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Friday, September 26, 2008

After 14 Years Bruce Roglitz Was Fired From Giant

"Dear Friend…

Have you been looking for Bruce at Giant? Well, he was let go after 14+ years with the company. The information below explains what happened and I think you will see that a warning would have been warranted. He is trying to fight this through the union, but as of yet they have not given him his job back. We are looking for people who would be willing to write a letter to Giant about Bruce and how he may have helped to keep you shopping there. Please don’t feel pressured, but if you would like to help, just send a copy to us by email at and then also to Giant Food. We are collecting them to present at the hearing with the company. We are so thankful to have the support and caring of so many wonderful people in the community. If you have any questions, just let us know.

Thanks so much! Jennifer and Bruce Roglitz

When the new employee discount program started, I thought that you automatically received 5% off of your order when you paid by using the new employee bonus card. I was unclear on the “bank” and how it worked.

Prior to the employee discount program, I would use my telephone number for someone who did not have a bonus card. I was always told to put in any number to be sure the customer received the discounts.

When an employee came through my line and asked to use their bank to pay for their purchases, I questioned about what the bank was. He explained and used his bank money to pay for almost his entire order.

About that same time, a "read and sign" came out about using your own telephone number when someone did not have a bonus card. It was not until then that I realized that by using your own phone number and not just the new employee bonus card, it would give you more money in your employee bank. I did not use my own number from that time forward.

I feel that the employee bonus program was initiated quickly and without emphasis, until later, about not using your own phone number. Again, after the read and sign I realized my mistake and did not continue to put in my personal phone number.

I also do not feel that all workers were treated and investigated equally. I am confident that there were others making the same mistake, but who are still employed with the company.

I have worked for this company for almost 15 years. Recently, I have been called into the office on numerous occasions for incidents that I feel could have been handled much differently. Yes, the customer should always be of the utmost concern and what they feel is definitely important, but it is also important that employees feel as if the company stands behind them and understands the difficulties of today’s economy and that the stresses that people are under will cause some complaints. I feel that the last two complaints that I received were caused by stressful and less then perfect working conditions and that the company should be held accountable for the work environment that contributed to the customer’s dissatisfaction. I have no control over long wait times due to not enough cashiers…or unhappy customers because I have to wait for change or a key from the front office. I have had numerous instances where I have attempted to help customers and provide quality customer service (both on work time and off), only to have the company accuse me of being stupid and annoying. There are many, many customers who tell me that they look for me each time they come to the store. They know I will provide them with the best customer service possible. Long time, quality employees keep customers coming back to this store."


Tim Chaney said...

I've known the whole Roglitz family since 1969. I can't believe that Bruce would do anything dishonest or have any reason to lie.

This sounds to me like the corporate trend, get rid of employees when they reach a salary level that they can replace with a new employee that they will pay half as much.

Giant just went thru a big make over, that always frustrates customers. Sounds like a set up to me, it happened to both of my parents when they got older. They both had to take early retirement. Where was their union then?

Later Giant Foods....have a good life without this customer.

Anonymous said...

Well, you get fired when you steal from the company are disrespectful to customers.

Anonymous said...

after that many years of service you would think that it giant would do anything it could to stand behind you or if they thought you were in the wrong guide you through to working it all out just goes to show u cant trust or count on anyone or anything anymore!

Anonymous said...

i would be interested in knowing who giant has put in his position.

Mardela said...

Move on. Even if you got your job back, you will always have this incident hanging over your head. I would still fight them to get just compensation if warranted But your time with this company is over. The trust on both sides has been broken. By no means am I saying you did something wrong, but the quicker you move on, the better it will be for oyurself and your family. I wish you well.

Anonymous said...

Exactly how much money did he "accidently" receive? For how long?

Anonymous said...

I grew up with Bruce Roglitz and you will not find a finer individual. He was a customer favorite from the old Safeway store and a great Giant employee. Bruce has never been known to do anything illegal or dishonest. A real family man that has been given the corporate shaft. I hope Giant will reconsider their actions and reinstate Bruce.

