
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Handicapped Carts In WalMart & Sam's Club & Like Stores

One subject that I have not seen addressed since I've been reading your
blog is the need for more handicapped carts in the large stores, and
management seeing to it that the carts are charged and in running

My husband is handicapped enough that when we go to the larger stores,
unless it is a very good day for him, he usually needs to use a cart.
It has become a rare occasion anymore to find a workable cart. Today
while at the Fruitland WalMart he was about to get into one when a
younger woman cut him off and sat herself down and drove away. There
were two other carts but they were "out of order".

Also, another thing I would like to mention is the fact that there is no
place to sit down inside these stores and there needs to be benches
available for an older person or handicapped person to sit and rest. In
the Florida Walmart stores, they have benches inside the store in the
large space in front of the checkout counters. This works very well and
would benefit many shoppers.

I'd like to hear some comments from others who are experiencing the
same. Also, why are so many carts "out of order"??


Anonymous said...

because they dont care about anything but your money. will you stupid fools stop feeding the hand thats destroying you, will you ever get it, i dont think so anymore. this country is screwing itself, stop feeding these corporate monsters,

Anonymous said...

I just went to the Fruitland WalMart. From my list of 12 items (all of which they carry), I was able to find 3. Where the rest of the items should have been, I found blank, unstocked spaces. Is anyone else having this problem?

Anonymous said...

One problem is that people who are not handicapped, just lazy, are using these carts. I see it all the time.

Anonymous said...

"Today while at the Fruitland WalMart he was about to get into one when a
younger woman cut him off and sat herself down and drove away."

You old cripples just need to learn to move faster.

Anonymous said...

To 10:17 a.m. - Just wait, smart mouth, your turn may come. I thought I was going to be hale and hardy forever but that is not the case. Have a little compassion, please.

Anonymous said...

They'd have enough of these carts, if certain individuals would realize BEING FAT IS NOT A HANDICAP. That shit pisses me off like no other, they put there selves in that postion live with it.

Anonymous said...

Don't shop at Wal-Mart. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I shop at the Fruitland WM quite frequently and there are many benches in the front near the cash registers, at the rear of the store, and down the wide isle next to the food side.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think the stores have to provide any carts. If a person is handicapped I think they are aware of it before they go shopping. If the store does provide the courtesy of having a few carts available that is a bonus and should be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

too many of these carts are being used - not by handicapped people - but by fat, lazy people

Anonymous said...

If you want the carts, tell the Human Sperm Whales to get off and walk for once in there lives. I have actually seen one at the Northside store smoking the "FEMALE" was so large and heavy.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:19

Yes I have the same problem with items NOT being stocked and this goes on at both the fruitland and salisbury stores. I just keep firing off emails. If you go to at the very top it little font it says contact us. I email them every chance I get and it has helped with some items that were constantly out of stock

Anonymous said...

if you want to see over half of the walmart north staff go around back of the building and see the sit, bitch, and smoke bench.alot of salads are in order for this table . so until they eat or skip one i guess we will have to round up our own carts.

LetterWriter said...

I get annoyed that the only accommodation for people with more than one kid includes using some kind of attachment that gets hooked onto the front or back of the cart, oftentimes crooked, making it enormous and impossible to maneuver....and the stores that actually have those never have them someplace where you can find them. Shopping with more than one kid is NOT an easy task! Sam's club has carts that can seat two kids side-by-side where there would normally just be the one seat. More stores need those!

Anonymous said...

How about you learn to drive on the road, then worry about the carts, you damn cripples. Maybe don't take your morbidly obese husband out to a store that he can't walk in.

PS: Those handicap placards you hang from the rear-view mirror? They're illegal to have up while driving. I'm sure you're guilty of that.

Anonymous said...

I doubt it's cost effective for these stores to purchase and maintain these carts. I'm confident in saying that over 99 percent of the customers don't need the carts, and those that do aren't able to spend very much money, because they can't even afford their own motorized scooter. That's why you have trouble finding the carts. You act like it's the store's responsibility to provide these carts. It is absolutely not. As long as proper handicap entrance and egress points exist, these stores are in compliance with maryland and federal laws. It is simply not worth it. Shop somewhere else if you don't like it. It's your prerogative.

