: because the only leaders that I have ever seen having their name chanted were Roman Emperors, Evita Peron, Adi Ame en, and Adolf Hitler. Even more disturbing is that most of these people required not only allegiance to them and their country but also to worship of them as gods.

Perplexed: are parents encouraging this behavior in their children? I did not vote for Obama, so I didn’t get the memo from to school my kids in type of behavior. Those of you who did vote for him, is this something that is encouraged?

I don’t know whether this was the place to voice this, but I couldn’t help but ask if anyone else has experienced this, and share with all of you how wierd I found this to be. What on earth does this have to do with learning?

Thank you for considering this for publication.


A Concerned Parent


Anonymous said...

I believe we have an uprising on our hands and people think he is the Messiah.
It is going on everywhere , the start of a revolution like you have never seen. The only thing
I can tell you is , buy plenty of ammo while you can still buy it.
Semmi-automatic weapons are legal , but you can't buy them , all the stores are sold out , get
ready freddie!!

Moon Willow said...

anonymous 9:26: Oh, please. No one (except for some ultra-religious, bible-thumping nutjobs, and they probably think he's the anti-Christ) thinks Obama is the Messiah. Get a grip. The "uprising" already happened at the voting booths. It's called "democracy." The people have spoken. They apparently just didn't say what YOU wanted to hear.

I think some kid in the class started it just to be annoying, and the other kids probably thought it would be fun to be annoying as well. Now, if this starts happening in every classroon across the country, I'd say we have a problem, but this was surely an isolated incident in which the teacher couldn't muster up enough authority to make the kids behave. You're jumping at shadows.

Anonymous said...

It's from a song.

Your righties are a riot!


Calm down... it's from a song by lil' Wayne, you reactionary freaks.

Anonymous said...

It's from a song by lil' Wayne.

Anonymous said...

you think that "chanting" a name is a sign of the next hitler? get real. I remembered, when I was in 4th grade, we were very involved with the Ford/Carter race.

It is good that kids are getting involved. Just because Obama has received alot of media attention (somewhat rockstar attention), is probably why he is so popular. but to say he is the next hitler is a bit of a stretch.

Anonymous said...

It's kinda a catchy song, like said before by whoever, but it goes, Obama, Obama, Obama...3 times, then they start it again after skipping a beat or two. My daughter thought it was funny.

Anonymous said...

it really dosn't matter if it was "here comes santa" If the children are disruptive in class they should be punished accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the obama song then listen to A Milli by Lil Wayne.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I believe we have an uprising on our hands and people think he is the Messiah.
It is going on everywhere , the start of a revolution like you have never seen. The only thing
I can tell you is , buy plenty of ammo while you can still buy it.
Semmi-automatic weapons are legal , but you can't buy them , all the stores are sold out , get
ready freddie!!

9:26 AM"

I'm with ya and there is plenty of information on this. There has been an almost brainwashing in this election as voters voted for someone they know nothing about or what they stand for. It is scary as hell.

Wymzie said...

It may be a song by 'LIL WAYNE' but kids are singing it, and I have asked around and it's not just this class. The kids are doing this all over the school.
With this being a song, I would venture to say that it is happening all over the country.

I'm sure when you were involved in the Carter Campaign you and your bud were chanting CARTER, CARTER, CARTER, CARTER, CARTER
For a white peanut farmer AKA Georgia Cracker who was running for president...yeah I'm sure that is just what you did.

Anonymous said...

Joe! Help! Kids know who the President is and they're not fearing for their futures! We have to do something about this. I, for one, will fight day in and day out to make sure kids have no future to speak of and are blinder than bats to their fate! Who's with me?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you use this experience as an educational opportunity. Discus appropriate behaviors for debates, the role that Obama will be playing in our lives. Thats all I can think of for now. If you are truly upset about the behavior, why don't you ask the teacher for a meeting. I myslef as a teacher don't mind telling students my opionions. I try to iterate that my opionion is just an opionion and that they should have their own opionion. Sometimes students need to be taught the appropriate ways and times to express their opionions.

Moon Willow said...

Hey, teacher---
Opionion? What is that, an onion you can get addicted to?