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with chaney 8:53. This guy was making too much money.
It's restructuring time for Giant.
The writing is on the wall.
They spent too much money on their renovations, then the economy slowed (which they should have seen coming) and now they're having to cut costs to stay afloat.

Same old corporate bullsh*t.

Anonymous said...

It was a two or three week period between the roll out of the new employee discount program and the day that the read and sign came out. The amount was $25.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should give Giant the opportunity to explain the circumstances. We are only hearing one side of the story, and this creates biased responses. Until you hear both sides, it would be wise to remain neutral.
As an employee of Giant and having worked at Giant for longer than Bruce, I will tell you these facts:
It had nothing to do with the remodel.
Giant does not terminate employees when they "top out" in pay.
Customer Service is top priority and customer complaints will not be tolerated. Customers can shop anywhere, and the competition in Salisbury is more prevalent than it was 15 years ago. There are simply to many places to shop. One of the few items that is keeping Giant's head above other stores in the area is the Service. We must focus on our Service to survive in this convoluted market.
Bruce had many customer complaints that initiated warning notices and suspensions leading up to the incident.
Giant, since the launch of the Bonuscard, has ALWAYS had a generic number that was used for customers who did not have, or did not wish to sign up for a Bonuscard. The key word is generic. The generic card number was set up to avoid employees from using their own number to accrue "points" for special programs that Giant periodically promotes.
A "Read and Sign" was in place with the launch of the employee discount program explaining the problems that may arise and the disciplinary actions that Giant would take. Giant treats this action as "theft"-although it may not really seem to the general public that it is so.
This was not an incident that was isolated in the Salisbury store alone. There were problems chain-wide and a second "Read and Sign" was implemented to re-enforce the stores' policy.
I wish Bruce well. He is a very caring and friendly person, and a fun person to be around. Unfortunately, I think this is a case that Giant, as a corporation is not going to back down on. This is just MY thoughts on the incident. I have heard both sides of the story, and felt more information should be available before people jumped to conclusions.....

Anonymous said...

Giant should try lowering its prices. Might get more shoppers. Just a thought

Nikki said...

Is Bruce the tall man with short blond hair -- looks to be in 30's or 40's? If so, I have always found him to be very helpful.

Anonymous said...

I have gone through Bruce's line on a good many occasions; in fact, I look for him because he is a top-notch cashier. (I know a little of what being a good cashier entails, having done the job for 8 years at the former Pantry Pride). I do agree that both sides need to be looked at, but if Bruce violated the new policy, wouldn't a three-day suspension be fair? It will be very difficult for him to find employment given the current job market, and he will probably never be able to work in a grocery store again. Cut the man a break, Giant!

LetterWriter said...

I'm compelled to say.....any time I've been to Giant since the first time that I received Bruce as my cashier, I've made it a point to not be in Bruce's line. I'm sorry because I know that that may be a mean thing to say, but honestly, I did find that Bruce's lines went significantly slower than I (and my infant and toddler) were willing to stand around for. It did surprise me that in all the different positions in the store, he would be a cashier. I've seen him there for years, and he does seem very sweet and genuine, but the amount of time we spent in line is just too long.

We have always shopped at Giant. Even now that we live on the other side of town, its just a much more pleasant experience. Everyone there has ALWAYS been extremely helpful, and the quality of their food is always top notch. We've only had problems with freshness once, and that was on raspberries. They're hard to find consistently fresh 100% of the time anyway.

Anonymous said...