Anonymous said...

How about we get the fat people to stop riding these things? I see lots of people in Wal-mart who aren't disabled riding these carts. They are just lazy. Heck, if they walked a bit more, maybe they wouldn't be so fat

Anonymous said...

Not everyone who is fat is that way because they want to be, and being fat doesn't preclude you from having other health problems. By the same token, someone who is thin is not necessarily healthy either. And just because someone doesn't use a cane or a walker or wheelchair doesn't mean they don't have some type of disability. Take the case of my friends:
1. She is thin but can't walk more than 15-20 feet without becoming winded due to a congenital heart defect. But the f---ing government won't pay for a wheelchair for her!
2. She is fat because she can't exercise due to eroded hip sockets and knees. Her cartilage wore out when she was in her 20's and still and athlete! But she is allergic to anesthesia so can't get replacements. She is in a wheelchair paid for by Medicare.
3. Just a tad overweight and working hard to lose weight. Has bad knees, bad hips, a bad back, and feet that have both been broken, mostly due to accidents. Also has both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis in various parts of her body. But doctors say tough it out and won't give her a handicap card. On rare occasions when she is really hurting, she uses one of the carts if she can find it.
None of these people is over 65. The one on Medicare qualifies due to disability. They aren't old or lazy. They are all willing to work, but one was fired because she could no longer do the work, and is involved in a lawsuit thru the EEOC under the ADA. The other 2worked until their bodies gave out. To those of you making the comments about old, fat or lazy people, why don't you try practicing tolerance and empathy instead? There but for the grace of God go YOU.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One problem is that people who are not handicapped, just lazy, are using these carts. I see it all the time.

9:49 AM

A lot of people are fat and lazy and use these things. They are the ones that should be walking so they can burn those calories. They are nothing more than a walking, uh, a riding heart attack. America has become such a fat and lazy country.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't shop at Wal-Mart. Problem solved.

10:45 AM

ok, where do you suggest we shop?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not everyone who is fat is that way because they want to be, and being fat doesn't preclude you from having other health problems. By the same token, someone who is thin is not necessarily healthy either. And just because someone doesn't use a cane or a walker or wheelchair doesn't mean they don't have some type of disability. Take the case of my friends:
1. She is thin but can't walk more than 15-20 feet without becoming winded due to a congenital heart defect. But the f---ing government won't pay for a wheelchair for her!
2. She is fat because she can't exercise due to eroded hip sockets and knees. Her cartilage wore out when she was in her 20's and still and athlete! But she is allergic to anesthesia so can't get replacements. She is in a wheelchair paid for by Medicare.
3. Just a tad overweight and working hard to lose weight. Has bad knees, bad hips, a bad back, and feet that have both been broken, mostly due to accidents. Also has both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis in various parts of her body. But doctors say tough it out and won't give her a handicap card. On rare occasions when she is really hurting, she uses one of the carts if she can find it.
None of these people is over 65. The one on Medicare qualifies due to disability. They aren't old or lazy. They are all willing to work, but one was fired because she could no longer do the work, and is involved in a lawsuit thru the EEOC under the ADA. The other 2worked until their bodies gave out. To those of you making the comments about old, fat or lazy people, why don't you try practicing tolerance and empathy instead? There but for the grace of God go YOU.

8:26 PM

I have no sympathy for you....oops... I mean your "friends" especially after reading this part: "But the f---ing government won't pay for a wheelchair for her!"

What makes you think that you are deserving of slopping at the government trough. Get outside, exercise and eat a salad. All of these problems are a result of one thing, OBESITY and LAZINESS. Welcome to America.

Anonymous said...

I stopped shopping Walmart due to the fact that the shelves are not stocked and they never have anything I really need. I now shop Food Lion in Fruitland. Yeah, they are a wee bit more expensive. However, they also gave me one more thing that the Fruitland Walmart does not..Customer Service! Move down the road to Food Lion, you will not regret it!
As for the scooter/carts at Walmart. I too see many, many people riding the carts, then going out into the lobby and getting out and walking to their cars without a care, or ache or pain that can been seen. I am sure there are many people who use them that truly need them, but many who use them do not. In fact, on several occasions, I see them being ridden by young teenagers. As for obese people riding the carts, I too disagree with them utilizing this vehicle that is there for the handicapped. Fact is: morbid obesity is an enormous problem in this country...unfortunatly, it is only going to get worse with the prices of food going up each is cheaper to eat unhealthy.

