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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Delmar Police Department Collective Bargaining Passes 86 Yes, 34 No.

The very controversial special election on Collective Bargaining for the Town of Delmar Police Department is finally over and the Citizens have spoken.

With more than 8,000 residents, 2,800 of them are registered voters, yet only 120 people came out to vote.

Nonetheless, this Police Department will finally have some leverage and with any hope things will start to change for the better in the near future.

More to come........


Anonymous said...

Where the heck is Delmat, and why do we care about this place???

Anonymous said...

outstanding, congrats guys,

Anonymous said...

talk about my spellin, joe you nippin grandmas tonic buddy?

Anonymous said...

What will be interesting will be to see what the Delmar Delaware Council does.
Will they remain in lock step with the Maryland side or will they say enough is enough.
It is my understanding this election does not bind the Delaware Council as it does the Maryland side.
Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Maybe SPD needs to look at DELMAR

Anonymous said...

i care because it our little slice of everyday life from yesterday buddy. and its called delmurr.

Anonymous said...

That is great, they only had 85 people show up in the last election, that shows people care about the police in Delmar. Way to go guys.

Anonymous said...

To you 34 people who voted no, you will be surprised how well it will work and better your protection and city. To the 86 people, thank you for supporting the Delmar Police officers. Delamr you are on your way to better and better protection.

Salisbury you are next........

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe for your coverage, most of the Delmar council sure didn't want people to know. Thanks to the new voices for your support.

Anonymous said...

Come on...R & T are next to each other on the keyboard. Give the guy a break for Chris' Sakes.

Anonymous said...

One hundred out of 8,000 .....pleasethe lowest voter turn out I have ever heard of, I am sorry so very sorry that only 100 plus folks are all that care. I am ashamed. And 7,900 people in Delmar should be ashamed.. People are dying every day to progtect your right to vote, and you do not even bother.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
What will be interesting will be to see what the Delmar Delaware Council does.
Will they remain in lock step with the Maryland side or will they say enough is enough.
It is my understanding this election does not bind the Delaware Council as it does the Maryland side.
Only time will tell.

8:20 PM"

The Delaware side doesn't have to do anything. The State of Delaware already has collective bargaining.

Anonymous said...

i am out
of city limits but delmurr is my home. seems like a hundred and some people did what salisbury cant do. democracy at its finest if you ask me. the people who participated have been heard. delmurr isnt salisbury and our bullets didnt come from mall-mart. delmurr rules!!!

Anonymous said...

Not that it's much better but 86 + 34 = 120 voters, not 110. Congrats Delmar PD.

Anonymous said...

now we need to get the judges and the states lawyers to lock up the people who the police arrest. it doesnt seem like a hard task, why have we complicated it so. have we created a spoiled nation? are we arrogant by nature? time for a reality check.

Anonymous said...

I am happy for Delmar, and glad that the turnout was higher than last time. But it is still a sad state of affairs when only about 4% of the registered voters turn out. I hope and pray that Salisbury wakes up and does better than this next year for the mayoral and council election.

Anonymous said...

at the end of the day, lets be happy for what weve got. lets love our wives or husbands, lets love our kids, and lets understand how lucky we are to be to be able to love our grand-kids. at the end of the day were all stilled blessed by the tumblers graces. i thank all of you for the ability to share my thoughts, thanks joe. from the heart buddy.

Anonymous said...

Watch your next one or two tax bills Delmar. You will see you just made a HUGE mistake.
One of the Commissioners apparently didn't even read the fine print of the resolution and now says that's not what they voted many of you who voted yes to this had all the information to make an informed vote. Did you bother to find out how all of this will be paid for? TAXES...going UP....that's the only way.
The first bill the town will have to pay from this action is over $150,000 just to put the labor code agreement together just for the police department. They will have to hire a big money lawyer from off the shore to do the agreement....and our tax dollars will have to pay for it. In the meantime, this money probably was not what gets cut?
I hope a few officers get cut myself...they have made fools of the elected officials in this town and the Town they will make fools out of those they are supposed to SERVE and PROTECT. more thing...the tax increase will not affect ANY of the officers because I found out NOT ONE of them live inside Delmar town they don't care what the impact is.

Anonymous said...

your a control freak too. nice to have someone to play with joe.

Anonymous said...

According to, the estimated population of Delmar, DE and Delmar, MD is approximately 4000 as of 2006. I doubt the population has doubled in 2 years. Also, just because you have a Delmar address does not mean you live in town limits and are eligible to vote in town elections. That being said, it is still pathetic that just over 100 people voted and to be honest, if it wasn't for this website, I wouldn't have known there was a vote today and I live just outside of Delmar. Congrats to DPD, you guys work hard and deserve to be compensated and recognized for it!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:59

"Thanks Joe for your coverage, most of the Delmar council sure didn't want people to know. Thanks to the new voices for your support."