Food Lion employees swipe their personal cards for people all the time if they say they forgot their card. Food Lion wants to give their customers that better price apparently.
What difference does it make? The customer did not have their card so in good customer service, an employee was kind enough to swipe a store discount card.
As the customer, I don't care who's card is swiped if the cashier is kind enough to make sure I get a better price.
I do know know Mr. Roglitz but it just seems odd to. By the way, are you authorized to answer on behalf of Giant? If so, why post anonomous and not sign your name with your title?
I do not think we've heard both sides.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:54 AM... your post SOUNDS like the official response to Giant's "side" of this matter! you sound like "management" material to me! so how many people at Giant did you go to and tell about your post? i'm sure all the upper-management people have read it by now. so maybe now YOU'll get that position you've been bucking for!

angela... you're part of the problem! SLOW DOWN! get off the cell phone when you're driving around with your infant toddler! you have a problem with standing in line, but i'll bet your driving makes up for it!

lastly... bruce is an awesome guy! i'm sure that he didn't want this all to "go that direction"... "boom"

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when you use your own Bonuscard on other people's purchases then use the accrued points on your own purchases is considered theft.....

Anonymous said...

That's interesting. I have a Giant card but what is this about accrued points?
The only think my Giant cards gets me is the giant card price for the items I buy.
Maybe I'm missing something here.

LetterWriter said...

2:15 I'd LOVE to know who you are. If you actually know me, you'll know that I am a very patient person and driving safety is extremely important to me, ESPECIALLY when my children are in the car. If you don't know me, what an ignorant thing to say! If you have the blessing of children in your life, then you know that children are not patient and do not enjoy sitting still in slow checkout lines.

I have no doubt that Bruce is a good person. I just think he was slow on the checkout line. That's it.

Anonymous said...

There will always be complaints. People always complain more then they report positive things. I'm sure there are many, many customers of Giant who would say wonderful things about Bruce and out number the few complaints that he may have had. After 15 years, I'm sure there are a few things in his file, but I think his customer service far exceeds the many young workers there who will not be making a career at Giant and who are being paid far less. This has been his career. It is going to be very hard for him to find a job making what a union employee makes after 15 years. Give the man a break. Seems like an easy way for Giant to get rid of a long time, well paid employee.

Anonymous said...

i pray that Bruce is still coming here and reading the replies on this post. Bruce, it's time for a career change. Get Joe to be your brain trust and RUN FOR MAYOR! i'd vote for you!

Anonymous said...

"This has been his career. It is going to be very hard for him to find a job making what a union employee makes after 15 years."

He stole from his employer, maybe he should go to work for his great union. If he stole from them they wouldn't fire they would cut his f***ing head off.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you do pay a premium at Giant. Why? You expect better selection and service, and 99% of the time, you get it. I have a feeling that this latest incident involving Bruce was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. Everyone has bad days, and we can't expect someone to have a smile on their face all of the time or to never make a mistake, but I am familiar with this cashier and avoided his line whenever possible...for multiple reasons. It sounds as though that Bruce feels entitled to his job because of his 14+ years experience, but time does not necessarily equal competence. As a long time Giant shopper, I know they have been through a few rough patches when they changed hands, but I do notice them making changes for the better...this example being one.

Anonymous said...

This is just one more reason why I will NEVER work in the corporate world. I work for myself and make far less money than the union/corporate world -but I dont have the BIG GUYS looking over my back. I have noticed all the new hires that work the register now along with some new hires back in the deli. They are nothing like the dedicated employees (including Bruce)
that have been there a long time. I am so sorry to not see Bruce there anymore! To me, he was a honest as the light of day!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not one of your kids or neighbors. I'm not sure i'm even comfortable living in the same state with a wacko like you! Are you of German heratige?
Anyone who shops at Giant has too much money anyway.
Wal*Mart screws the hell out of their empployees, too, but at least their prices are cheap.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:00; Ever wonder why Wal-Mart can offer things so cheaply?? It's because they "screw the hell out of their employees" as you put it. Have fun shopping at Wal-Mart. Try less mullet, more brain.

Chimera said...

Wow!If its the same guy I think it is,he is MR.Customer Service.Giant has lost an enormous asset in letting him go.I havent been to Giant much since I moved but I cannot recall ever seeing Bruce working up front without a smile for the customers.What a shame.Big corporations just do not care about the customers,period.

LetterWriter said...

lol @ 9:00. Speaking of crazy....I think maybe you've got a few screws loose there yourself.