Wymzie said...

I think a lot of good points were brought up in this discussion.
We are feeding the hand that is destroying us.
When I was a kid there were 4 major grocery stores in Pocomoke City not to mention the 1/2 dozen little markets throughout town.
I walked and rode my bike to the store for my Grandmother. She and my Granddad would walk to the fish market in the evenings and get fresh fish.
We have seen such a shift in our culture that none of these place exist any longer, and now everyone shops in a store that is far too big and has too many things, that we don't need.
Every store used to have a bench or two in the front, and with the size of Walmart they should have them in the front, middle and back.
My Granddad just can't walk it anymore, and it's ridiculous that these company's don't take this into consideration.
Eating healthy is expensive.
Dollar General in Pocomoke has expanded their grocery section and I go there more often than I used to, but outside of Milk, Eggs, Cheese and Bacon, they only stock canned and boxed foods of the sweet and salty varieties but no produce or frozen foods. I use very little canned or boxed foods and was surprised at how inexpensive these things were, but equally surprised at the nutritional charts.
It is a shame to see these things come full circle.
These towns were established before automobiles ruled and were planned to allow for pedestrian business. Now in these economic hard times we don't have the convenience of these little markets that ironically contributed to our health.

Chimera said...

A way to solve the problem would be to require shoppers needing those carts to "check in" at CS desk and obtain them.Sadly I never see older people using them-just very obese people and young kids goofing off.Dont get me wrong I am fat myself so I will not cast stones but dammit I walk because I need to.My husband has very bad knees and could use one but doesnt because they should only be used by people who just absolutely cannot get around otherwise.
And yes-every Walmart on the shore is always out of alot of stuff-I am thinking its purposeful because of the economy.

Anonymous said...

Save the carts for people with disabilities. Eating so much that your ankles touch the floor before your feet do is not anyones fault but your own and should not be accepted as a disability. The United States gets weaker by the day because we have removed personal responsibility for our wy of life. Skip a few meals and buy your own cart to haul wherever you go.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of carts in WalMart and Sam's Club, or for that matter any place else they may have them... They are a danger to the ambulatory patrons of the establishment. Kids get on them and race around the store heedless of other shoppers; Others use them to shop and just ride down the isles looking for the merchandise they want and never look to see where they are going or who may be there; when they decide that they passed the best priced item that they were searching for they back the darn thing up without looking. More than once I have had to jump out of the way of a motorized shopping cart because the "driver" was inattentive. One time I pulled a child from in front of a motorized cart that was being driven inattentively, startling the child, who began to cry, the (presumably) parent came charging over from the next aisle and proceeded to berate me for bothering her child as I was trying to calm the child down (the morotrzed cart had disappeared around the end of the aisle. You would have thought I was trying to kidnap the child.!! when actually I was trying to prevent injury. I am a gradmother, I acted out of instinct, not malace. It took a few minutes, but I finally got a chance to speak to the parent and explain what had happened and the child verified that there was a man on the motorized cart there, and the child wasn't hurt, just scared. The mother appologized, but I was embarassed and she had drawn several other shoppers who were watching the dialog. I would probably do the same again to protect a child, but, I may just try to stop the cart instead. Those carts are a menace!!!

Anonymous said...

It saddens me the way people of talked about obese, old and handicap people on this blog.

My Mom rides in one of those carts and yes she is overweight, but she's also older. She needs 2 knee replacements and a hip replacement. Not from being overweight, but from psoriatic arthritis. She was overweight and very active until this started about 4 years ago. My 89 year old Grandfather rides in ones of those carts. He works a 40 hour week more then some people can say at his age. Yet, he has psoriatic arthritis and needs knee replacements. His doctors don't want to do them because of his age. No he's not overweight he's 135 pounds. My Dad rides in one of those cart because after having aortic bypass surgery 4 years ago his legs were left numb and doesn't have control over his feet. He walks with braces on his legs and crutches. Is he overweight "NO".

