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Thursday, October 16, 2008

What If Obama Is Killed? What If McCain Dies In Office? What If Obama Loses?

When you're holding an interview for the highest, most respected position in the entire World, don't you find it interesting how most of the Corporate Officers, (YOU) only spend an hour and a half interviewing candidates for the job?

Here we are holding debates for an hour and a half and most everyone in the Country makes their decision based on, he looked funny. He repeated his answer. His eyebrow twitched, you know, that kind of stuff.

Listening to that radio interview yesterday was over the top. People are mainly clueless and even "I" have to admit, much of what is put out there any more is BS. Obama isn't gay, give me a break.

Granted, although we, (Salisbury News) is simply a Blog, the MSM loves this kind of stuff and uses it to convince one of these Candidates are a complete Idiot. No, neither of these Candidates are Idiots but we've got some serious issues to really consider here.

I'm going to take you to a place NO ONE has gone yet. Not completely anyway.

Let's say Obama is elected the next President of the United States. I said this publicly several months ago in the Daily Times, what happens if some nut job shoots and actually kills Obama. Yes, it would be a very tragic event but please tell me what YOU think might happen in this Country if it turns out a white man shot Obama and killed him.

Do you believe there would be riots throughout America? I mean, as much as 99.9% of you don't want to ever believe this could happen, it could. And IF it did happen, have YOU thought this out well enough to realize what America could be dealing with IF it did?

Again, for the heck of it, let's say that Obama loses the election because it got fixed again, like the last time. Have YOU thought about what might happen? Will there be riots in the streets of America?

Neither party have left any of us feeling happy about what could happen and quite frankly, the top Executives, (the heads of the Republican and Democrat party) that brought all of this to the table without truly informing Americans have screwed us royally.

If McCain wins and passes away, we're left with Palin. Nice lady and all but PLEASE! Same goes for Biden.

I personally think YOU should spend a lot more time INTERVIEWING these Candidates and going to their Headquarters and READING the material they provide. It's easy to be SOLD by representatives in these Headquarters because they're going to tell you everything you want to hear.

The brochures provided by these Candidates as well as their Websites should help you make a more educated decision as to who should be our next President. However, like I've said in the past and I'll repeat again, we've been delivered crap on both sides. This is America and we should have been delivered Candidates with more experience, in one case and younger, in the other. That is just my opinion.

Now don't come back here trying to sell everyone on YOUR Candidate. They BOTH suck, period. Their VP choices suck as well. Bush has screwed us so bad financially, the Bailout is only going to make the next President of the Unites States job that much more difficult.

Are YOU really basing your vote on a 1 1/2 long debate? That would be like moving to Salisbury 6 months ago and voting for Barrie Tilghman because she did much better at a local debate than other Candidates. Use your heads Folks and LOOK into the future. Look at the could be's too! I wouldn't wish any ill will on ANY of these wonderful people. However, reality is something a good Corporate Officer interviewing someone for a job would do.

In closing, it has been said that Osama Bin Ladin already won the war on terror because their ultimate plan was to financially crush the Unites States. BOTH Candidates agree that this happened. NOW, IF Obama is killed in Office, (God Forbid) could this be yet another repeat of 9-11? Would it be the end of America? YOU better think before you make a final decision.


Anonymous said...

What's your point? This is one bizarre post Joe. What if the sun goes out tomorrow? Geez get a grip. These guys have been campagning for nearly two years. If you don't know them and their positions buy now you're either living in a cave or not paying attention.

Anonymous said...

I don't deal in what if's, I deal in hard facts. Obama is a racist who beleives new age retribution is to expand entitlement programs and redistribute the wealth from those who work to those who don't.

joe albero said...

Many Americans have thought of this and discussed this, you just haven't seen any of it in print.

You're welcome to challenge me all you like and IF you don't get my point, you're one of the Americans that has their head in the sand.

Be scared, be very scared.

Anonymous said...

Borrow nothing, buy only lifes necessities, stop filing your taxes, stay home from work for a month. What would they do if we all said NO, by doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:48
I agree. We should all get on wellfare quickly, and Papa Obama will feed us all.

Anonymous said...

No matter what happens; Nancy Pelosi is 2nd in line. Thats the scary thought.

Anonymous said...

11;59 Thats not what i meant, the only recourse and power we have is to halt the flow of money to these corporate bankers and power devils. As a group we have power, but the American people do not fight them as a group. If we do nothing they lose money and will have to deal with us. If we continue like this the country will fail economicaly with-in the next two years. Youll have your damn soup lines then. The only power we truely posses is our strength in numbers, we need to start taking advantage of that.

