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Sunday, August 03, 2008

Quote of the Day


Daddio said...

I believe that was written by Abraham Lincoln, on Nov. 21, 1864 in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins.

Here is a link about that quote

Anonymous said...

glad to see another person with their eyes open showed up, morning girl.

Bob said...

It was Abe Lincoln.

Wymzie said...


You guys are certainly no slouches!!!

Kind of wierd how history can repeat itself?

Anonymous said...

History does not repeat itself. Evil people use well rehearsed methods over and over again to enslave poor / uneducated people. By uneducated . . . I mean people who do not actively seek out information. Some of the dumbest people in America have advanced degrees from Universities. They believe everything the elite has told them. President Ike also gave a stearn warning before leaving office about the "military industrial complex" who will fabricate wars and conduct false flag operations in order to maintain an endless war of aggression against other nations. We are a nation of imperialist bullies. We are pathetic uneducated sheeple who follow the elites instructions to the letter. We have willing given up our liberty in hopes of a false sense of security. How pathetic. Now the other commenters can come on board and tell me if I don't like the facism of America then I am welcome to leave. Go ahead, I am expecting to hear your pre-programmed dribble, so type away you pathetic little mind-controlled dumbasses.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln was a towering political genius; he had to realize what he had done. It makes me shake my head when ever I read that quote. Those things listed in his quote advanced so rapidly because of him more than any other president. He considered himself an epigone of Hamilton, so he did understand what a Union victory in the Civil War would accomplish in addition to ending slavery.

Jefferson, at 83, in 1826, viewed the J.Q. Adams administration with the “deepest affliction,” as, “having nothing of the spirit of 1776, having become an aristocracy founded on banking institutions & moneyed incorporations.”

In addition to ending slavery, Mr. Lincoln’s war of northern aggression, consolidated almost total power in the federal government, stripping states of any significant “state’s rights.” He put Hamilton’s vision for America: (A strong, consolidated federal government without real limitation of powers, an economy founded on banking institutions and corporations), on the fast track.

The Civil War over federal power vs. state’s rights started between Hamilton & Jefferson in the early 1790’s; Hamilton won, through Lincoln, in the 1860’s.

We now quote Jefferson but do the bidding of Hamilton!
Jefferson’s writings make it quite clear that if he had been born 60 years later, he would have been the president of the Confederacy & just now getting his citizenship back with Robert E. Lee!

Why did Lincoln need the Civil War? He was a towering genius with an even more towering ambition! At age 29, he gave a speech that I don’t have with me, so I paraphrase. “Washington, Jefferson and other founding fathers have reaped the fields of glory…. But would a Caesar or an Alexander be satisfied with a presidential chair of less glory?
Be sure that a towering genius will arise among you. He will have glory equal to Washington, & will have counties, bridges and monuments built to honor his name by posterity. He will do this whether it means freeing all slaves or making all freemen slaves.” He accomplished equality with Washington along with the naming of counties and monuments in his honor by freeing all slaves through a civil war that ceded all significant powers to the federal government!
Thomas Augustus Littleton

Anonymous said...

t.l. im really starting to like you, we been heading here for along time havent we? now well have to see what kind of soldier you are.

Anonymous said...

To anon 1:51,

"History does not repeat itself. Evil people use well rehearsed methods over and over again to enslave poor / uneducated people. By uneducated . . . I mean people who do not actively seek out information."

Is that not history repeating itself, using "well rehearsed methods over and over?"

I find truth in MUCH of what you have to say. However, you seem much too angry & agitated. It is easier on one's blood pressure to approach these subjects with a detached reason. You are correct that quotes without historical context don't serve much purpose.

Chill a little, brother or sister!

Thomas Augustus Littleton

Anonymous said...

i bet you and DON PATTERSON were good friends huh, you know alot about the first civil war.

Anonymous said...

From 1:51
Thank you Thomas. You are right.

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say that I never met or heard of anyone named Don Patterson.

Actually, I don't know more about the Civil War than I do about most anything in Western Civilization dating back to Athens, 500 B.C. History is just what interests me. Some like getting drunk, getting high, bar hopping and chasing women; those are all noble pursuits, but at my suprannuated state, I just read:-)

Anon 1:51 is correct that the information is there for anyone interested in knowing. Reading a book of quotes won't give anyone a sense of history. One must spend enough time reading to put quotes in historical context.