Part of why this country is the way it is, is due to people not having compassion for other people. We can be down right cruel to each other which is evident by a lot of comments here. Skinny people don't understand overweight people and vice versa. Do you really think that overweight people want to be that way? If it was as easy as skinny people think it is to lose weight, I don't think anyone would be overweight. Before people go jumping all over me, yes I am overweight as well. Though I am overweight I am very healthy. No cholestrol problems, no blood pressure problems, no heart problems, no diabetes and knock on wood no arthritis at this time. Just because people are overweight that does not mean their bodies aren't healthy.

Then you have the elderly folks. I'm sorry elderly people in this country should not have to worry whether they are going to eat this month or take their medication. WE should be taking care of them. They at one time took care of US.

There are so many people in this country that try to claim they are disabled, that the ones who truly are disabled get a bad wrap. Truly disabled people should have closer parking spots and not have to park a mile away because of someone illegally parking in a handicap space. Have some respect people! Yes I have a handicap placard in my car, but if my Grandfather, Father or Mother are not with me I don't park in handicap. I can walk!

Anonymous said...

The point being made is most people who are overweight do not try to change things. How many times do I see large people eatting massive amounts of food at fast food establishments.

I spent quite a bit of time in Europe with the military, and for the most part no one is fat.

Portions are smaller at resturaunts, hell even the cans coming out of coke machines are smaller. They walk a lot more, they exercise. I don't care how active a large person is, when is the last time you tried to cut back on your intake, and still be active?

All in all your draining our society by raising healthcare costs, being large and overweight is far worse than being a smoker when it comes to healthcare. The French have a much longer life expectancy than us, yet they smoke and drink like no other?

And look at our youth, childhood obesity is out of control because of the way the parents feed there kids, and because there fatness is rubbing off on the kids. Then they get tormentted throughout school, and end up going psycho and killing someone because of there "low self esteem".

So this all goes back that people can control there weight and choose not to, and then wonder why our country is falling apart. Fat lazy I want someone for nothing is destroying our country. !!!

I wish we could trade every lazy american for a hardworking mexican. Well take one of there and send one of ours south of the border.

Anonymous said...

wymzie said...
I think a lot of good points were brought up in this discussion.
We are feeding the hand that is destroying us.
When I was a kid there were 4 major grocery stores in Pocomoke City not to mention the 1/2 dozen little markets throughout town.
I walked and rode my bike to the store for my Grandmother. She and my Granddad would walk to the fish market in the evenings and get fresh fish.
We have seen such a shift in our culture that none of these place exist any longer, and now everyone shops in a store that is far too big and has too many things, that we don't need.
Every store used to have a bench or two in the front, and with the size of Walmart they should have them in the front, middle and back.
My Granddad just can't walk it anymore, and it's ridiculous that these company's don't take this into consideration.
Eating healthy is expensive.
Dollar General in Pocomoke has expanded their grocery section and I go there more often than I used to, but outside of Milk, Eggs, Cheese and Bacon, they only stock canned and boxed foods of the sweet and salty varieties but no produce or frozen foods. I use very little canned or boxed foods and was surprised at how inexpensive these things were, but equally surprised at the nutritional charts.
It is a shame to see these things come full circle.
These towns were established before automobiles ruled and were planned to allow for pedestrian business. Now in these economic hard times we don't have the convenience of these little markets that ironically contributed to our health.

11:16 PM

Don't know if I know you, but Jimmy Abels had the best cold cut subs in town.

Deli City was a grease trap.

Hickman's Market was the place to buy beer if you were underage.

Jimmy Dooling had a hot daughter, oops... telling my age now.

When I was a kid there the only grocery stores were Acme on Market Street(near the old fire station), A&P (the new fire station), Then came Safeway in the Grant City Shopping center and I believe Meatland was somewhere there. Can't remember if it was in the Ames Shopping Center or not.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It saddens me the way people of talked about obese, old and handicap people on this blog.