Anonymous said...

I agree Joe. If they held riots over OJ, Rodney King & Mike Jackson. you know all hell will break loose if a white man decides to be an idiot and kills him if he is elected President. Now if a black man does it they will be okay with that unless a white man paid him to do it. And in that case it would be all the white man's fault. That's what seperates whites and blacks. if a white person does something wrong we want him / her to pay for it, but when a black person does something wrong they blame it on the cops, courts etc. and say it's about race.

Anonymous said...

Two predictions:

1-If Obama is not elected there will be riots in the street. Obama supporters will not go away quietly as Gore supporters did.
Even though they raised hell about election fraud, they basically just went away.
Obama supporters are on the fringe of being Cult figures. They will blame his loss on voter fraud etc., and they will riot in the streets.

2-If Obama should be assassinated there will all be out WAR in the streets. It will make Martin Luther Kings assignation and the riots that followed pale in comparison.

Chimera said...

Joe brings up an excellent point,as neo-Nazi and Klan affiliated groups have already made public threats against Obama if he is elected.This is not myth,it is fact.
Last night National Geographic channel aired a disturbing documentary on the Klan,in particular the IKA in Kentucky.They are shunned by the more traditional KKK groups because they openly embrace neo-Nazi idealisms,militia type factions and excess violence.They have been preparing for what they call a "racial holy war" on their military-esque compounds for years and they said just as plain as day that they will do whatever they have to in order to start this civil war.They have been waiting for years for something like this election to give them an excuse to get the ball rolling.Several of their members are already being monitered by the Southern Poverty Law Center and have caught the attention of our FBI for making threats against Obama.All these ass-tards need is an excuse,and then our country will be pulled into a huge internal conflict.These groups need no reason to spread their hate but when you throw in a candidate who associates with known black radicals you have a tinderbox waiting to go up.
It is not something the majority of us want to happen but nevertheless we need to be aware that the possibility is there.
So before you accuse Joe of being bizaare or paranoid,check your facts.The hate groups AND the watchdog groups who moniter them are already preparing for the worst.

tedh said...

It is the uninformed and the ignorant that will riot and loot for any reason they can get. It is there way of distribution of wealth. I believe it is a valid question whether we should be prepared. Personally I will have extra ammo in the house locked away in preparation for the worse case scenario. It is my job to protect my family and protect them I will. I have a secondary plan for a safe haven in Wyoming also. Having a plan if free so why wouldn't you have one!

Anonymous said...

This situation is Obama's dream. Coming into power, if it happens, with the crappy economy is exactly what he wants. He will continue the "Bail Out". Face it folks, he is a die hard socialist. He basically admits it himself. If elected you will see continued govt take over of the banking sytem. Then the oil companies, he clearly wants to target them, then health care, auto industry, airlines, etc... It will not stop until we are the United Socialist States of America. Some people in this country want this, others don't. Be careful what you hope for, you just might get it.

paz said...

I think your ultimate point here is are we willing to take the consequences of electing Obama or McCain.

"He that lives upon hope will die fasting."
Benjamin Franklin

If we sit here and hope nothing bad will happen. Nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

K-street is where the problem is, thats where our goverment is bought and sold.

Wymzie said...

I couldn't agree with you more..."They both Suck"!
This is The United States of America, and this is the best we can do? WTF!
I think that most Americans have come to the point of
1) If you are an Obama fan your an Obahma fan PERIOD
2) If your not, you are more than likely not really happy with McCain.
Not that he is a bad guy, but because he just isn't moving and inspiring the party or the people.

