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Friday, September 26, 2008

The PAC-14 Fiasco Continues

This morning at 10AM, representatives of the three "partners" in Salisbury / Wicomico's public access channel will gather in room 305 of the GOB.  All those interested in the future of public access in the area should try to attend.

Rumors are flying that representatives of Salisbury University will try to play a heavy handed game - including threats of pulling support from the station.  Given that the University's representatives, along with Salisbury City Administrator John Pick, are at the root cause of the current turmoil we would not be surprised by almost any tactic.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

Maybe SU wants to open a resturant
downtown also. Guess it's all about the $$. I didn't know that
our contributions to SU went to
PAC-14. I thought they went for education!

Anonymous said...

When the smoke clears we will see Barrie Tilghman and Eschbach pulling the puppett strings attached to Phil Tilghman and Michael Pretl.