My Mom rides in one of those carts and yes she is overweight, but she's also older. She needs 2 knee replacements and a hip replacement. Not from being overweight, but from psoriatic arthritis. She was overweight and very active until this started about 4 years ago.
3:33 PM

If you people honestly think that joint replacements for obese people aren't a cause of obesity you are fooling yourselves. The more calories you take in the more calories you have to burn. Learn to cut back.

What gets me is the fat people, um, gravitationally challenged people ordering supersize fries, 2 big mac's, an ice cream and a DIET COKE!! Oh boy, what a way to lose weight. The fast food restaurants are part of the blame for supersizing meals for 10 cents more, but we need to take ownership of our problems and exercise self control and cut back. Quit going into the Wawa's and other convenience stores and buying 5 gallon buckets of soda. That is the worst thing you can drink for the caloric intake.

Anonymous said...

How did this conversation about a lady's husband who needed a cart go to the overweight people in this country? Did she say he was overweight? NO! She said he was disabled. Do overweight people use the carts? YES, but that had nothing to do with her comment. Get a life people. Overweight people aren't the root of evil in this country as some of you seem to think. Some of you need to go in the Dr Phil house and learn to control your resentment of overweight people. Just be happy with your life and don't worry about anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How did this conversation about a lady's husband who needed a cart go to the overweight people in this country? Did she say he was overweight? NO! She said he was disabled. Do overweight people use the carts? YES, but that had nothing to do with her comment. Get a life people. Overweight people aren't the root of evil in this country as some of you seem to think. Some of you need to go in the Dr Phil house and learn to control your resentment of overweight people. Just be happy with your life and don't worry about anyone else.

8:44 AM

Look fat ass, we obviously hit a soft spot and if the truth hurts than so be it. Get a life and call Jenny Craig.....

Director J. Burkhart said...

There is a reason why most haters are "anonymous" because they're afraid someone might hurt them. Where I can't think of a better reason to just ignore anything they have to say. There is already enough hate in this world which claims new victims everyday. So why continue perpetrating it when someday we may all find ourselves its next target.

Anonymous said...

all those haters of fat people you worry about the state of this country its people like you who cannot handle other peoples differences that are the downfall of the human race - yes i am fat i also have to use handicap carts because of a spinal cord injury caused by a careless person who has no concern who hit the back of my car so it was not my fat that caused my problem so stop being so judgemental you don't know what everyone's situation is and we should all except differences in people even though we do not like it learn to tolerate it - excuse me but that is a character flaw yes flaw in your personality to not be able to have tolerance for peoples handicaps so deal with it like we fat and handicapped people deal with your intolerance and yes walmart could definately afford to have better upkeep on their carts and stock and it not as easy as you think to have your own scooter everyone does not have a vehicle that accommodates and cannot afford to buy one so check out the facts before you comment

wordsworth1 said...

You "fat" haters, "cripple" haters and all the other haters of handicapped folks have overlooked one thing, because hating others obviously keeps you so busy pleasuring yourselves. YOU are ALL MENTALLY handicapped. So, call SSI and "get a life!" You can walk and are all skinny as hell, I'm sure, but can you think? You've proved by your comments on this forum that the answer to that is ABSOLUTELY NOT! (not only that, but most of you can't spell, either)

Theadora said...

Fact is that people through no fault of their own have physical limitations. Both my husband and I have disabilities which are a result of an accident for my husband and an autoimmune disease for me.
I want to respond to the person who assumed that these people have little money to spend. LMAO You are so wrong.
Then buy your own cart, right? Well where do you put your purchases if your vehicle has 2 carts in it? Besides these carts do not have baskets large enough to put your purchases.
Of course my answer to the problems about assisting handicapped customers is this, I don't shop there.
We had an incident at Sams over the electric carts last night and well, good by Sams. I'll shop where I'm treated with dignity. We may be handicapped but we are human beings.
To all the people who show their lack of compassion for those with disabilities, remember that in a split second you could have your healthy bodies smashed up and find yourself requiring an electrical cart.
Some of these comments sound like the philosophy of the Nazis in Germany. My body might be crippled, but my soul isn't.
For the person who posted this comment, I suggest you talk to the manager of the store or get on your computer and find their central customer service and make a complaint.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, what's happened to tolerance, and share the love, and be politically correct and don't be hatin' and what?? - oh yeah, right - for everybody but FAT PEOPLE. Word.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, people just continue to surprises me. For us its the opposite.