Our problems can be fixed, but we need a leader who inspires us to change.
Ronald Reagan faced the biggest financial crisis since the great depression when he ran for office. The prime was over 17%.
We had double digit inflation and unemployment.
We had people loosing their homes, and our citizens were being held prisoner in another country.
Reagan inspired us and led us into the largest economic growth this country has ever seen and he engaged more people into service since WWII.
Now; we are an uninspired, cynical, apathetic, and frightened people.
Our Spirit feels ripped from our beings; and in many cases it is.
Over the last 5 years we have lost more of our personal freedoms than we ever have.
We cannot travel freely, without being searched.
We cannot send emails or have phone conversations without thinking that our communications may be being monitored.
When we speak against the way things are we risk being labeled a terrorist.
We are working so hard to keep the lights on, that we can't even lift up our heads to look for hope.
Where is the outrage?
Why aren't we in front of the Supreme Court this morning letting the Court know how insulted that we are that the very fabric of our society is hinged on their decision on Acorns behavior today?
Why isn't the lawsuit brought before the courts against the DNC being investigated; regarding Obama's true status as an American Citizen?
You bet, if Obama looses their will be riots.
You bet, if Obama is shot there will be riots.
I posted an article last week about Martial Law being a real possibility in our near future.
Billy posted a video from the House floor with Cong. Sherman stating that he and others had been threatened with Martial Law if they did not pass the 'bailout'.
There has been a coupe in Washington folks, and nobody is willing to do anything about it.
Our Founders (not just the signers) but the regular people gave there lives for us to be here.
They had their homes burned. Their children killed, their wives raped, their property siezed, their business's destroyed, all because they knew the taste of freedom and knew how sweet it is.
What freedom do each and everyone of you have to loose in order to stand up and say NO MORE?
When US soldiers under direction of Northern Command come to your doors and tell you what time you have to be back in your house?
When the same soldiers tell you to hand over your arms?
When those same soldiers take you in for questioning because of the materials that you have been found to be reading?
Or the discussions you have been involved in?
The same soldiers who can keep you indefinitely without charging you and don't have to let you go because of the suspension of habeas corpus through the Military Commissions Act passed by Congress and signed by Bush before they adjourned in 2006!
What is going to get you angry enough?

Anonymous said...

Mrs Wymzie, I have said it before, it will take a certain number of so called middle class Americans to lose their homes and be kicked to the curb before any type of nation revolt begins. When the convienence is gone, it will happen.

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying is that we will never ever be able to have anyone of color as our president because of fear of riots?

Anonymous said...

I've been saying it for weeks:

We've got a false choice with these two a-holes. There is a third way if you're a Conservative: Libertarian

Bob Barr is on the ballot this year, and I'm not throwing another vote to the shitty Republicans anymore.

joe albero said...

anonymous 1:50,

NO, that's not at all what I'm saying.

What I am saying is this. Osama Bin Ladin announced YEARS before the 9-11 attacks that someone could fly a plane into the trade center buildings and create a war that would cost the Unites States billions of dollars and crush our economy. Well, it worked.

I am NOT saying a Black man or woman could NEVER ben elected as President but right now is NOT the time to do so.

Now I know many will argue my point here, they have that right. However, SHOULD something happen to Obama, this Country would be turned upside down.

The next thing we'd know, it was a Terrorist that did it. PLEASE! The government would place FEAR in all Americans, ONCE AGAIN and billions would go into protecting America while billions of dollars disappears to Lord knows where else someone could line their pockets, (like Chaney) and we'd be screwed again.

No one is regulating LINER ITEM by LINE ITEM in the War! Americans are stupid, they don't care. We're too busy working, paying mortgages, car payments, college tuitions, you name it. We place far too much trust in our Government and they have failed us.

Now, once the economy becomes more stable, it would be a far better time for such a President. But never, nope, I didn't say that. I just do NOT believe right now is the time.

Anonymous said...

Anyone hear the Howard Stern deal in Harlem? google--youtube, Howard Stern Obama harlem. If you don't believe this election is about race, listen in. It is actually sad how many people actually have no clue.

Anonymous said...

If Obama is elected, I feel assassination is inevitable. This county will be in another civil war.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe, I have to disagree with you only because I believe there will always be a reason why it is not time. 911 did not put our economy where it is today. We the people did it. Greed got us all. When things are good nobody yells " I want to stop making so much money" When things are bad everyone yells "hey where is all my money, the government is taking it all" or "It's the governments fault" We have had 35 years to change our energy independence and we didn't do it, why? because big oil was in the pockets of washington. So, now the Arabs can take advantage of us with oil and still washington lets the oil companies continue to rip us off. The mortgage industry found loop holes to get around junk paper that would not make them responsible under the current government regulations because they were looking for how much money they could make. I think we need to remember what the good old book says "Money is the root of all evil" This is because of greed and we need to fire the whole damn bunch and bring new people in. Washington seems to forget that they are elected to represent the people and what the people want. If the people say no and we did on the bail out and they signed it anyway, they should be fired. And trust me they are all worried that it will happen. I say fire them. Don't go to the polls and vote strickly dem or rep, put all new people in there. Now I know you will say that Obama and McCain voted for it too, but we have to vote someone in.

joe albero said...

anonymous 2:29,

I completely disagree with you.

It will NOT always be time to say no to a Black President.