Isn't that the truth?! We didn't even know about voting today (or where to go) and the signs that were around town looked like the bottom had been chopped off so we thought they were "Vote for Obama" signs with the "Obama" cut off the bottom by someone... Glad it passed, upset we couldn't have added a few more "yes" votes to that tally!

Anonymous said...

I live and breathe in Delmar...seems to me...if you aren't in the 'know,' then you don't know...
Is there a possible 'do-over?'

Anonymous said...

How can anyone honestly say they didn't know a vote was coming up...and be someone who really cares to begin with. Geesh.
It was in the newspaper (Daily Times) as a public announcement, it was in the Delmar Town Newsletter, it was on the Delmar Police was on the Town of Delmar was all over the local blogs...and it was in the minutes from the council meetings.
Wake up people and stop blaming others because your head was in the sand.
Nobody tried to hide anything from just didn't pay attention.

Anonymous said...

"The first bill the town will have to pay from this action is over $150,000 just to put the labor code agreement together just for the police department. They will have to hire a big money lawyer from off the shore to do the agreement....and our tax dollars will have to pay for it.
10:25 PM"

Well, from what I hear $150g's is almost chump change to a town that has an excess of $ into the millions. But I think the excess will be no more now that this has passed. We will now see new streets in the Town of Delmar (we do need them) as they try to blow the money to assure the cops get nothing.

Anonymous said...

anon 10: 25 pm - Taxes will not be raised because of this, the tax rate of .676 should stay the same - So whomever is telling you otherwise is misinformed themselves, or just stirring the pot - fyi we have the lowest tax rate for any town on the lower shore with a police department. ask any towns that have a coolective bargaining agreement, i called ocean city and asked, no increase due to police .

anon 11:46 am - there were 3 street projects told to be by one of our commissioners , Foskey , South penn, and walnut (which are some of the worst streets in town) these were approved in the budgets from 2007, and 2008 to be completed sometime in the near future - at least the moneys already there.
also these officers were given a $2,500 raise in january 2008 and are due another $2,500 raise in january 2009 - which means every officers salary will be raised $5,000 from 2007 to 2009 not including cola raises and promotions.

its not quite as bad as some one wants you to think, be glad that after some 20 years a few streets will be paved, i know i am & i know who to thank....and they havent been here 20 years.

Anonymous said...

And the police think that is not enough money.
How many of you get that much raise year after year after year...for doing the same job....PLUS the 4% COLA...PLUS one of the best insurance plans they would get anywhere on the shore...oh...but that doesn't count.
As expenses go up....the money either has to come from cuts in services, cut in employees or increase in taxes or other fees.
The collective bargaining WILL increase the costs...with this department...cause they are never satisfied.
If I was as unhappy as they say they are...I'd find another job.

Anonymous said...

As the wife of a Delmar Police Officer, I must disagree with 4:42.
My husband has been a Police Officer for many years for the town and let me just say his pay check for last week was 384.89. He pays 129.83 a week for the wonderful health insurance NOT. I just paid 2600.00 for dental work that his ins. did not cover and had braces put on our daughter in the amount of 5800.00 that his ins. did not cover. They have a Health Savings Plan that denies everything we submit.So 4:42 you have no clue. You tell me how you can survive on 384.89 a week. Let me just say I support my husbands decision to stay with the Delmar Police Dept., he loves what he does and is a very dedicated employee. Just keep in mind he puts on a bullet proof vests, wears a gun everyday to protect the citizens of delmar, leaves his family at night,misses out on birthdays, PTA meetings, dinner with his family and works Christmas and Thanksgiving to protect you and you want to say that he makes TOO MUCH MONEY. I agree, he needs to go elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:25 PM, all I can say is...You go girl!!

Anonymous said...

5:25 Now that's a damn shame!!! I work at the local kmart and make more than that. My health insurance covered my braces. I don't put my life on the line everyday. Criminals don't seek out my family for revenge. I am home everynight. 5:25 I admire your support to you husband but 384.89 is not worth his life!!!! What the heck is wrong with these people!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you girl.....How can anyone deny these heros a pay raise. They risk their lives everday to protect us and our families. This should be one of highest paid profession in my opinion and its a damn shame that it isn't. How can anyone live on a salary like this? Bet you the top dogs couldn't live on this salary. Maybe should share some of their wopping paychecks with the ones who really deserve it.