I have 2 parents that are really handicapped. My mother is on crutches because of a broken leg and my father had a stroke that causes a disconnection on half of his body.

So therefore, they need to use the carts when they would go into Walmart. I tell ya, the nerve of some people. Just yesterday, had a guy went up to me and said, "Can you tell your parents not to backup the cart anymore? I have sensitive ears."

REALLY??? I was shocked that someone actually was that selfish when they are not handicapped at all.

My response to him was, "Have you heard of ear plugs? It's in the pharmacy aisle."

Anonymous said...

The one thing that is clear,you can take care of your caustic and ignorant comments, by asking yourself this question, if this was my grandmother,grandfather ...mother or father ,my child would I be so cynical if you were to answer yes then maybe you need to be where these people have as you don't seem to have to weathered any storms or problems assured the day will come, and you'll live to see the day in the usa.

Jenxr77 said...

For everyone who is judging people by how they look I would be very careful where you tread. One year ago I was in the gym 3 times a week, a young, thin healthy mother of two. Last summer after catching the flu, I developed an autoimmune disorder that attacks my muscles. I do not look disabled but there are many days when I would not be able to shop if it were not for assistive devices. I do not accept them as a right but rather a kind convenience. I have not purchased a motorized wheelchar but have a walker with a basket if a cart is not available. I have noticed the dirty looks when I have to take the cart. Last year at this time I was just as ignorant and had the same thoughts as many of these posters. Another thing I have learned is that one of the main meds to treat neuromuscular autoimmune disorders is prednisone which is a steroid. While I have been fortunate enough to have not gained weight on this med many patients have. Not only are they saddened by the limitations brought on by their disease but their bodys don't look like they used to. I urge each and everyone of you to hold your tongue and your stares in the future, for tomorrow it could be yourself or a loved one who falls to the same fate.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

My wife just had foot surgery and has been cooped up in the house for 4 weeks, the only way she will be able to shop today is with one of those motorized carts.

Anonymous said...

For those of you dissing teenagers riding those carts. Did you ever give a care to think that maybe they have chronic back pain or hip pain or even let pain from a previous accident. I mean heck I am almost to the point of usin one in Walmart jet because Walmart is so big and it hurts my back to much to walk super far in that place and before you say see a doctor I can tell you that I don't have enough money for that. I am not trying to get sympathy I don't want anyone's sympathy I am just saying there are legitimate reasons for teenagers to use it. I mean yes my back hurts bad but no I don't show I normally when I am just walking around.

Anonymous said...

most of you are idiots, did you ever consider that people who have limited mobility may be fat because of that. I was injured in a car accident. I struggle every day to keep my weight down. I can't shop without a power cart. How would you like that. Idiots

Anonymous said...

Such lazy people. When I had two broken legs and hip at the same time, i still had enough pride to walk slow around the store rather than riding like some fat pigs that i see all the time that cant miss a meal. Because if they did, they would not be able to get their disables that they in flick on them self's. But they usually die young witch takes the burden of us that work to pay for them.

Anonymous said...

Jerk, how are we supposed to live. The groceries do not just appear in our kitchen. Learn some compassion, empathy before it is to late. Galax, Va

Anonymous said...

It should be the responsibility of the store to offer a means for every tax paying person to be able to live.

Cali65 said...

I read with interest this blog. It has been 8 years since written and things for the handicapped have gotten worse. I spent one hour and twenty minutes waiting for a cart in WalMart. They only have four. Two weren't working, the other ones were horrible. One could only go forwards or backwards before giving you whiplash when it stopped. The other one could be heard beeping all over the store because it wouldn't hold a charge. Ironically, this store has 16 handicapped parking spaces. Another note, they put up shelters from the sun over most parking spaces, however, handicapped spaces were not included. They definitely need more benches, one does not cut it. When the manager was asked why they couldn't provide better carts she said they were too expensive...imagine that! I have stopped shopping at some of these stores because I have been disabled for 16 years and getting into the store is difficult.