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Monday, September 08, 2008

The John Robinson Case

Last week I attended the John Robinson trial in which he was represented by attorney Charles Jannace.

In short, Charles actually did, (what I felt was) an excellent job. He spoke of how John had been doing the same routine for more than 10 years straight and when they discussed where everyone was standing, clearly, Robinson was facing away from everyone when the gun discharged.

The end result was simply the fact that the gun did in fact go off and by Robinson's own admission, he had to have been the one that pulled the trigger. John never shied away from being responsible and did in fact own up to his own "stupidity."

In my own personal opinion, I believe it was a mistake and an accident. He wasn't showboating and waving the gun around in fun. Ultimately the Judge did find him guilty of reckless endangerment but lowered the findings to a PBJ, (probation before judgement). That means he is not guilty of a crime and once probation is over it will be wiped off his clean record.

I have to agree with John in the sense that we have all done stupid things in our life time. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt here and life goes on for all involved. I do have a lot of notes from the trial but going into the details doesn't matter because the end result is what it is.

Again, on a personal note, after hearing Charles Jannace present his case, I'm amazed a finding of guilt was presented. I guess we can't win them all. The PBJ was IMO the right move by the Judge.


Anonymous said...


I have to admit..You manned up on this one. I know your feelings for JR but to make a post like this says something about your character. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Judge will be glad to know that you approve.

Anonymous said...

So John threatened to sue you, and that caused you to make this suck-up posting?

Pretty transparent.

Anonymous said...

Can I believe my eyes? You actually gave credit where it was due, putting all personal feelings aside?

Good for you Joe, there is hope for you after all.

Anonymous said...

Since we "all make stupid mistakes sometime," I hope that applies to Davis Ruark.

Anonymous said...

PBJ does not mean he's not guilty of a crime. He was still convicted of reckless endangerment and will only be stricken from his record upon satisfactory completion of probation.

co3153 said...

I have known a lot of the facts in the case, but have remained silent because I did not have all the facts. I do not agree with the judges ruling. The supposed victim was pressured by her uncle and I am convinced that the only motive on their part was money. John refused to pay out and we see what has happened. I am glad that John Robinson admited to his wrong doings which he never denied. John Robinsons story has never changed from day one.

Anonymous said...

Joe, My hats off to you for reporting this verdict and the "heartbeat" of the story while setting aside your personal differences. There's some real forward progress taking place on this blog. I quess every new endevor experiences growing pains. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I've never met John, but from reading here John is a family man and businessman. I doubt anyone would seriously wish him any permanent record and longtime hardship.

Two people that realize that no matter what differences they may have, have made the attempt to mend a bridge. I can only speak for myself and deter making comments that sometimes turn to borderline hatred in a back and forth pissing match.

I really don't know why people are like that unless they really haven't much control over their own life, and just try to intimidate others.

Anonymous said...

Joe: Like you I was in the courtroom. I thought Robinson was not guilty. Both attorneys did a fine job but Jannace won the case. I don't know what Robinson paid him but he got his money's worth. He not only got him a PBJ but talked the judge into not forfeiting his gun to the State. Two things you don't see a lot in Circuit Court. Thanks for the fair report.

Anonymous said...

It's a damn shame that gun didn't go off in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

I do know John. 9:17 could not have said it better.
