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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Is The City Cheating PAC 14?

Before I get started on this, I'd like to make my position quite clear. I think PAC 14 is a fabulous project that provides a great service to everyone in the community, that takes advantage of it, absolutely free of charge. I also, don't have an issue with the requested 85 cents per month increase in cable service, to pay for a larger, better equipped, state of the art, community media center either. In fact, I support it. For more, in depth information about their servicessite

This post is not to promote PAC 14 as much as it is to maybe wake up a few people in this town, especially those folks over at PAC 14. Having said all of that, lets get down to brass tacks.

Recently Mike Goodson, from PAC 14 appeared at a special work session, before the 3 bobble headed council members, making his pitch for the proposed 85 cent increase. Before PAC 14 or anyone, for that matter, trusts another word out of this city administration they might want to consider asking some pretty hard questions and demanding solid answers, not the standard "WE'LL GET BACK TO YOU ON THAT" crap. The answers should be in the form of documents such as actual revenues received from Comcast, then take the formula, which is part of the Municipal Code, Title 5 to be precise 5.22.270 Franchise fee , and figure out exactly what was owed them annually, then compare it to their own receipts from the city. (I don't have a certificate on the wall or anything like that but, doesn't municipal code mean LAW?) Just thought I'd ask.

If I were Mike Goodson or anyone at PAC 14, I think I'd go all the way back to the first year Barrie Tilghman took office, 1998 and start auditing everything to this day forward. In 3 quarters of this year Comcast paid the city $232,089, the most recent check received, that I am aware, was May 13 for a total of $79,453. (Honestly, I don't know if that most recent check was part of the first 3 quarters or not, let's assume it is.) The city projected $75,000 so they were off by $4,453, this quarter. How many quarters have they been off prior and for how much? How many years have they been off? I don't care who you are, those nickles and dimes add up. If they have nothing to hide they'll give you honest, straight answers. Oh, sorry, we're talking about the city administration, what the hell was I thinking? If you doubt my words Mr. Goodson, just listen to John Pick and Pam Oland plainly state, in their own voices, they NEVER make up the difference in revenue. You get a percentage of what they project. Not one cent more, even if it is owed to you, they DO NOT settle up at the end of the year.

Of course it had to be that thorn in Barrie's a$$, Mrs. Debbie Campbell, that just had to ask the question, of Pick and Oland. Why, would Debbie ask this question? Could it be due to the fact she is a duly appointed representative to the PAC 14 board? A couple of our council members DO take their appointments seriously. What a novel concept.

I do have a lot of questions, well a few anyway, maybe some of you legal eagles, LEO's or accounting types would be willing to answer? Is it really a smart idea to cut a few grand from a PUBLIC UTILITY franchise fee payment because, you're to lazy to figure out the actual amount owed? Isn't there something like federal laws that apply to public utilities and franchise fees? Can someone please explain to me how the numbers projected went down when every blade of grass a developer wanted annexed into city limits was approved, the housing stock has increased and they're all wired for cable, in most areas? How about the newer University housing at the end of Onley Road? Aren't they wired for cable? Is it possible SU is giving the students free cable? (I don't have a CPA license on the wall or nothing like that but, doesn't an increase in subscribers mean an increase in revenue for Comcast? Wouldn't this equate to an increase in revenue in the city franchise fees?) Looks like basic math to me, guess I don't need that CPA license after all. Maybe I'll work harder at getting one of those QUEEN OF TIF'S certificates like Pammie has on her wall. Having that certificate sure seems to cover her a$$, especially at audit time. That's the way it appears to me and many, many others.

A lot of things have happened and a lot of GOOD, HONEST people have been fired or got fed up and resigned, since Barrie took office. They weren't good enough for "you didn't support me, I'll get even" Barrie Tilghman. If, the truth were ever to be told, I would bet the reason Barrie got rid of all those good men was because they brought their cajones to work with them. She just couldn't have that.

So, what have you got to say for yourself Barrie? Nevermind, we've heard it far to often. As always, you take full responsibility, blah, blah, blah. NEWSFLASH: That responsibility and $2 will get you a cup of coffee, somewhere.

In the meantime, the city is in ruins, and, as one lady put it at a recent budget hearing, "we're fast forward to bankruptcy". Turn the TV off once in a while and show up in person at a council meeting. It will drive Barrie absolutely insane, especially if she doesn't know who you are.

NOW is the time for something she and her flunkies fear the most. Demand it with me folks. Ready? 1...2...3...ACCOUNTABILITY


Anonymous said...

Since we are discussing accountability.
Has anyone outside of the inner circle been briefed on the Forensic Audit of the Land Fill. I was under the impression the reason for the Audit was to disclose the magnitude of the monetary loss. Additionally it was my understanding deficiencies,if any, within the Counties Financial Audit division would be revealed.
It genuinely intrigues me as to how and investigation of a crime this big just falls off the news table.

Anonymous said...

It doersn't just fall off the news table Anon, it gets hid by the queen of deception and you know who that is! Yes, EarlsSister we sure do need some Accountability for this city government, but we will never see it until we rid ourselves of the bunch we have in there, with two exceptions of course! And your right to ask about the Land Fill accounability that was to be forthcoming. Just what have they found and how much was taken illegally? And who is going to take responsibility for this farce?

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

If I get this right, the City of Salisbury knowingly isn't paying PAC14 its full percentage required by law????

What agency should be looking into this? That's criminal!

Anonymous said...

EarlsSister, this is troubling, to say the least. Why didn't the auditors catch this? Why isn't PAC14 raising hell about this?

Where is the law enforcement? Is this something Mike Lewis could go after, like he did the landfill? Lot of customers in the county.

I don't have a clue how this works, but I did look up the Federal Communications Commission online.

There's complaint information at this link and see below. Will this help?

PHONE: Our Consumer & Mediation Specialists are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET to answer your questions and assist you in filing a complaint. Call toll-free at 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) voice or 1-888-TELL- FCC (1-888-835-5322) TTY.

For all the other methods, download/print the complaint form:
›› Form 2000A English (PDF)
›› Form 2000A Español (PDF)

POSTAL: Send your complaint to the following address, making sure to include copies of all supporting information.

Federal Communications Commission
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
Consumer Complaints
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

FAX: The completed complaint form may be faxed toll-free to: 1-866-418-0232. Be sure to include all required information to prevent delay in the processing of your complaint.

EMAIL: You may email your completed complaint form and supporting documents to

Anonymous said...

I am almost afraid to comment on this post. These are some serious charges. The included audio and documentation is hard to deny.

Anonymous said...

lets have them arrested at the Tawes fest., that might get the rest of them on the ball for awhile!

Anonymous said...

why would pac14 raise any hell when they're gonna get $.85 cents PER SUBSCRIBER...?

Recks Read said...

Your town leaders and Charter working hard to censor the voice of the people. That what this is about. Slime bags ripping off public access center, a community resource. How seedy.