Shopping at Walmart supports the decline of the American economy, the screwing of its' employees, and puts substandard food and products into your household. I think 10:51 was right. Less mullet, more brain please.

People who shop at Giant do not shop there because they have too much money. They shop there because they enjoy better products from employees who are respected, and enjoy the comfort of knowing the food they are providing for their children is top quality.

Buy safe. Buy local. Buy American.

Anonymous said...

A Perdue chicken is a Perdue chicken no matter where you purchase it.

Anonymous said...

You are very ignorant of facts. I buy the same name brand foods at wal*mart & Sam's Club. Many times the price difference is 30%. The same Purdue Chickens, the same canned goods and same dairy products. All retail chains screw their employees. What kind of G. damn fool would pay more for the EXACT same products? Maybe I was wrong to say that you have too much money. You just have more money than brains. Oh, a couple of years ago I was buying organic vegetables from Giant in Salisbury till I read the lables closely and saw they came from China an Mexico.
And I might have a screw loose but I never felt the need to pimp my children out by showing everyone my pregnant belly!
Polly Markis

Anonymous said...

I've seen cashiers everywhere that uses those discount cards use their own card or even mine if the person in front of me didn't have their card so they could get the discount. Sounds like a set up.

LetterWriter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LetterWriter said...

Polly, I think its important that you take a look at this link. And, if you're feeling it, check out the rest of the website. There are so many reasons why Walmart is a poison to our society...too many to continue to shop there. Just google "the problem with Walmart".

At what cost does that 30% savings you spoke of come? How do you think they are capable of making their prices so much lower?

Their product suppliers are forced to open factories in countries with little or no regulations so that they can employ 12 year olds at 55 cents per hour. If they don't, they can't be sold in Walmart because Walmart will just refuse their products. Walmart is too big for companies to just pull their products from Walmart's shelves. Your purchases at Walmart support that.

They build in small towns and people are enticed by their lower prices. Then the "mom and pop" stores close down because no one will buy from them anymore.

Do you know that China has been poisoning our animals and their own children through their foods and milk? How safe do you feel knowing that some of the food in your kitchen comes from there?

How about before you claim that I am ignorant, you take some time to research the other side of the problem? I used to shop at Walmart, too. Then my eyes were opened to how horrible that company is for America, and I will never buy food there again.

And on a side note, I definitely think that there is something wrong when a person can view a photograph of the most beautiful event in a woman's life and twist the connotation into something sexual with children. That's sick, actually.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but you are a fruit loop. Both political parties sold us out years ago with nafta and other trade agreements. I don't buy anything that's made in China. OUR government sent our jobs there. All my walmart & Sam's Club groceries come from the U.S. The poultry and and dairy products are from this area. But since you think you're well informed, I'm sure you know that outside the federal government, walmart is the biggest employer in the U.S. If they offer more jobs, more choices and more business hours than "mom & pop" stores that's where budget minded people should shop, period!
I can afford to shop for groceries anywhere, but why the hell would I pay more to make some fat cat richer? You won't even wait in line to help a guy keep his job. A LOT of less fortunate people really can not afford to pay 30% more for their food, since our governtment saw fit to cut the throats of blue collar workers and send our good paying manufacturing jobs to Mexico & over seas. They didn't want to pay a decent living wage to keep good paying jobs here. So try telling the millions left making $7.00 an hour that they can afford to pay 30% more to feed their families. God, you are an idiot! Again, I feel sorrry for your kids, neighbors and co-workers.
I always check labels and buy American made products. My car and husband are both American made. You have just enough brains and education to make you a misguided ignoramous!
And yes, childbirth is a beautiful thing. It is also private and personal, not to be put on public display!
Polly M.

LetterWriter said...

Polly- I cannot get over how absolutely rude you are. You can't simply legitimize your point. No, instead you make a point, and then you say something incredibly mean spirited. I'm just blown away by it. I can't believe that people like you exist in this world. There is already so much ugliness, why go out and intentionally create more?

