While Developers are once again lining up for annexations and new developments recently, let's look at past history and see just how your City Council and Mayor are treating you Folks.
Let's take Westwood for example. Where's the Water Tower they promised? Oh, that's right, they nixed that idea. That seemed to be just fine with the former City Council with exception of Debbie Campbell, who seemed to see right through the BS.
The next thing we knew the Westwood Industrial Park project offered to pay $1,5,000.00 to the City to have them build it. Everyone calmed down at that point because that seemed to be OK. Well guess what? They reneged on that offer as well and now there's no money on the table at all for a much needed Water Tower.
Gee, I wonder why you haven't read anything about that in the Tilghman Times? Now let's cap this story off with this. You do know that the Developer did in fact receive their Developer Reimbursement, yet there's NO Water Tower!
Keep it up Comegys and Tilghman, because we're onto your BS and every time there's questions to be asked at any Mayoral Forum, these are the kind of questions you'll be confronted with. That is, unless the Mayor pulls it off like the last time, only allowing the questions they want answered so the Public isn't aware of their games.
It's time for a major change in Salisbury Folks and this time it's going to be up to you. Don't look for the handshakes, smiles and false promises because it will be business as usual should Comegys win as Mayor.
Is Shanie awake in that pic??
As the outskirts of the city grow, the center city rots.
We build a city, then build bypasses around it causing business to relocate to the traffic flow while the inner city degrades.
shanie is brain dead it's hard to tell at any given time
I had a court house employee tell me that the city has long term plans on turning the college appartments at the end of Onley Road into section 8 housing in 4 or 5 years. He said the city gets money for section 8 housing? If this is so??? The source is an honest person who repeated what they heard in a closed door work session. Shouldn't the community be made aware of the city's plans for that area. If I lived on Onley Road I would want to know. The residents of that road have had their once quiet neighborhood turned into a zoo for the benefit of a few developers. Once again the city looking out for its citizens.(not) My parents live on that street and are in their 80's, they can't move away and they must keep everything locked up or tied down so it won't walk away. What will that area be like in 4-5 years. Barie's Legacy...destroy city neighborhoods.
Unfortunately we should be surprised. Ashamed yes but surprised no. While the city is absolutely excited about annexing look at what I have found: the city's residence has grow 14.4% from 200 to 2006 (census figures) I haven't been able to find the number of new police or fire/ambulance people employed by the city, I have been told by an officer that the number of police hasn't changed in over 10 years. Once again a complete unbalance of coverage. How large is Comegy's and the Mayor's living room because the carpet that this stuff is brushed under must have a hump a mile high by not
Great comments about the slum within. Salisbury is following the same stupid path of bigger cities with blighted cores.
And then they gush about all the "progress." Makes me sick.
10:06--Try about 25 years. There has been no increase in officers at the SPD since 1984. Remember 1984? When all that was north of Zion Rd was wooded area and corn fields? Now they want to add 95 more single family homes in the Westwood project. If Bubba does get elected (God forbid) just know it will be business as usual because Gary = Barrie.
If a court house (sic) employee repeated what he/she heard during a closed door work session, then that employee could be fired. It is my understanding that the only things that can be discussed in "closed" meetings is pending or potential litigation. And any employee or other person who is privileged to this info is also sworn to keep the info in the room. And no, I am not siding with Gary=Barrie, just staing what I believe is the truth. Joe, am I right?
Shanie is awake, maybe. While all the others at least have their briefing books open, and C &C are actually reading them, Shanie is possibly in a coma induced by the lack of chocolate. At the very least, she is bored, bored, bored. Or is that she has never learned how to read and is trying to hide this from everyone?
im getting to the point where i just dont care anymore.
yeah that fart she ripped woke shanie up oh lawd
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