I doub't that I would come to all the same conclusions as Anon 1:51 or anyone else. But it is fun, at least for an old book worm, to base opinions on facts, not just whims.

As for being a "soldier," I'm just an old man who likes reading and writing. I am, however, always willing to die for a cause that I deem just and worthy.
For instance, the violent hispanic gangs listed in another post today.
How good would it feel to stand and fight monsters for our children's sake? Sure, they would kill me, (so what), but in my grinning death they would know that I was the victor and more citizens would fill the ranks to drive them back into their hell!
Thomas Augustus Littleton

Anonymous said...

You all need to do a little more research on the source of that quote. A quick google search reveals that the quote was not the work of Abraham Lincoln. Corporations Have Been Enthroned Abraham Lincoln's Prophecy Fake Lincoln Quotes

Sand Box John

Anonymous said...

Did he write it or not? I've seen the quote before, but never seen a copy of the letter in question.
I hope he didn't because that would answer my question of how he could show dismay at the very things he, as an epigone of Hamilton, wanted and achieved through the Civil War. Mr. Lincoln's war ended slavery, which had to be ended. It also ended real freedom for all Americans.

I have to believe Lincoln was smart enough not to rob the bank, then wonder where the money went!

Bob said...


It was with great pleasure that I read your comment. The Civil War has throughout history been said to have been fought over slavery when, in fact, it was an issue over States Rights. One only needs to read the statement made by Lincoln indicating that if he could bring the Union back together without freeing one slave, he would do it, to know that the war had nothing to do with slavery. Slavery was an evil practice which had reached the end of it's road. The ultimate goal of the Civil War was to create a totalitarianism which would run ONE nation behind the mask of a democracy.

I have enjoyed reading many quotes of Thomas Jefferson. It seems to me that he may have been one of the most intelligent people in American history. What troubles me, however, is that if he were alive today and were to make the same statements he made over 200 years ago, our current govt. would put him in the same category as....Randy Weaver, Timothy McVeigh, David Koresh, etc.

I do take exception to one of your statements. You stated that "We now quote Jefferson but do the bidding of Hamilton!" I know you meant that collectively but I think it requires further clarification. I don't do the bidding of Hamilton and my guess would be that you don't either. Politicians - from BOTH major political parties - do the bidding of Hamilton and the rest of us pay the price. These same politicians have taken us down a road that bears nothing but debt, endless war, entitlements to those who don't work, and oppression by an overbearing, evergrowing govt. The Democrats point their fingers at Bush for all the problems in the world and the Republicans point their fingers at a primarily Democrat House and Senate, yet We The People continue to pay the price. At every level of govt., our elected officials have chosen to completely ignore the will of the people. This constitues a tyranny that stands in the face of our constitution and defies the very cause of the battle for independence fought by our forefathers in 1776.

Anonymous said...

grand dad,

Thanks for your insightful comment. Yes, you are correct; I did mean that our national policies are Hamiltonian, not that "everyone" does the will of Hamilton. But, sadly, at least 90 percent of Americans don't have any idea who Hamilton was, what his vision for America was, or how Hamiltonian political phiolsophy differs from Jeffersonian political philosophy. In a nut shell: Look at American government, debt, and society; Hamilton would be pleased; Jefferson would turn over in his grave!

Thomas Augustus Littleton

Wymzie said...

There seems to be quite a bit of contention over whethel Lincoln actually made this statement. It would be fitting of him if he actually did.
He was not a popular president by any means, and their was an attempt made on his life before he arrived in Washington.
The war as Granddad stated was not about slavery but about states rights, and to not have a fed as big as we have now. He knew what would be the result of a stronger federal government.
He was also greatly manipulated and pressured by the big textile companies in the north, because they needed the cotton and the hemp that was grown in the south. However, the textile corporations did not want to pay the price that cotton growers were asking and they used slavery as there excuse. As a matter of fact many cotton producers were selling there cotton and hemp abroad and making far higher profits than they were by selling it in the north.
With the power to manipulate the government into war, the textile manufactures were able to head south and buy up the land for nothing after it was destroyed in the war, and not have to pay for the cotton at all.
History books elevate Lincoln to Sainthood, when the truth of the matter is that it wasn't about human beings at all. It was about what every war is always about....$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...


There is actually no debate about whether Lincoln was the author of that quote. The historical evidence is clear that he wasn't.