My children are smart, happy and given every good thing this world has for them. My neighborhood is filled with incredible people that look out for us whenever they can. The people I work with are intelligent, hardworking, honest and good people. I am sick of you insulting them by insulting me. That has got to be the most juvenile way of making a point I have EVER encountered.

I am done with you and this conversation. Grow up and find some manners.

Chimera said...

Actually you can get some pretty decent bargains at Giant if you do like many savvy shoppers do and plan your list around circular specials.Giant regularly has 1/2 price specials all over the store,including quality meats and if you stick to a sales list and avoid impluse purchases it is just as economical as Walmart or Food Lion.I personally find that Walmarts meats are not only overpriced but the fact is a majority of their meat products are NOT cut in-store.And theres the whole cheap labor thing.As A former union member I do not shop exclusively at union stores,but I make an effort to go to them frequently as I can.the difference in customer service is tremendous!

Anonymous said...

I feel as though I must write this comment in defense of Bruce. Just recently, I shopped at Giant and noticed all the very young employees that are now working throughout the store, and on the cash registers. A group of them was lined up outside on the benches as you walk in the side door "chomping at the bit" about their jobs I guess while they are on their breaks. It looked and sounded very unprofessional in a place of business. It also seems that the long timers are almost afraid to spend too much talking to the customers anymore - like they are being watched by "Father Giant.", It just does not feel like the old Giant that I used to shop at. At least Bruce was always very accommodating and professional each time I went through his line.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, after having known Bruce for many years, I will start by saying that Bruce most likely did not write this letter. His wife did. He has a hard enough time getting out simple sentences, and figuring out how to correctly do his job even though he'd been doing it for over 14 years. Angela is right. His line was ALWAYS by far the slowest and most complained about line, of all the cashiers. He was disciplined on several occasions for customer complaints and recieved more complaints than other cashiers either do or did at the time. And as for the policy of employees not using their Bonuscards for purchases that aren't their own, that was ALWAYS the policy. Everyone new it. We were told when we were hired. We had the Read and Sign and a meeting about the new Employee Dicount Program, both before and after it began. And even if you didn't know, you'd have to raise an eyebrow when you've managed to acquire enough points in one day to pay for a $19.00 purchase. None of the other employees claimed to be unaware that what Bruce was doing was wrong. Most couldn't believe he'd actually done that after 14+ years with the company. All employees know that Giant takes employee theft VERY seriously. Even if it's only a dollar. And Bruce has seen many people get fired for stealing the smallest things. After so many years, he should have known that you will lose your job if you are found stealing from the company. The company knows that he was stealing because they have evidence. They also know that he was stealing in other ways.

Bottom line is that the only reason Bruce stayed employed at Giant for so long is because previous store management turned a blind eye to Bruce's slow lines, customer complaints and overall incompetance. A year or so ago, we got a new store manager who is very focused on following company policy. We've all had to tighten up and get better at doing our jobs, because the current management won't tolerate anything less. Whatever we were getting away with before, we are not getting away with now. I like Bruce, but everone who worked with him knew that he was incomparably slow and made mistakes that only rookie cashiers make. And whether or not anyone likes Bruce, is really beside the point. He was stealing. It was documented and he was fired. He's not the first person to steal and be fired for it and he probably won't be the last.
Oh, and for all you "Bruce fans"... Here's a little something you probably didn't know. Many cashiers complained about him "spit cleaning" his scanner, on several occasions. Yes, boys and girls, many of us have seen him spit on his scanner, where he'd lay your produce to weight it, and wipe it off with a paper towel. Why? Who knows. We do have spray cleaner at all of the registers. Unfortunately, management wanted to see it for themselves before they took action, so who knows how many times he did this throughout his career.I don't know about you, one time is just too much for me. He's a nice guy, but really not altogether there.

Anonymous said...

Wow! The last comment was a bit harsh but, unfortunately, is correct in every aspect. I heard of the "spitting" from 4 other people that had seen it. I never witnessed it myself, but I believe it is true.
It's quite disgusting to hear about it in a food store. It makes me sick.