Since when did you become an absolute expert on the Banking Industry? Since when do you know ALL of the reasons why it failed?

Let me assure you, you're clueless, (respectfully) when it comes to that end of our financial failures.

The ECONOMY, (or the lack of one) is what drove things south in the United States.

The Banking Industry failed Americans many years ago when we helped Japan out of their financial crisis years ago. Anyone who knew anything about the finances in this Country knew we were goimng to get hit with the very same issues due to free trade.

I said this long ago in another Post. Sylvania manufactures a fluorescent lamp in the US and sells it for $3.00. Japan makes the exact same lamp and sells it to the US Distributors for $ .25 each and resells it to Lowe's for $ .50 each. Sylvania can't compete, therefore Americans lose jobs. It trickles down from ALL industries.

Then came 0% financing on cars. Have you forgotten the Automobile Industry is in the same sh!tter as the Banking Industry, or are you one of those FOLLOWERS of whatever the Goivernment tells you, you believe?

Go back to 9-11. The Airline Industry was completely in the sh!tter as well. So, what does our Government do, they gave them a $10,000,000,000.00 Bailout too! Oh, that's right, they were supposed to pay back $5,000,000,000.00 of it. Did it ever happen? NOPE! Americans forgot about it all together and the Press never followed up on it.

Now look at Gannett. Will they be asking for a Bailout too?

I know much of what I'm saying seems to be over the top butu it really isn't. Please tell me an Industry that IS doing well right now?

Before you act like you know it all and challenge me for blaming our Government, look around a little more and see what's really going on. We're at war. Then again, many say we're not. Which is it? Social Security was supposed to crash years ago, how come it hasn't? Why haven't we bailed out OURSELVES with out OWN money?

You just remember what I said in this Post. God Forbid something were to happen, we're all screwed.

Anonymous said...

Osama Bin Laden was right as soon as you idiots elected the village idiot Bush...not once, but TWICE!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember anything from history class. Maybe it was only taught in the higher classes so allow me to enlighten you as to the history of democracy. When the Greeks created the first "True Democracy" it had a life of about 200 years before it crumbled. The shelf life for any democracy is about two hundred years and the last time I looked, we have already bypassed that finish line and have been spiralling toward the enevitable "Socialist" government system which follows the fall of a democratic government. Now look at all of the plans that Obama and the "Far-Left" have set up if he gets in office and compare them to all the Countries that follow a Socialist government scheme. They are identical. Redistributing the wealth? That is exactly what Lenin did almost a hundred years ago. And guess what Socialism turns into? That's right.....Communism. So before we travel down the same road as China and the U.S.S.R let's think about how we are going to fix our problems in a Democratic way. Give policies that have to do with Monetary distribution to large Financial Agencies, i.e. banks and lending institutions, to the people to vote on. Let's take Social Security out of the "General Fund" which is what put it in trouble in the first place. The Democracy we live in now is a farce but atleast we still have some say. The more power we give to the "Far-Left" the less power we leave for ourselves. Oh, and to comment on the current topic.....We are damned if we do vote him in because he probably will be the President with the most attempted assassinations in history. Which will only create complete and total anarchy....ideal scenario for a Socialist takeover. And if he doesn't get elected because of "voter-fraud" we are going to have riots and anarchy as well. Again, ideal scenario for a Socialist takeover. So pick your poison's going to be one hellatious next few years.

Anonymous said...

Joe writes,

I am NOT saying a Black man or woman could NEVER ben elected as President but right now is NOT the time to do so.

And that's scary. It's sounds like "some day blacks and women will have rights, but not now, not under my watch". White male holding on to the status quo, perhaps?

I got news for you, Joe. Vote however it pleases you. But, ultimately, not you, not anyone else, will be able to make that call.

Let the voters decide. By that I mean collectively. We'll see if you're right or wrong on election day.

Instead, shouldn't you be worried that it's 2008 and a black guy can't be elected president of the United States without triggering death threats from racists? That you would suggest Americans should not vote for him on those grounds makes no sense.

joe albero said...

anonymous 3:49,

Stop being so angry that I am just about the ONLY man, man enough to use my name and tell it the way I see it.

All to many of you come on here anonymously with your chatter and talk the big talk but very few are man enough to use their name and stand up for what you truly believe.

You don't have a bad arguement, just not a valid one without a name and that goes for the rest of you.

If you think it's easy to put up a Post like this one and stand behind it with your name, try it some time and see just how many Idiots, (anti Albero Bloggers) will attack you for what you believe.

