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Friday, September 26, 2008

FEDS SIEZE WAMU - (Washington Mutual)

It's Friday again, and the Feds behavior is as predictable as 'going to the old watering hole'.

This time, the employees of WAMU knew absolutely nothing about the latest Federal siezure. And you'll notice the Feds are much more quiet than usual.


Anonymous said...

another one bites the dust.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how the employees knew nothing about it, yet the rest of the financial market was just waiting for it to happen. This was expected weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Where is the accountability? While millions of Americans are financially strapped, David Mudd and Richard Syron former CEO's of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with this socialized bailout stand to gain $15 million dollars each in severance. Our socialized government has lost 9 billion from the collaspe of INdyMac, and risking at least another 114 billion from the bailout of Bears and Sterns and AIG. Now we stand to loose somewhere near 200 billion dollars after all is said and done on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
I repeat where is the accountability? This country is turning to socialism. Remember the USSR only lasted for 70 years. This 110th Congress is leading us down a path of destruction. We desperately need to debate term limits in Congress. Please e-mail your Represenative.

Anonymous said...

wait til the credit card debt that cant be paid hits. this shit isnt over, it hasnt even begun.

Anonymous said...

Joe, had to run up to bob messicks in delmar for a part, while their started talking to a guy who needed a little help with his plumbing parts. he said he went to work this morning at a printing company in princess anne and they told their employees they were closing. the man was sitting there in the store holding back tears. its was hard to keep my own emotions in check. he told me the name of the company but i forgot. middle america is hurting very bad.

Anonymous said...

O yeah right! Let me e-mail my representative, i'm sure that will change something!! Wow you people are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

The stupid ones are the ones that set back and do obsolutely nothing!
Some say 9/11 awoke this country, on the contrary, most rolled over and went back to sleep...
Keep up the fight Joe! Some us are listening but obviously some aren't.

Anonymous said...


Would that be Oddi Atlantic? That's the only printing company in Princess Anne that I know of.

Anonymous said...

Man, how many banks have been moved-on in recent weeks? It seems as though everytime I tune-in to this site another bank has been seized.

I've actually lost count.

Really scary.

Mardela said...

I think all American should not pay any credit bills this month. That means credit cards, home loans, car loans, all of it. Keep the cash in your pocket and see if that sends a message. Please pass this on to everyone. Don't pay your bills for one month, October. They are robbing us blind anyway. Let feel the real pinch about being cash strapped.

Notron said...

Wachovia is next

Anonymous said...

this is far from over. there are 117 financial institutions in trouble. The names are being withheld because of panic and people rushing to the banks. The real problem is that they dont even know if the high dollar bailouts will even work. You talk about not paying credit cards do you know that people that have credit cards could all of a sudden be made to cough up the money that they owe on them. If the bailouts dont work this could be next. The FDIC asked for 150 billion dollar bailout yesterday so that they can make good on those banks that went under. Anyone that has over 90,000.00 in one bank better move it because only 100,000. is insured and alot of people that had more than this in those banks lost it. Clark Howard says to never have more than 90 in any one given bank. The bad part is that the tax payers ie me & you will be paying for this mess and in a few years after the dust has settled they can sell those mortages and make very good profits on it and they dont want to use that money to pay it back on the deficit they want to spend the money on social programs. go figure. That money made should go back to pay that debt. If Nobama gets into office we will be screwed royally.

Anonymous said...

Serious problems ahead.It will make no difference whether a bailout agreement is made.No one political party,industry,group or individual deserves all the blame,we can all share in that.2 years ago,my partner and I predicted this crisis.We are auto mechanics!

Anonymous said...

Mardela... are you serious??? How irresponsible!!! Not paying any credit bills??? Bills YOU incurred??? That DOES send a message, the wrong message: "I'm an American and I'm entitled! I don't have to pay MY bills, humph!"

I've got an idea... hows about people DON'T USE CREDIT THIS MONTH!!! That's right people... use cash... get back in touch with George, Thomas, Abe, Alexander, and Andrew... and hey, if we really save up maybe even get to see Ulysses or Benjamin again...

Let's set an example for those we have a) put in power or b) wish to put in power and PAY WITH CASH!!!