GO HERE for the full article in the Frederick News Post.
The 83 year old Doctor who wrecked his Plane last weekend in Ocean City returned to Frederick, Maryland only to be arrested for the above charges.
Robert D. Crouch Sr. told the woman "everyone needs sex" because "it's just like breathing," according to charging documents filed in Frederick County District Court.
The woman, a student at Hood College, told police that Crouch had sexually assaulted her several times, the documents state. However, she did not report the earlier incidents, when he demanded sexual favors, because she worried about becoming homeless.
Click above to see the whole story, it's unbelievable.
Told ya
The old fart should get a metal, not face charges.
heck yeah 214! how bout time mags man of the year?!
he looks like a broken soul...
I think he will at least lose his FAA license when the investigation is finished....83 years old and forgetting to place gear down!! younger pilots have lost FAA docs for less serious offenses
Heres my question-why is ANY 83 year old man,much less one who apparently "tokes up",doing with a pilots license ???????'
And dont think this is the first victim-as old he is he is bound to have a history of being a lecherous perv.Doctors are supposed to be ethical and unbiased and trustworthy.You know,the opposite of lawyers ......lol
Reminiscent of that scumbag Indian Doc in that used to practice at TLC in Princess Anne. Women just don't want to come forward in most cases and these perverts know it. That's why they do what they do.
tokes-up, girl you got some history to, huh. tokes-up ha, ha, ha.
Cruggly-blame that expression on watching too many Cheech & chong flicks in my formative yrs lol
Anon 8:33
That "scumbag Indian doctor in Princess Anne" whom you are referring to was cleared of any wrongdoing.He is working very hard to re-establish the medical career that was destroyed by false accusations.
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