Now I'm not complaining but the fact remains, one of the reasons this Blog is so well visited is because you know who you're dealing with.

Let me add, based on your comments. Do YOU have any clue just how many death threats I have received? I'm a middle aged white man and I get them all the time. I am also out and about for just about every function. Bikers claim they're going to kick my ass but the pussies never follow through with it because it's one pinhead pansy named PJ doing all the threats and making a bad name for Bikers.

Then many of the Anti Albero Bloggers threaten me as well, yet not one of those pussies have come through with their threats either.

I doubt Obama is afraid of those who make threats, just like I'm not afraid. It's the nut job that comes out of nowhere that IJ'd be afraid of.

tedh said...

Just another right the liberals are trying to take from us "The Freedom Of Speech"! If they don't agree with you they will try to beat you down with the liberal press and when that doesn't work the threaten your well being. Besides it is easy to hide behind "anonymous" and be a hard ass. To threaten someones life because you don't agree with what they say is an attempt to remove that person of their civil liberties. Give me a break, if you don't like it go somewhere else where everyone tells you what you want. Personally i like the challenge of a good debate.

Anonymous said...

Same anon here, Joe.

Trust me, I'm not angry. I like a good debate, that's all. It is my personal belief that people should be open to all the sides of a debate before making their own opinion.

I would be MAN enough to post under my name, but 1) I'm a girl and 2) I choose not to do so. You can ignore good arguments because they are anon, if you want. Or you can block anon posts on your blogger account options. It's your blog.

The point is, not everyone who has a different opinion than yours has a personal issue with you. I don't know who you are, and I couldn't care less. :)

Still, I disagree with you that either of us can decide whether it's time for a woman or a black man to become the president of the US. It's the 21st century, and it has been established that women and men, all colors alike, are equally capable of doing amazing things. Those who disagree are completely out of touch with reality, as it should be evident by now regardless of the results of this election, and they'll be dragged into the 21st century whether they like it or not.

joe albero said...

Fair enough anonymous.

tedh said...

Personally i don't care if the candidate is black, white, man, or woman but this black man is not the answer in my opinion. I like Sarah Palin as a VP choice and personally I would have voted for Colin Powell for president(even though he endorsed Obama). Colin Powell as a candidate or the president would have never be a cause for a riot if he lost or god bless assassinated.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing but a subliminal message for some "crazy" to go out and create the "what if". Two president's that I know of were assassinated. (A. Lincoln and J. Kennedy) An attempt to assassinate President R. Reagan is part of our history. R. Kennedy was assassinated while running for the Democratic Party's nomination for the President of the United States. This country has racial problems. Economic problems. Export/Import problems. Immigration problems. Mortgage problems. Health assurance problems. Unemployment problems. A vast many of social problems. And, a presidential race full of rhetoric. Now, here you come with this crazy question. Putting the wrong perception out there. If you are that confused, then DON'T VOTE. There are to many "crazies" out there that would actually attempt that "what if". Then claim "the blog statement made me do it." OR "I'm insane."

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I couldn't care less if Obama were GREEN. The fact is, he's wrong for America. Period. Too many reasons to list here and not one of them because he's somewhat black. I'm voting for McCain, not because he's the best candidate, just because at this time, he's the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

Joe, saying "now is not the time to elect a black president" because of what might happen if something bad happens to him is one of the lamest, sickest things I have heard yet.

"Now is not the time to do away with child labor laws, the economy can't afford it."

"Now is not the time to free the blacks. The southern economy can't afford it."

"Now is not the time to give women equal rights. It will deprive men of jobs."

Stop. Just stop.

I'm not making my decision based on one debate. Mine is being made based on many months of listening and reading from many sources.

YOU could have helped by printing the truth on both sides instead of perpetuating the smears on Obama.

And comparing Palin to Biden? Please. The woman a religious zealot who has less awareness about the world than my teenager, while Biden is well-read, well-traveled, well-educated and a hundred times more humble than Palin.

Instead of hand-wringing and loading the rifle and stoking the fear and hate, why don't you help people talk reasonably with each other and post facts and resources, encourage people to relate peacefully?

I don't criticize your raising these real concerns, but then you add conclusions as though they are fact and inevitable. There are other possibilities, such as Obama strengthening the country through the crisis and some soft-racists saying, "Well, I'll be damned, the BOY done good." I have seen people change. Remember the skinhead boy in jail for violating a synagogue and who was the only person to take an interest in him? The rabbi of the synagogue! That kid's whole life has changed now.

