General Membership Luncheon
Where: Ramada Inn ( Salisbury )
When: Thursday July 17, 2008 @ Noon
Cost: $15.00
Guest Speaker: Frank Kratovil, the Democratic Candidate for the First Congressional District
R.S.V.P. by Noon on July 15, 2008 by replying to this e-mail, thanks!!
410-749-0144; fax-410-860-9925; chamber@salisburyarea.com
Just what the economy needs, another tax and spend Liberal.
Or another spend and don't tax conservative (like our past 3 republican presidents).
I wonder if he will use the shores mass transit to get to this meeting? Because growing our mass transit system is his solution to our energy crisis.Isn't that just a wonderful solution to this rural area. You know for sure now he really is just a western shore carpetbagger. What a mental giant!
does it really make a damn bit of differance anymore, they all sell us out one way or another. puppets on a string.
so, he's a "western shore carpetbagger" now? Andy Harris is from Cockeysville... talk about your western shore carpetbaggers.
Of course, when people don't actually have an argument to make, and they want to engage in knee-jerk bs, they accuse people of stupid things. Good job!
knee-jerk BS? Kratovil's positions on things are poorly thought out and very basic. He basically toes the liberal line, unless he thinks it will sound bad, then he changes his mind. He is from the John Kerry/Barack Obama school of PR...if they disagree, just make up a stance they like!!!! Pander pander pander... His position on immigration is poor, his position on energy is poor, and his position on Iraq is just plain wrong!
hope his promises hold up better than his signs, seen his sign at gordo mart....lmao, pray for more acts of God
I wonder if he will use the shores mass transit to get to this meeting? Because growing our mass transit system is his solution to our energy crisis.Isn't that just a wonderful solution to this rural area. You know for sure now he really is just a western shore carpetbagger. What a mental giant!
11:59 AM
See, this stuff kills me. I spent YEARS listening to people complain that we had no mass transit. Now that we do, people complain about that. I suspect that if Kratovil happened to be anti-transit, and Harris happened to be pro-transit, that comment would have never been posted.
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