Whoever quoted Franklin, remember that those who sacrifice liberty in order to gain security wind up with neither. That's a paraphrase, but close to the actual words.

I, for one, will NOT be cowed by bullies, terrorists, racists, threats of looting or any other intimidation for casting a vote for a person who I doubted at first but who has earned my vote based on my research.

Make your own choice, but I will sleep well in my vote for Obama/Biden for the reasons I stated.

God bless America and long live the Constitution of the United States!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Joe.

I'd like to give you another set of "what if's" to consider.

What if the country and nation see a well-adjusted, affectionate family man with a functional family leading the nation with poise and dignity, instead of war-mongering cowboy idiot or an explosive-tempered old man?

What if the world sees a man leading the country with both toughness and respect, aware that the United States does not exist in a vacuum?

What if as a result of repairing our disasters in the world, including alienating our closest allies, our military is no longer stretched thin and our dollars come back home for reinvestment in our country instead of keeping Haliburton and Cheney fat?

Your post is sadly one of the worst fear-mongering things I have see during this election, and I'd thought I'd seen and heard it all.

If you want to drag Bil Laden into this, was hoping Bush would get elected and re-elected. If he were to endorse Obama, it would be with the hope that Americans would knee-jerk react and elect McCain. Bin Laden may know the American psyche better than we do.

I'm not voting just out of hope, but the facts to back up that America can turn a page to become a stronger and happier nation. It takes hard work and tough decisions, but never underestimate the power of the spirit, too, Joe.

The American spirit has helped us accomplish many great things. It's time to reawaken it.

joe albero said...

This Post was written to open your eyes to the possibilities. We have a history in America and if you believe there's not someone out there who wouldn't be nuts enough to try and make a name for themself, well, that would be your belief.

I remember Hinkley, (sp?) shooting Regan, don't you? The point is, God Forbid something like this did happen, are You/We prepared for the outcome?

Now the same was said about McCain. Some crazy person could attempt to shoot him too. I had stated, what if, God Forbid he died of a heart attack. Are we prepared for Palin as President?

So don't make this out to be a racist thing because it's not!

Many, if not most, Americans aren't in LEADERSHIP positions. I have been for the past 25 years with a manufacturing company. I was able to retire at a young age because of such leadership and visions into the future of my companies. No, Daddy didn't give me a thing, NOTHING! I earned everything I have and all I was saying was, Americans better look into the future of what could be.

YOU are the executive of America with your votes. The bottom line is, there's not much great choices here with either party. Simply THINK about your vote, when and if you vote.

May the best man win.

Chimera said...

I took the advice of one of the commentators on this blog and checked out Bob Barr's website,and I like what this man has to say about the issues.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I couldn't care less if Obama were GREEN. The fact is, he's wrong for America. Period. Too many reasons to list here and not one of them because he's somewhat black. I'm voting for McCain, not because he's the best candidate, just because at this time, he's the lesser of two evils.


Well why dont your anonymous ass post who should be elected and why. And use your name coward.
Come on Joe... get rid of the anons...

Anonymous said...

bluto, I checked out Bob Barr, too. Why aren't we talking more about him? He's the true Conservative in this race.

Anonymous said...

So this isn't McCain vs Obama?

It's Obama supporters vs Obama haters. Lucky for McCain he's just thrown in the middle to reap the benefits if the haters win.

I personally don't like either of them, but I have heard numerous people say they are voting for McCain for the sheer reason they don't like Obama. They don't know anything about McCain, they don't want to know. They just don't want Obama in office.

The hell kind of system is that?

Anonymous said...

Joe, the world is full of "what ifs." I'll tell you the same thing I tell my kids. Think about it. Could there be riots? Yes. Am I ready? According to homeland security, I need:
duct tape-yes
bottled water-yes
batt-op radio-not yet

Oh wait that's for a natural disaster...well it's all the same, you're never really ready to have kids and you'll never be fully prepared for the worst if it happens. Pray that it doesn't.

Anonymous said...


It is the same kind of system that has black individuals voting for Obama only because he's black.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is, we already lost the war on terror. The terrorists have said they wish to take away our freedoms. How do they plan to do this? There is no conceivable way that such a group could ever hope of taking over the U.S. by force. The only way for them to "steal" our freedoms is for us to do it for them. We have already done that to ourselves, we wielded the knife. Google 'PATRIOT Act + illegal wiretaps' if you don't think so.

Is a sense of security worth eliminating all of the freedoms that our country was based on?

I don't think so.